View Full Version : I'm in agony right now...

04-24-2007, 09:06 PM
I don't know why I'm posting this. I'm sitting on my bed right now on the verge of tears, the pain in my knee is so bad.

I also have a pinched nerve in my neck causing my left arm and first three fingers to tingle. My doctor has prescribed Tramadol for the pain in my knee and an anti-inflammatory for the swelling until I can get to the orthopedic surgeon.

I had a nerve conduction study done a while back. The orthopedic surgeon said there were two options: traction or surgery. I tried traction and it didn't work. The latter scares the crap out of me.

I was diagnosed with osteoperesis in my right femur. I am not sure if it is a contributing factor in my knee pain. I have an appt with the orthopedic surgeon on May 25th.

I don't want to be on drugs anymore. I don't like them. The Tramadol makes me loopy (okay, loopier than than usual :p ) and really doesn't work. The anti-inflammatory does a marginal job. I don't want knee replacement surgery because of the recovery time and the fact that I live ALONE in a third floor apartment.

I have a friend who lives in NY and is a a licensed accupuncturist. I'm going to NYC next week to visit another friend and am going to see if Brendan thinks it will help me.

I'm only 54, but right now I feel OLD :( I'm tired of feeling this way. :(

I'm sorry to rant so much, but I just feel like crap right now. I guess I'm asking for some PT prayers. If I feel this bad at 54, I can't WAIT to see how I feel in another 25 years from now.

Thanks for listening guys.

04-24-2007, 09:12 PM
I am right there with you girlfriend. As you know I am in agony too, its sure no fun. I did get a referral to an orthopedic surgeon so I am waiting for them to call me. I am so desperate I am ready for surgery I just want the pain gone. Have you tried some capacian cream? Its basically the hot part of the peppers but it does bring me some relief, it is sort of like ben gay but doesn't smell.

I hope you get to feeling better soon, I know its no fun :(

Queen of Poop
04-24-2007, 09:22 PM
I am sorry you are suffering so. I tried accupuncture for my carpal tunnel, no go, no relief. Maybe a bad accupuncturist? I don't know. I continue to suffer with it.

04-24-2007, 09:26 PM
I'm so sorry for you both.

Donna: I've got a pinched nerve and tingly left arm myself. Have you considered a chiropractor? I've had one visit and it's already helped. Also, use ice packs on your back and neck. 15 minutes on, 2 hours off, when you can. Hope that helps some. As for your knee, have you tried MSM? Way before humans were using it, we were using it on our horses and it works great! I hope your pain goes away. I know it's not fun hurting. I addded you on Yahoo. Get my message?

04-24-2007, 09:37 PM
I'm so sorry you are in such pain, Donna! I hope the doctor(s) can find some relief for you soon! Is there any chance of transferring to a downstairs apartment in your building out of medical necessity???


04-24-2007, 09:46 PM
Oh DONNA! I didn't know you had such pain.

Osteoporosis...I don't know how much calcium you get in your diet, but sometimes people don't absorb it all. Having a good Calcium tab with vitamin D and magnesium in it really increases the absorption.

A fellow at my church has had two knee replacements, as well as a neighbour near me - and the new knees these days seem to work really well, though you have to take it easy for a while...

I think you are getting some medical disability? Could they be of any help in supplementing income if you have the surgery and are off? Or if you found a main-floor apt that you could afford, might they help you with that?

Can't hurt to ask them.

{{{{{hugs}}}}} I hope a solution comes your way soon!

04-24-2007, 09:52 PM

Kym Goodnow's hubby Jasper recommended a bunch of homeopathic remedies that I'm going to try. I'll try just about ANYTHING at this point. I just want the pain and tingling to GO AWAY!!!

Chiropractors scare me. I've gone to them many times. I don't like it. I actually feel worse afterwards.


I don't plan on being here forever. If it comes down to knee replacement surgery, I'll probably have to go into a rehab center till I'm fully recovered. I'll have to find someone to care for my cats. But that's a long way off, I hope.


I hope you also find the relief you need. This really sucks :( Let me now what your doctor says. I'll be very interested to see what he thinks.

