View Full Version : Finally an Update....Desperate Prayers/Help Needed - AGAIN :(

04-22-2007, 10:34 PM
This is the email I recieved from the people that agreed to FOSTER Noah, Basie and Phoebe for 1 year or less - until I could get my own place. The agreement was (which was repeated and clarified MANY, MANY times) that I would provide food, litter, vet care, EVERYTHING they needed - they would provide the roof over their head and would care for them until I could visit on Wednesdays before work (I work 4 - 8 pm that day) and Weekends. I even added a small amount for their kindness and mailed the first check last Sunday <--even though I brought 20lbs of their food and a huge bucket of Fresh Step with me when I brought Noah and Basie. Not only did I do that, but I sent two "thank you" cards, an "Easter" card and brought them a flower bowl for their home as an Easter and Thank you gift.

Here is the email, oh, MCR= Maine Coon Rescue:

Dear Kelly,

In speaking to MCR regarding the fostering of Noah, Basil and Phoebe for anymore time, they have indicated that this is an impossible situation. As we are very involved with MCR, which is why we entertained the idea to take your cats in the first place, we are bound to their rules. To board your cats for a year would cost in the neighborhood of $16,000 which we are unable to absorb even with the help of MCR. So they are asking that you either release Noah, Basil and Phoebe to us, or you will have to pick up the kitties immediately. We love all three of the kitties and would hate to see them go but the cost to keep them for the time span you are speaking of is prohibitive. Even for another day or week would be impossible.

So, we are asking again that either you release Noah, Basil and Phoebe to us as our kitties or please make immediate arrangements to pick up the kitties. We will expect an immediate response to this email and then either pick up the cats within two days or release them to us.

MCR is a wonderful rescue and their advice is for the benefit of the kitties. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call me.

Dave Johnston

Crystal Johnston
Regional Foster Manager

Carol Fitzgerald
Director of MCR

Robin Thatcher
MCR Trainer

This was sent at 11:01 PM last Sunday. I didn't see it until Tuesday night when Dave called to tell me that he sent me an email and that I needed to read it and understand it. I saw it, cried and then called him and told him to have my cats ready for me at 10:00 a.m the next morning.

See all those names? Guess what?? NONE of those people A: even knew my cats were being fostered and B: consented, spoke about, agreed with this or even KNEW this email went out with their names on it!!!

Thank GOD I had the forethought to call Donna (moosmom) to get Carolyn's number (the Carol Fitzgerald you see named/signed in his email to me) as soon as I settled down. Donna forwarded the above email to her. This was Donna's message:

Kelly called me regarding her cats and the email she received from Crystal's husband. I'm forwarding it to you. Would you be able to give me a call at your earliest convenience so that we can discuss this? I'm a little confused as to why they've asked Kelly to either relinquish all three cats or come and get them. It was my understanding that they would foster the cats until Kelly got back on her feet. Dave, Crystal's husband, in his email, stated that MCR could not incur a cost of approximately $16,000 for one year. Kelly had told them she was willing to send them money for the cat's upkeep, including food, litter and vet care. Why do they now want her to relinquish the cats and how could it possibly cost that much?? They also kept telling Kelly that her cats would not remember her.
I'm confused as to how things could change so drastsically in less than 3 weeks.
Kelly is upset right now and is scrambling to find other arrangements.
Please call me at your earliest convenience so we can try and make some sense of this situation. 860-794-1157.

Thanks again for your help.

And here is Carolyn's response:

At no time did I ever suggest that they should foster the cats, or that they should ask for the cats to be given up to MCR. I don't know what their game is but this is a blatent mistruth.
Food and litter for 1 cat is roughly $20.00 per month according to my regular fosters.
$60.00 x 12 is not anywhere close to $15,000 more like under $1,000
I will get to the bottom of this in short order

I haven't heard anything from her, so I wrote this to her...it also lets you all know what's going on now with me and my angels - somewhat. I'll tell you more after this:

Hi Carol,

I was just wondering what you found out in regards to what happened with Dave and Crystal and myself. Any updates?

I have my cats in a boarding facility and am asking everyone I know (again) for help...but would you be able to look as well? I'm looking for temporary foster care, but know it wont be for 1 year, I'd say closer to 6 months at the most. I'm rearranging everything and will do EVERYTHING in my power, even if it means my parents don't talk to me again, to keep my babies. They mean the world to me...they are my everything, Carol.

Any help is very much appreciated. I'm really sad at how things went down with Crystal, I really thought it was going to be a nice situation, until the red flags started popping up. I think in their own way, they did want what was best for my cats and I appreciate that. I don't want my cats moving from place to place any more than they like doing it. That was why having them all together with someone who seemed really great appealed to me - she even said I could visit weekly which was a huge blessing. I just wish I would have gone better.

Anyway, just wanted to see how things were going. I hope all is well with you.

