View Full Version : Canine Good Citizen

04-23-2007, 11:33 AM
Fenway will be taking his CGC test in 2 weeks. I'm going to be very nervous.

Does anybody have any suggestions?

04-23-2007, 12:24 PM
Have fun! Don't be nervous, dogs sence owners being nervous. If Fenway is anything like Zoey, she will not perform as well if I am nervous. If I am confident she does fantastic. I had to learn this the hard way when I enter trials with her.

04-23-2007, 12:42 PM
I agree don't be nervous! I helped with some CGC tests a couple years ago. The Golden Ret. that did it did bad on her sit stay because th owner was scared she would take off when she left the room. The Golden tried to follow her. Then my training instructor tested one of her Sibes. she stayed calm and the dog passed. A CGC test is more fun then it is nerve wrecking. Just act like it's any other training session. GOOD LUCK TO YOU AND FENWAY! :D

04-23-2007, 03:38 PM
Oh boy!

Just relax and have faith in yourself and in Fenway.

When Sparkle had her review to do pet therapy, I was so nervous driving over. Then I remembered there was a reason I was doing this: because Sparkle is the perfect cat for it! So I just put my faith in her and relaxed. She was her usual social butterfly self that day, he he.

Good luck!

04-23-2007, 05:36 PM
Have fun! I was afraid Visa wouldn't pass her Canine Good Neighbor (Canadian CGC) because it was in a show situation and she really dislikes shows, but she did pass! Just make sure Fenway doesn't get too distracted around other dogs and you'll be fine. Good luck!

04-24-2007, 12:16 AM
First off ... GOOD LUCK!!! :D

I'm glad everyone else has had great advice.

I was always too nervous. I had a few people suggest that King would be a great candidate for getting his CGC. I didn't think he'd pass though because of his separation anxiety from me. That and i never could remember to practice a perfect heel. I did NOT want King in a perfect heel. LOL. Other than that though he was a great dog and i really regret not going for testing before he got too feeble.

I'm sure you'll do fine.

04-24-2007, 12:22 AM
You'll do fine! My only suggestion is to arrive there a couple minutes early to let Fenway sniff around and get acquainted. Just be comfortable, play a little tug with him, and relax :) Be sure to take pictures of him when he gets his CGC!