04-24-2007, 10:27 PM
Gosh, I'm sorry you're in so much pain. :( I can't even begin to imagine what it must be like, but observing my sister and her pain of AVN (avascular necrosis) was just heartbreaking (apparently doctors compare AVN pain to bone cancer pain), so I really feel for people with pains such as these. My sister's hips got so bad that she had to have both her hips replaced...she's only 33 (but had these surgeries about 2 years ago). :(

Pain management can be (pardon the pun) a pain to figure out, especially when there are so many options that may/may not work. I've always been leery of chiropractors as well, but it wouldn't hurt to try the homeopathic remedies and acupuncture.

Although it's scary, the knee surgery might be something to consider in the future. If it helps you to feel better and lose the pain, it will be worth it.


04-24-2007, 10:50 PM
You'll be in our prayers.

04-24-2007, 10:58 PM
Donna, your fur and furless will come here we have already talked of this. You need to get your pain under control, love you. Call me if you need me.
oh yeah and quit whining :p

hugs hun,

04-24-2007, 11:43 PM
I had no idea you were in such agony, either, Donna.

I lived with a pinch nerve for 25 years off and on. The "on" part finally last 24/7 for 2 years. Even morphine was no help, nor were the cortisone shots. Unless you know the exact reason for the pinched nerve, don't go to a chirpractor, as it can do serious damage. As you know, I HAD to have cervical spine surgery or become paralyzed and it was 2 years in January, and the best thing I ever did. I was one of the lucky ones. I have a new life in that respect. I occassionaly get a tingle but it's nothing at this point. The recovery is more of a pain in the neck (pun intended) and so inconvenient but, honestly, time flies. It's nothing to mess around with. Desperate times call for desperate measures. Did you have an MRI??? That'll show the exact reason for the pinched nerve.

I don't know much about the knee, but I think I read about a new injection for knees (oesteoarthritis). Your doc will have a heyday with you. I'm so sorry. I wish I lived closer. Please call me if you want to vent or need a shoulder to cry on. {hugs}

04-25-2007, 12:05 AM
Donna, I'm sorry to hear that you're in so much pain.:( I hope that you'll find something that will help you get some relief and that the doctor will be able to help you. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

04-25-2007, 12:15 AM
I don't know why I'm posting this. I'm sitting on my bed right now on the verge of tears, the pain in my knee is so bad.

I also have a pinched nerve in my neck causing my left arm and first three fingers to tingle. My doctor has prescribed Tramadol for the pain in my knee and an anti-inflammatory for the swelling until I can get to the orthopedic surgeon.

I had a nerve conduction study done a while back. The orthopedic surgeon said there were two options: traction or surgery. I tried traction and it didn't work. The latter scares the crap out of me.

I was diagnosed with osteoperesis in my right femur. I am not sure if it is a contributing factor in my knee pain. I have an appt with the orthopedic surgeon on May 25th.

I don't want to be on drugs anymore. I don't like them. The Tramadol makes me loopy (okay, loopier than than usual :p ) and really doesn't work. The anti-inflammatory does a marginal job. I don't want knee replacement surgery because of the recovery time and the fact that I live ALONE in a third floor apartment.

I have a friend who lives in NY and is a a licensed accupuncturist. I'm going to NYC next week to visit another friend and am going to see if Brendan thinks it will help me.

I'm only 54, but right now I feel OLD :( I'm tired of feeling this way. :(

I'm sorry to rant so much, but I just feel like crap right now. I guess I'm asking for some PT prayers. If I feel this bad at 54, I can't WAIT to see how I feel in another 25 years from now.

Thanks for listening guys.

I'll put in my two bobs worth here if you don't mind.
Two years ago, I was diagnosed with osteoarthritis in my neck, the C5 and C6 vertabrae, caused me to have the same symptoms.....that is the "pins and needles", tingling in my left arm and hand. I was told at the time, to just live with it, as surgery REALLY is the last resort stuff when you are talking about spinal column surgery. I visited a very good friend of mine who is an acupuncturist, I was subjected to her treatment for two visits....no difference, it simply never worked on me. She suggested fish oil pills from my local health food shop (I have told one other here on PT about that). So I started taking them......now I'm 58.....no tingling now. And I only took those fish oil pills for like 3 months....and that was two years ago......and now I have NO pain at all. It may well be beneficial to at least try a natural remedy like this before getting into those heavy duty painkillers, or acupuncture, or surgery. If your knee is also arthritis related, then those natural remedies are definately worth a try.