Hugs, Kelly, Noah, Basie and Phoebe :)

On Wednesday at 9:55 a.m. Jerry (my stepdad) arrived on Crystal and Dave's doorstep to pickup my three. Dave didn't answer our knocks, so I called Crystal and told her that he wasn't answering. He opened the door a few seconds later.

As I requested, they had all my cats belongings ready and my three in their small bathroom, ready to get the HELL out of cat hell!!! (Guys, I bet they had at least 10 cats I didn't see...I saw at least 8...then add my 3...and wow, in hindsight, I feel so, so, so horrible. But I guess I trusted her, she prayed over me, seemed like she knew about cats very well - was careful to tell me which ones that came out to see me they were going to their "forever home" soon, etc.

Anyway, Noah was upset when I saw him and I KNEW that my inklings that Crystal was lying to me about him "licking her face" and "sleeping on their bed" were right on. When I called and told them I was picking up my cats the next day, Crystal called me and pleaded with me to let them keep them!! WHAT??? What the hell does TEMPORARY mean to you people?????

Those people are COLLECTORS!!!

OK, anyway, we got the cats, I was less than polite to Dave and we got the hell outta that gross house. Jerry was appauled and I'm sure wanted to shower right then and there. Their house was ICKY...it wasn't like that when I brought Noah, Basie and Phoebe by. Granted, it was under construction, but still, this was ICKY, DIRTY...tons of hair and grime. Anyway, my NON-LAP CAT Noah sat/layed in my arms/lap the entire 1 1/2 hour drive home!! Can we say traumatized? My poor, poor baby!! :( :( :( Ugh, I'm so mad this happened. Who can I trust???

My parents STILL refuse to help by way of my cats staying here - not even in the precious GARAGE!!! :(

I have a savings of $350.00 that they're "allowing me" to use to board Noah, Basie and Phoebe at Balcom Canyon Pet Hotel again...only until that $350.00 runs out and I have to either A: find someone willing to foster for me or B: give up my cats - which still means more searching! :( I bet you can all guess which option they vote for. Anyway, we took them straight to Balcom and got them settled and I promptly went to work and tried to act "happy".

So, my plans thus far: I'm picking Noah up from the boarding hotel and taking him to David's place. David says he can only stay a week, but he can kiss my ass - he's gotten me so far into debt and ruined so much for me, he can keep Noah for as long as he's in that apartment - I'm SURE it'll be until June, he's such a bad lier! He owes me that much. That will help save the $350.00 for Basie and Phoebe until I can figure out something. Luckily with Phoebe and Basie together, its "only" $14.00/day, but that adds up so quickly and that doesn't count Noah's "hotel fees" of $9 x 6 days/nights = $54, so now only $296.00 left for Phoebe & Basie. Eeeep.

I've emailed my two 20-something cousins that live about 1 1/2 hours away from me that share an apartment to see if they are willing to help. They just had their roommate move out, taking with her their two small doggies. So at least I know they can have pets...now I'm just waiting to see if they can take Phoebe or Basie or both. I'll also make some posters for work to see if anyone I work with can help...I'm really, really, really hoping someone can foster them. I SO don't want to give them up - but if its for the best for my cats, I will. But I meant what I told Carolyn, I'm fighting for them, no matter what my parent's say, do or think. If they want to throw me out of their home because of this, fine, my grandma says I'm always welcome on her couch!

So, that's the update for now. Thank you so much for your concern, my sweet friends. I adore you all. If ANYONE has ANY ideas, they are MORE than WELCOME....

Love, Kelly

Lilith Cherry
04-22-2007, 11:01 PM
Oh Kelly I am so sorry for your situation. I am in China so can offer no practical help I'm afraid but you and your cats are in my prayers. Best of luck finding somewhere for them .

04-22-2007, 11:36 PM
Kelly, I'm so sorry to hear that the new temporary home for Noah, Basil, and Phoebe didn't work out.:( I can't imagine 3 cats costing them $16,000 for 1 year of care unless they were all extremely sick and needed hospital care and major surgeries. These people do sound like collectors and I'm glad that you were able to get your furkids out of this horrible situation.

I wish that I could foster one of your cats but I already have 6 of my own and my place isn't large enough for any more animals. I hope that your cousins will be able to help you and then you'd also be able to visit them. Would your grandmother be able to foster one of them? I sure hope that everything will work out for you. You'll continue to remain in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care. (((HUGS)))

04-22-2007, 11:51 PM
Whereabouts in CA are you?

Edit: I put up the descriptions and pictures you gave me on my vet tech school forum. I'll sniff around at work too. I hope something comes up!

04-23-2007, 12:09 AM
as always
thoughts and prayers on the way sweetie..

04-23-2007, 12:29 AM
Can Carolyn take any action against Dave and Crystal?

Surely someone should know about the conditions those other cats live in!

I hope your friends' apt helps, even as a foster period....

HUGS and prayers!

04-23-2007, 05:38 AM
Prayers for you, Kelly. There IS a solution! Just keep looking.

