View Full Version : New trick? Old cat?

04-21-2007, 09:04 AM
The Edster loves to travel to Granny's house.

The trip is about 25 feet and fraught with danger.

Mourning doves, two dogs and a stray cat that patrols the area..

After getting old, the Edster putting on a few ounces (God if weight gain was that simple!) and me getting lazy, I decided to give him the chance to
go to Mom's house, by himself.

Well, not really by himself, I stand by and prod him with my toe on occasion...

He's really pretty good at it too!

I was a little antsy at first. He does have the "Bolt out the Door" gene in him- so it was a learning process at first.

There is a lot of distraction on those 25 feet.

Sparrows, the scent of the stray and the doggies.

The Dog trick is the best....

He pads right by Shania and sniffs-usually with no hurry attached to that stop. But if Shanny wants to give the Edster the old 'rear end sniff' THAT hurries him along.

I guess cold dog nose in my rear end would put an exclamation into my step! :eek:

The most satisfying moment, and the day I was the proudest of my little
pyscho-kid , was the day my brother came over to my mom's pad.

I opened the door for our little trip back to my house..

I told Ed in my super huge daddy voice, "Come on, Let's go home..."

He took my instruction well! He walked out the door and headed, non stop, to his destination.

When I turned to my brother he looked at me and spilled some curse words in my direction......

The ones I can print are SHOWOFF, CAT, and MASTER...

Of course, his little fat butterball calico just knows how to roll to the food dish and back to the bed...but hey, My cat is smarter than his!


Of course, I will not tell anyone about the Alec Baldwin- like threats I have yelled at the cat, before he learned how to find his way back and forth..

That is our private life....... :rolleyes:

But then again, My child is probably more well mannered than his.

Look at all the things that tempt a teenager to misbehave-boys, drugs, sex and alcohol

I'll take my chances with my cat.....What's a open bag of cat chow spilled on the floor to me? :D

I mean, have you ever tried to teach a teenager to go from one door to another, without straying?

I rest my case! :D :p :eek:

Laura's Babies
04-21-2007, 11:45 AM
:) This has amused me to no end... Your cat is smarter than his, but of coarse... and he listens..., no we don't want details about how you got him to that point although I know it would be highly amusing. Mine listen, especially when I ask if they won't TREATS! That wakes them from a otherwise, sound sleep.

I am with you on the cat/teenage thing.. My cats listen a whole lot better than my kids ever did and hardly ever get sassy with me..

04-21-2007, 04:08 PM
Eddie certainly is a clever Cat , and this may end up on Letterman that is if he still does the pet tricks segment.
Of course the hard part is recreating the alley way at CBS Studio.

Killearn Kitties
04-21-2007, 04:14 PM
The Edster is just as clever as we remember him. Glad to know he hasn't been letting things slide.