04-25-2007, 12:36 AM

I am sorry you're having a rough time! :(

I have a lot of pain in my shoulder and knees (birth defect or something). I went to an orthopaedic doctor and he suggested that I correct my posture :rolleyes: . I had to point out to him that I have good posture.

Now, my dad has a lot of pain (military accidents and whatnot) and what he does are a variety of stretches and he has a little therapy machine where he puts the little pads (like they use for a heart monitor) on his arm and it's supposed to help (He's had surgery and is on meds, too). It was suggested to me to take potassium for muscle aches.

I'm not sure what else to suggest, though. :( *hug* We're here for ya, though, and rooting for you!

Daisy and Delilah
04-25-2007, 06:20 AM
Wom, please tell us more about the fish oil pills. What does that do? Does it cause you to have a fishy odor?

I PM'd Donna about my "problems" yesterday. I am facing knee surgery in May and I have some long ongoing nerve issues that I'm just getting a diagnosis for. I can't avoid the knee surgery but all the other pains being eliminated, could give me a whole new quality of life. I would be interested in hearing more about the fish oil deal. Thanks.

Not trying to hijack, Donna. Sorry. I hope this will give us all something to try. :)

04-25-2007, 07:05 AM
Oh Donna..... I feel just awful hearing this! I'm so sorry you are going through this. If it boils down to surgery, there are so many new improvements on surgery in the past few years. Recovery times are getting shorter ad shorter. Still, its not fun thinking of going through surgery regardless how short the recovery.


"Loopier than normal" *snicker* :p :D ;)

04-25-2007, 07:08 AM
Wom, please tell us more about the fish oil pills. What does that do? Does it cause you to have a fishy odor?

I PM'd Donna about my "problems" yesterday. I am facing knee surgery in May and I have some long ongoing nerve issues that I'm just getting a diagnosis for. I can't avoid the knee surgery but all the other pains being eliminated, could give me a whole new quality of life. I would be interested in hearing more about the fish oil deal. Thanks.

Not trying to hijack, Donna. Sorry. I hope this will give us all something to try. :)

I have been told that if you take fish oil tabs in very high doses, it can cause one to have a fishy odour.......but very high doses tend to be taken by those people who believe that the more you take, the more benefit you get....which is untrue. In fact....what you are trying to do is balance out Omega 3 fatty acids and Omega 6 fatty acids, so you really don't have to have a heavy dose. I remember when I was taking it....only about two capsules a day.....which is a pretty light dose. But remember, if you are on ANY other kind of medication, then check with your local doctor first, to see if it's ok to take those Omega 3 Fish Oil capsules.
They worked really well for me......I wasn't on any other medication....so I just bought them at a health shop, followed the recommended dosage, and popped them for a couple of months, and I don't have any more pins and needles or pain. It was actually a doctor, who was the wife of one of my mates who told me about it.
Here's a link for you.............
Do some searches for yourself on the net.....Omega 3, fish oil, osteoarthritis, etc etc.
Hope you can get some relief from this.

04-25-2007, 07:21 AM
And here's another couple of links on that same site for you.............

Eucalyptus rub is good to...........

04-25-2007, 08:52 AM
Hi Donna -

I can only imagine what you felt like when you posted. I have osteoarthritis in both knees, was diagnosed in January, and 2 knee replacements are in my very near future! (I'm 48) I have days I can barely hobble from bedroom to bathroom and back. Other days I walk around fine; of course always keeping my cane nearby.

I started using Schiff's Move Free Advanced in January; glucosamine, chondroitin, MSM and joint fluid. It is an over the counter supplement. That is helping along with the NSAIDS from the doctor and OS.

