View Full Version : IAMS possible recall

04-19-2007, 11:57 PM
There are several unconfirmed reports that IAMS dry dog food is causing sickness.

Iams link (http://www.itchmo.com/read/several-unconfirmed-reports-of-iams-dry-food-causing-illness_20070323)

04-20-2007, 12:41 AM
Oh no! I am dogsitting my Aunties puppy, Chopper until Monday. He is eating the Iams Smart Puppy dry food - my Auntie said he has only been eating a couple tablespoons each day for the last little while. She talked to his "breeder" and she said it's okay that he only eats that much. Since he got here, I have been mixing Go! Natural in with it, that is the only way he'll eat it. My sister gave me a trial size bag of the grain free Go ! Natural - he devours it!

I wonder if the food caused him an upset tummy or something and now he is associating the Iams with pain? I will let her know immediately that Iams is possibly causing sickness. She has to switch his food regardless, he just doesn't like it at all. :(