View Full Version : Electra's first Retriever class....very proud!

04-19-2007, 10:33 PM
ok considering Electra is a Water Retriever who leaves Retreiving to the Border Collies, and avoids water..well I was kind of expecting her to be a total embarressment at the class lol so..imagine my shock and amazement when the long time hunt retriever trainers came to me more then anyone else to tell me what a fabulous working dog I have. yup...the only dog in the class with NO previous formal training was the star of the class! of coarse I was pretty damn impressed with her myself, first off I have NEVER worked with her without food before this. second while she has a fabulous sit stay indoors, outdoors is another thing altogether, I have never been able to get her to do any kind of stay at all when we are outside. so you can imagine how embarrassed I expected to be when the trainer asked us to place our dogs in a sit stay and leave our dogs when the class is outside.........so imagine my complete shock when I told her to stay..and she DID. we had to leave our dogs for like 3 minuts while he and some other people were walking all over, and other people were trying to get their dogs to stay etc.. and she never budged. while he was giving everyone things to work on, all he could give me was tiny things to tweak and he was like "and I am guessing those will be perfected by next week" lol

sorry no pictures yet, there was nothing to take pics of really, it was just basic stuff today...obedience, recalls, and holding.

04-19-2007, 11:12 PM
Way to go Electra!! You make your mommy so proud!! Good Girl!! :D

04-19-2007, 11:53 PM
AWESOME!! for both of you! Congratulations!

04-20-2007, 09:03 AM

I wanted to brag too that the only dog in Electra group that did as well as Electra was a dog that LIVED with the trainers for several months and already had some previous training :p meanwhile Electra has not had ANY previous training. ;)

finn's mom
04-20-2007, 09:09 AM
That's awesome and definitely something to brag about! Sounds like she's a natural!

Pawsitive Thinking
04-20-2007, 09:37 AM
Well done Electra - we are proud of you