I found lots of help in understanding what was happening and in talking with the doctors from the folks on this web site:


Even though the site is based in England, there are many USA members on there. You may wish to take a peak. I got a list of questions to ask the doctors, pieced together from 7 or 8 different replies. I NEVER would have thought of half of them on my own.

The forum is a bit more complex than what we have here on Pet Talk, but that is at least in part because there are so many different types of knee injuries being discussed. Just start in the "newbie" section, at least that's what I did.

Good wishes being sent your way!

Daisy and Delilah
04-25-2007, 09:20 AM
Thanks Wom. I'll have a talk with the doc on Thursday. I appreciate the links. We always like to know about anything that will help :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-25-2007, 10:37 AM
Aw Donna, I know very well how you feel right now! A pinched nerve is one of the most painful things! I got surgery on March 2nd, because I had a pinched nerve on L5-S1. Don't be shocked if the pain isn't gone right away; I am still recovering! I take Tramadol 200 for the pain, and it helps ; what also helps is Dafalgan 1g.
Good luck!

04-25-2007, 11:50 AM
Thanks for all your advice and input everyone. I woke up this morning and the pain was gone. I KNOW it's only temporary. Of course the tingling and numbness in my left arm and hand are still there. I'm looking into homeopathic stuff and will talk to my doctor about it, since I'm on a couple of meds for my depression.

One of the culprits is my career as a paramedic. 20 years of lifting and carrying people down flights of stairs, through fields of weeds, etc., has taken a toll on my body. I was diagnosed with degenerative arthritis of my neck and back, along with a pinched nerve in my neck.

I didn't realize there were so many PT members who suffer from the same thing.


Thanks for the links!

Miss Z
04-25-2007, 12:13 PM
Aw Donna, I'm so sorry that you've been in pain, I am glad though that it has subsided a little for now. Sending big (((hugs))) your way!

04-25-2007, 02:09 PM
Just a little side note here, you don't have to purchase the above mentioned pills from a Health Food store.....I get all mine at Wal-Mart and save a ton of $$$$ :D

Along with all my prescribed medications I take daily, I also take the fish oil pills, calciulm with D, Gluscomaine & Sulfate (not the condroitoin - that doesn't work for me) and also I have to take senna pills & tea for all the "wonderful" side effects that the prescribed Rx's do for me ;) I think all I do is pop pills several times a day - but I'm still not better!

Oh, isn't getting older so much fun??? :rolleyes: :p

04-25-2007, 03:55 PM
I'm sorry you're in pain Donna. :( *HUGS*

I hope the guy in NYC can help.

04-25-2007, 04:08 PM
Hi Donna, sorry to hear you are in pain.

I too suffer with knee problems and have done since I was 8/9 years old (i'm now 26). My right knee is the worst of the two and I have so far had two arthroscopys. This is basically where they give the knee a good clear out and take out anything that is "loose" that shouldn't be. I had quite a bit of my cartilidge taken out as it was next to useless - and was told it would grow back???? Anyway, I have been told that I have the beginnings of osteoarthritis (spelling??) and that ideally I do need a knee replacement.....but hay, they won't consider me until i'm in my late 40's at the very earliest. At one time I was relying quite heavily on strong painkillers which, like you, were making me loopy as well as making me physically sick. It was then that they realised I had become addicted to them - make sure you listen to some of the advice on here about homeopathic stuff....it's got to be better than being addicted to pain killers?

Keep us up to date with how you get on.

Felicia's Mom
04-25-2007, 05:34 PM
I'm sorry you are in pain Donna. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

04-25-2007, 08:24 PM
prayer for mooshoo's mom

04-25-2007, 08:28 PM
With all due respect, I would not purchase any supplements from Wal-Mart unless they had DIN numbers on them, or were known for being a good brand.

Cheaper stuff (not necessarily less expensive) might have less or more in it than what it actually says on the label. For example, with Vitamin E, the label might say each cap has 50 IU. But the caps might have 100 IU or almost none.

Better quality stuff is more likely to be produced to pharmaceutical standards, where the label and the actual contents have to agree!