04-23-2007, 05:50 AM
Oh Kelly, what a mess! I wish that I was closer. I'd take your guys in a heartbeat, for as long as you needed. Surely a PTer must be somewhat close!

Many prayers for you!

04-23-2007, 07:09 AM
Oh Kelly...I am sooo sorry. What a mess this all is. If only your parents would give just a inch. But those what ifs don't help. You have been through so much and it always seems there is someone there to kick you when you are down. You cannot imagine how horrid I feel for you right now. As you know I am in Italy and there is nothing I can do to help. I wish so much I could.

It seems though that PT always manages to come through. What if we all pitched in a little bit and helped with their hotel cost. Atleast if nothing else that could give you more time to find something more long term. I mean we could manage between us to come up with enough to help board them for a month or so. A months board is $420. Couldn't we manage to help in that way. If nothing else buying more time for you and your babies.

I wish I could offer more suggestions and help. Know you, Noah, Phoebe and Basie are in my thoughts and prayers.

(((((HUGS)))))) sweetie and try to stay possitive. There has to be a solution for you all.


Laura's Babies
04-23-2007, 08:25 AM
My God! This is unbelievable! So that jerk did send you that email. I am glad you got them out of there or there is no telling what kind of horriable experience that would have been for them.

I will be praying for you, those babies and a sloution. I am to far away to help and due to how I work I could'nt help by taking them in. Prayers is all I can offer but I wish I could do so much more! :(

04-23-2007, 10:59 AM
:( I am SO sorry Kelly for all that's happened. I nor Carolyn had any idea that these people were hoarders. My offer still stands as far as fostering Basil. I'm also going to call my daughter's best friend, Karen, who might also be willing to foster Noah. If arrangements can be made to get them to CT, you'll have temporary homes for two of the three cats.

I'll let you know.

04-23-2007, 11:28 AM
I am ready to pitch in with whatever is needed. Money is about all I can do to help with any transport - or hotel fees. Kelly, Hotel might be good as it would buy you some more time and the kitties would not be moved again for a while.

I hope Carolyn is looking after Dave and Crystal - animal hoarders are not healthy themselves. Major PT prayers to them and their herd!

04-23-2007, 11:42 AM
Besides prayers for this horrible time in your life, I would be willing to donate some money to help buy some time until you can come up with a solution.

04-23-2007, 11:46 AM
I just got off the phone with Karen, my daughter's best friend. She is SERIOUSLY considering fostering Noah for as long as it takes. It would be the perfect place for him, as she has no other cats (she's been looking into a MC for quite sometime now). She knows that the situation is only TEMPORARY. If she agrees, the only thing that needs to be done is arrangements to get BOTH Noah and Basil to us in CT.

Stay tuned!!!

04-23-2007, 03:29 PM
That is so great, Donna! I'd be happy to pitch in some $$ for their transportation or hotel fees, so hopefully something can be worked out. The power of PT prayer and support is strong. I have faith that we'll help Kelly find the solution she needs!


04-23-2007, 03:34 PM
Kelly, I'm so sorry you're in this situation. :( I hope it'll all be sorted out soon.

Best of luck and big hugs!

04-23-2007, 06:44 PM
Besides prayers for this horrible time in your life, I would be willing to donate some money to help buy some time until you can come up with a solution.
Where do I send a check?

04-23-2007, 06:58 PM
How anyone can do that and try to rip off people who love thier Cats as much as you do is beyond belief.
I wish I was closer The Found Paradise Cat Hotel would be yours no charge until you could get on your feet.
Sometimes I have found taht when you are too nice to some people that they get greedy.
I wish I was closer so the Cats could use my spare bedroom.
All Our Prayers are coming to you and your Companions.

04-23-2007, 08:51 PM
You guys....oh my goodness....you've already helped me in my life countless times over and over and I'm continually stunned at your kindness. I know I shouldn't be, PT is literaly AMAZING, but still. I'm just,well, wow...thank you so much for your love...really.

I don't get down on my parents much, especially IN WRITING, but I'll say now its VERY hard for me to deal with thier attitude on this situation. To have people understand me and WANT to help me, not give me an attitude anytime I speak to them (that's how the general mood is here lately)..etc.

THANKYOU. For pms and comments...everything.

I'm going to go check my email to see if my cousins have responded and call Donna. Then I'll be back with an update.

Love you all!!!!

04-23-2007, 09:14 PM
Kelly - you can choose your friends. Your relatives are wished on you! :D

We are here to help you in any way you need!

04-23-2007, 09:21 PM
"Good friends are God's way of apologizing for bad relatives."

Haven't heard from Karen yet, but I'm sure it's not something she's taking lightly either. The minute I hear from her I'll let you know.

I hope Kelly will consider sending Basil to Ct. He can stay here as long as necessary.

04-24-2007, 05:56 PM
I heard from Karen. She had to decline taking Noah, as she's afraid she'd get too attached to Noah.

Well, the offer to take Basil is still open, Kelly. Let me know what you want to do. I'm sorry I couldn't do anymore to help.