View Full Version : Lily has a message for her absent siblings.

Prairie Purrs
04-23-2007, 11:49 PM
To: Hagrid, Katie, Cricket, Angel, Bob, and Gatsby
From: Lily
Re: Nyah Nyah!

I know that Mom misses you guys while you're staying with the Goodnows, but I don't! I get the furniture practically all to myself! Kacey likes to hang out in the bedroom, and Kiri stays in the computer room. So the living room is mine!


Mom keeps asking me how one itty bitty cat can take up so much room. "Lots of practice," I tell her.


Mom says she hopes we'll all be back together before long. Whatever. Just stay away from my chair.


04-24-2007, 05:27 AM
LOL great laugh. :)

04-24-2007, 05:37 AM
LOLOLOLOLOL Yup, she is really enjoying the furniture all to herself! :D

Laura's Babies
04-24-2007, 06:14 AM
What a great letter to your fur brothers and sisters. I bet they can't wait to get back with you and your Mom... Hay now, don't hurt yourself stretching out in that chair, that stretch reminds me of that saying "I could stretch a mile if I didn't have to walk back!".. Remember, how ever far you stretch, you will have to walk back!

04-24-2007, 07:12 AM
Oh Lily, live it up while you can pretty girl! Very soon, you will be sharing again.

Killearn Kitties
04-24-2007, 08:20 AM
How funny! :D She certainly is enjoying that chair.

04-24-2007, 10:12 AM
Lily, it's good to see you're enjoying the chair so much, keep it while you can! ;)

I think you're asking for tummy rub in the first picture... here's one from me! The strecthing picture shows just how slim you are.

Prairie Purrs
04-24-2007, 02:46 PM
Lily, it's good to see you're enjoying the chair so much, keep it while you can! ;)

I think you're asking for tummy rub in the first picture... here's one from me! The strecthing picture shows just how slim you are.

Yes, Lily is a slender little girl. She always checks out fine at the vet's, though. It's amusing that she and Hagrid the Huge are littermates.

And what she lacks in size, she makes up for in catitude! She doesn't hesitate to swat anyone who annoys her.

04-24-2007, 06:37 PM
Lily might been the Queen of Her Chair but we think that deep down she misses her friends and will ge happy when they can all curl up again.
No Cat really likes to be lonely.

Prairie Purrs
04-24-2007, 07:02 PM
Lily might been the Queen of Her Chair but we think that deep down she misses her friends and will ge happy when they can all curl up again.
No Cat really likes to be lonely.

I'm sure she'll enjoy cuddling with her buddy Angel when I get everyone back together. But she doesn't appear to be feeling too deprived for now. She seems especially happy with the amount of lap time she's getting. Even with only 1/3 of the usual feline population present at the moment, my lap is still occupied 99.9% of the time. :D

04-24-2007, 07:31 PM

Yo Lilly this is Hagrid....................glad you are having fun, but, Aunt Kym lets me sleep anywhere, the girls cuddle with a boy, (not sure what those are yet smell like a hooman but nicer) We get fresh fish and Uncle Jas brought home some fresh homegrown catnip! Even Gatsby was pleasant to all of us after that treat! Oh did I mention that while you are there and we are here, that the boy thing brings home goodies from weird place he goes to every day? all kinds of toys from the outside! So enjoy it, but when we come home we are so going to take your chair and not share the treat box we come with NEEEEEEEENER!!!!

Lilly this is Bob, you have a chair, I have an entire kitchen with my own stove!

Lilly this is Angel, I miss ya but I have to admit, the accomadations here are LUXE I have my own bath replete with litter and fresh food 3xs a day.

04-24-2007, 09:07 PM
VERY funny, lol :D :D :p

Prairie Purrs
04-25-2007, 12:23 AM

Yo Lilly this is Hagrid....................glad you are having fun, but, Aunt Kym lets me sleep anywhere, the girls cuddle with a boy, (not sure what those are yet smell like a hooman but nicer) We get fresh fish and Uncle Jas brought home some fresh homegrown catnip! Even Gatsby was pleasant to all of us after that treat! Oh did I mention that while you are there and we are here, that the boy thing brings home goodies from weird place he goes to every day? all kinds of toys from the outside! So enjoy it, but when we come home we are so going to take your chair and not share the treat box we come with NEEEEEEEENER!!!!

Lilly this is Bob, you have a chair, I have an entire kitchen with my own stove!

Lilly this is Angel, I miss ya but I have to admit, the accomadations here are LUXE I have my own bath replete with litter and fresh food 3xs a day.

To: Hagrid, Bob, and Angel
From: Lily

I told Mom that she totally owes me some fresh catnip and fish. No fair that you guys get treats that I don't have. She muttered something about me being a spoiled little princess.

Mom said to tell Bob and Angel that you'd better enjoy having your own kitchen and bathroom while it lasts, because she can't afford a big enough house for each of us to have our own rooms. Too bad! I'm hoping she'll find something with a big enclosed sun porch just for me.

Oh, and after we move, I'm totally inviting Aunt Kym and Uncle Jas and Cousin Adrian to visit, and I just know they'll like me best. So there!

04-25-2007, 12:25 AM
They like US best! You are a spoiled........................ :eek:

04-25-2007, 12:28 AM
Lilly dear this is Aunt Kym, your uncle and cousin and I think you are beautiful!

Your siblings miss Mom alot, don't them bait you dear. They didn't tell you that they also have to share all these great things with my own furkids!

*whispers to Lilly ,,,,,,,,,,,,and they have had to learn to be nice to the dogs!!! :eek: * SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHh that is our secret!