Donna deserves the best stuff.

04-25-2007, 10:58 PM
Oh Donna my friend, i am so sorry to hear how much you are hurting right now, ongoing pain is the pitts,I hope you can find some relief somehow, honestly i have had tramadol myself and never again, i could not even think straight, even how to answer the phone on that drug, had it prescribed for a migraine,its a meany alright, do you have a drug called arcoxcia it is for arthritis really, but can be used for other type of pains, it really is very helpful for severe pain.

My dear i sure hope you can get something sorted and not be in so much pain, giant gentle hugs are coming your way,thinking of you and wishing all that pain away.

04-25-2007, 11:15 PM
i usually clean the kitchen or house when my mom is sick
sorry you are sick

04-26-2007, 06:07 AM
Donna I am sorry you are feeling so bad. Don't you just love this community? There are so many people here ready and willing to offer suggestions and well wishes. I, too have neck and knee issues but some days are much worse than others. There are times when I actually feel really good and times when everything hurts so bad. I have recently heard about the use of fish oil that Wom mentioned and that was encouraging to me because I already take that for my cholesterol issues. :rolleyes: This all said, Donna, we're not getting older, we're getting better! Believe that and I have some swamp land for you! :p :p Seriously, I hope you get some relief soon. Pain is no fun at all. :(

04-26-2007, 06:25 AM
Donna I'm so very sorry to hear you were having such terrible pain and am glad to hear your feeling a little better today.

(((Hugs))) and prayers.

04-27-2007, 12:05 AM
I sympathize with you.

I've had many similar days myself. (And I'm only 26. Yet all tests come back saying I'm perfectly fine.)

This past week i thought the CT in my left wrist was acting up, but i was scared since the week before I had the same numbness when i had a panic attack. The only difference is that this week there was no chest pain. I had been about to make a doctor's apt.

Just today though i started feeling better... after a whole week of my hand and three fingers being almost fully numb... except being able to feel pain and prickles. How lovely. pain. I still feel a few pin pricks. I finally figured out the trigger and still plan on talking to the doctor about it. It would happen (and last for about 12 -24 hours) each time i touched the back of my elbow to something. It just so happens that I'm in the habit of resting my left elbow on the table when I'm at the computer. I figured out the trigger two days ago. It's a little less scary. It still is though... "Why is this happening after all these years?"

As for the knee pain... helping out with a Husky sure hasn't made me feel any younger!

I'll keep you in my thoughts hoping for you to be pain free. *HUGS* :)

Glucosamine hasn't helped me, and neither did Elk Velvet Antler for my joint pain. Maybe EVA could help you? (It did wonders for King.) Just thought i'd offer one more suggestion. I figure every suggestion is appreciated at this point in time. :D

I don't know why I'm posting this. I'm sitting on my bed right now on the verge of tears, the pain in my knee is so bad.

I also have a pinched nerve in my neck causing my left arm and first three fingers to tingle. My doctor has prescribed Tramadol for the pain in my knee and an anti-inflammatory for the swelling until I can get to the orthopedic surgeon.

I had a nerve conduction study done a while back. The orthopedic surgeon said there were two options: traction or surgery. I tried traction and it didn't work. The latter scares the crap out of me.

I was diagnosed with osteoperesis in my right femur. I am not sure if it is a contributing factor in my knee pain. I have an appt with the orthopedic surgeon on May 25th.

I don't want to be on drugs anymore. I don't like them. The Tramadol makes me loopy (okay, loopier than than usual :p ) and really doesn't work. The anti-inflammatory does a marginal job. I don't want knee replacement surgery because of the recovery time and the fact that I live ALONE in a third floor apartment.

I have a friend who lives in NY and is a a licensed accupuncturist. I'm going to NYC next week to visit another friend and am going to see if Brendan thinks it will help me.

I'm only 54, but right now I feel OLD :( I'm tired of feeling this way. :(

I'm sorry to rant so much, but I just feel like crap right now. I guess I'm asking for some PT prayers. If I feel this bad at 54, I can't WAIT to see how I feel in another 25 years from now.

Thanks for listening guys.