View Full Version : Neighbors...*vent*

04-23-2007, 11:32 PM
I live in an area of town where a lot of lawyers and councilmen live. They all have nice yards and lovely houses. All are mostly older retired couples. Not exactly where you would picture multiple dogs and chickens to live. Most of our neighbors don't talk to us and try to avoid our family. We aren't exactly the most welcoming "looking" family. We have tattoos and I have friends that stay here until the wee hours of the morning. We aren't loud. We don't cause trouble.

Anyway, the ONLY time the neighbors ever come around to talk is to bash my pets. Like today, one of my neighbors came over to tell me that he couldn't belive I had chickens and they better never come near his yard. I told him that my chickens stay inside at night, and are fenced in when they are outside. He just shook his head and walked away. A couple hours later I had a friend come over and help me mow the yard. My neighbor came back over to us and told us he didn't like that we were throwing grass on his grass. I asked him if he was joking. He also proceeded to tell me that I needed to keep my dogs chained up and away from him. I told him my dogs are never running loose and never in his yard.

Does anyone have neighbors like this? Why on earth do they insist on picking at me and my pets?!?! I keep my yard and house very clean and everyone tells me they can't believe I have that many animals in the house. It doesn't smell at all.

04-24-2007, 05:02 AM
I have a drug house next to me and I could write a book. :rolleyes: I did have a neighbor from down the road once ask me "you have two dogs and two cats in that house?" :eek: Yeah, so what's the big deal? ;) My house is small but I have a huge fenced in yard for the dogs to play in. So I don't see the big deal. :confused:
As for your neighbors picking on you, I'd continue to be a responsible pet owner and let them see that. Some people jump the gun 'thinking' your pets will be running the neighborhood. :)

04-24-2007, 06:02 AM
Yep....I know the type.
My daughter goes to a pretty uppity college (that keeps me kinda broke) but her best friend is from a pretty rich family. Her friends mother comes to my house sometimes, just to make comment on the fact that my Border Collie "Bear" lives INSIDE the house with me (And why not ? He's a member of my family to).
These people just never know when to stop, they are just upper class snobs.
One of these days she will make comment as I'm going thru one of my rare PTSD episodes, and that's when I'll pick her up by the seat of her pants and turf her over the front fence. :eek:

Laura's Babies
04-24-2007, 06:28 AM
People who don't have pets or never had pets will never understand us keeping ours inside. Sad to say, some are taught growing up that cats and dogs are nasty and that is what they believe. I had a sister in law that forbid her children to touch cats or dogs, telling them they would bite tham and that they are nasty, dirty things. Her children were not allowed to get dirty, play out in the yard or touch any animal.. Poor kids use to hang on the fecnce watching my kids playing with the dogs or just playing with a group of kids and they wanted to play too but knew they couldn't.. Sad! Sad! Sad! They are adults now and have very little to do with their mother anymore.

lute, they are "picking" on you because you dance to the beat of different music than they do and people fear what they do not understand. I always admire people who dare to be different but most people fear them.

04-24-2007, 07:43 AM
Sometimes I just hate neighbors.

Luckily, mine are very nice & cool. However, my Mom's suck. They're a bunch of losers and I wish they would just spontaniously combust. The world would be a better place.

I think if this neighbor keeps bugging you, I would just either ignore him or tell him to mind his own freaking business. Live your own life and do whatever you want on your property. If they don't like it, tough.

Good luck!

Daisy and Delilah
04-24-2007, 08:50 AM
I'm with elizabethann on this one.......tell them to mind their own business. They sound like a bunch of nosey bodies just looking for something to pick on you about. They're using the pets as an excuse. Maybe if they stay in their yards they won't have so much of your business to worry about.

Better yet......go with e/a's other advice.....ignore them!! Good luck :D

I don't talk to my neighbors on one side at all. Thank goodness. :rolleyes:

04-24-2007, 12:26 PM
I know how you feel I could spend hours on how horrible some of mine are. The one actually moved because she couldnt stand us even though she is the nosey one who would sit and scream across the road and stare at us all the time, she used to babysit my son and after I found how how mean and stuff she was to him I pulled him out right away called the State and she lost her daycare... The people right next to us have roaches and rats everywhere because they are here for working but arent supose to be here and dont use a carbage man, the other ones are just very nosey and annoying!

04-24-2007, 01:01 PM
I sympathize. The apartment we live in is pet friendly so many tenants have dogs. 90% take real good care of them, but we have two that leave their dogs outside on the patio for long periods of time.

The tenants on the 3rd floor have already been chided, but the people on the 2nd floor, above us, still leave their dog out.

Well, this morning, I went to water my plants, and their dog had urinated on the deck, which of course, meant pee all over my patio and plants. :mad:

I called the management and I hope they take care of it.