View Full Version : Beeswax soap

07-09-2002, 08:47 PM
On Canada Day my family and I decided to take my dad out to Bragg Creek a little town just southwest of Calgary. While we were there we were looking around some of the shops trying to kill some time before we had some ice cream and we went in to this store that sells things that's made of beeswax and honey. Anyway they just happened to have different types of soap made out of beeswax and I couldn't help but notice a doggie soap bar, for three bucks a bar I decided it was worth a try.

So this weekend I gave the dogs a bath...and we all know how much they like that ;) ... and used the soap instead of the shampoo and I must say I'm quite impressed with the results that it produced. It made both dogs coats shiny and soft...well that's nothing new for Smudge, but it even made the little ridge of fur down his back that is usually rough softer. And for Winter, it was amazing, becuase we've been having having problems with her coat since we got her 10 months ago...wow I've had Winter for 10 months that's a weird thought.

The best part about the soap though is that it's all natural there's no perservatives or anything like that in it all.

07-10-2002, 12:06 AM
COOL! Is there a place to get it in the states? Or just Canada?