View Full Version : anyone going to petsmart 20th birthday?

04-23-2007, 08:54 PM
Petsmart is having their big birthday celebration for tomorrow. Anyone planning on going?

I'm thinking about it, but not sure.

Has anyone ever been to one of these? Are they fun?

Aspen and Misty
04-23-2007, 09:25 PM
I'm going!!!

As a worker in the Hotel :p I think it will be A LOT of fun. I personally can't wait and I'm not even attending just for the fun of it. It definitly will be a great night to work, I acctually requested to work it :o .


04-23-2007, 09:44 PM
What do they do at these things?

04-23-2007, 09:56 PM
Hey, I didn't know about that! Layla goes to school there on Wednesday. Darn, we'll just miss it.

04-23-2007, 10:42 PM
I would go if we had a PetSmart here. :(

04-24-2007, 12:21 AM
Koli got invited by a rescue group... This will be her third showing! :D I'm hoping that someone really nice shows up and falls in love with her.

Never been to one before.

Petsmart is having their big birthday celebration for tomorrow. Anyone planning on going?

Has anyone ever been to one of these? Are they fun?

04-24-2007, 12:23 AM
This should take you to page 8


What do they do at these things?

04-24-2007, 07:02 AM
Hey, thanks! I didn't know a thing about it, but I will try and get there with Sugar this evening.

04-24-2007, 07:35 AM
I just found out about this morning. Unfortunately, there isn't one close to where I live so I don't think I'll be going. I wish it was on a Saturday or Sunday.

If you go, take pictures and share them with us.

I hope you get an awesome goody bag too!

Ginger's Mom
04-24-2007, 08:42 AM
Yes, Ginger already has plans to go with three of her friends (actually she also invited two others who may also come). It is fun, there are treats and pictures and games and lots of other dogs to play with. Ginger usually spends most of her time hanging around the snack tables. :rolleyes:

PJ's Mom
04-24-2007, 09:05 AM
We'll be going. I gave myself the night off so we could go. :o

04-24-2007, 11:44 AM
I'll go... Petsmart has a better selection of cat food than the supermarket does. Also need cat box filler. I'll want to bring *all* the adoptable cats home, as usual.

There is a combination cat drinking fountain and cat grass holder in their circular that Cassie would love, but it's a little dear. I've thought about buying a pet stroller, so I might take a look at one if they have it on display. It would certainly make vet visits easier. I could walk with her on warm evenings for exercise, too.

Suki Wingy
04-24-2007, 01:54 PM
Is this at ALL stores? I think I'll go tonight, good thing I did my homework in study hall! I want to see the "quick tricks" trainers! Niņo is still tinted pink a little bit. (I used my left over Manic Panic dye)http://manicpanic.com/dyehard%20animals.html
(Don't worry, he stood hapily through the entire process and I only left it in a little bit, so it was really light.)

04-24-2007, 06:43 PM
We went, got the free treats/bandanas and left. ;)

Too many dumb people with wild dogs and kids holding their leashes not being able to control them.

04-24-2007, 06:50 PM
We went just because we had to get some stuff for the fish and toads tonight anyway, but I felt the same as Kay after a bit. Just too many (rather ignorant) people who couldn't control their dogs or children.

04-24-2007, 10:02 PM
I went this evening. I had a great time. Alot of nice people, alot of cute dogs, and a good bit of freebies.

I didn't get any pics, and I didn't stay for the tricks ceremony, but I had a good time when I was there.

Ginger's Mom
04-25-2007, 05:32 AM
We went too, and had a GREAT time. One of Ginger's friends won for longest down, and Ginger won for best twirl. :) There were even more dogs that we knew there than we expected and it was just a blast.

Aspen and Misty
04-25-2007, 11:02 AM
I had to judge the trick competition and boy was it HARD!! It was so much fun though. Me and another co-worker were in charge of taking the pictures, we had tons of fun with that!

I definitly had fun and it's nice to hear that some of our customer's did also!

I can agree with you Kay, there were sevral people having trouble controlling there dogs but I have to say for the majority of the time most people were wonderful and there dog's just as pleasent! All in all I thought it was a great night.


04-25-2007, 11:17 AM
Shoot. I wished I could have gone. Bummer.

04-25-2007, 11:41 AM
I went! my mom and I took Ripley and Rusty, so we got hats and goody bags and pictures and toys lol. when we got home I slit the goddy bags so everyone got something. Rusty and Ripley got the bandanas, Happy and Misty got the squeeky toys, Blair and Electra got the chewies, Perky got one of the bags of charlee bears and Happy got the other one, just cuz she is crazy for those things and there was an extra goody :p and they all get the share the pupcorn :)

there was no problem at my location with uncontrolled dogs and kids lol, there was loads of people but everyone had their dogs very well behaved and making friends with the other doggies. I was suprised at the breeds their too lol there was a young English Setter, and a redbone coonhound too. the little kids there were helping, there was one little girl that was grabbing the goody bags and giving them to the peop-le after the pictures and showing everyone where they could choose which squeeky toy they wanted lol. we didnt have no trick compitions or games or anything though :(

Suki Wingy
04-25-2007, 04:27 PM
I was waiting for a car from 6-8 and at 8 my family finally came home. By the time we got there it was over but they took our picture and we got a goody bag. I ended up spending $30 in magazines and rabbit toys and a brush anyway though. :rolleyes: