View Full Version : Oh no, Lily has just puked! :(

04-22-2007, 04:40 PM
I was just preparing to go to bed when I heard this familiar sound... I was prepared to see Luna throwing up as she's usually the specialist for this. But to my surprise I found that it was Lily. This was only the second time in her entire life that I saw her vomiting, and the first time was at least three years ago.

She threw up twice tonight, only white foam. I'm very worried about her right now! It's almost midnight here so I cannot call the vet. She did not poop today so I wonder if she's constipated or even blocked. (Wait, as I type this, she just pooped).

Hope it's just a hair ball she was trying to get rid off! They will have their night meal in a couple of minutes, and we'll see what happens...


Laura's Babies
04-22-2007, 04:55 PM
Giz did that just the other day! White foam all over the house (she couldn't do it all in one spot! :rolleyes: ) I don't know about the rest of you but with all this recall stuff going on, you are twice as scared and panic whenever they do anything now!

04-22-2007, 04:59 PM
Exactly!! Reading about this poisoned food really scared me a lot! This has always been one of my fears, and now that it really happened I'm even more worried!

But Lily seems to act normal, apart from the vomiting... And her belly is soft, which is a good sign. It's only that Lily never has been sick in her entire life!


Laura's Babies
04-22-2007, 05:11 PM
Giz is always throwing up fur balls but this time was real different.. Like Lily, she is acting normal otherwise.

&%*@)*$!$^!!! < (words not fit for young ears!) Recall anything and everything imported, buy local and lets get this OVER with! How many more have to die and how much more was containimated? Get rid of ALL of it imported from that country!

04-22-2007, 05:31 PM
The Meezers Go Through Times Where They Will Lose Thier Lunches And Then Nothing For A Month.
And They Really Dont Touch Canned Food Except For The Food Of The Cat Gods

Fancy Feast Pates!!!

We Hope That Our Friend Lily Is All Right.

04-22-2007, 06:08 PM
Taz pukes occasionally. But I don't worry about it unless he does it often and it's his entire meal. Like last August he couldn't even keep water down. That was not a fun time and I do not wish that on anyone.
The occasional puking didn't start until later in his life. How old is Lily?

04-22-2007, 10:07 PM
Cassie Cat coughs up white foam for me every now and again. It's usually when she's working on a hairball. Especially at this time of year when she is shedding like mad. I hear that sound and I grab some tissue or paper towels. She knows I'll come up behind her to see what she's coughing up.

04-23-2007, 03:28 PM
Well, I hope Lily is fine. She ate last night and kept it down, and she ate this morning. But she spent the entire day sleeping, and Luna did the same. Maybe it's because it's getting humid here.

Laura, hope Giz is alright. I agree that with all these news on the recalls, it's very alarming when a cat is suddenly throwing up. It's such a terrible thing that happened!! :(

Taz_Zoee, Lily will be 4 in May.
