View Full Version : Kiara *Update*

04-19-2007, 04:46 PM
I just got home and found this email waiting for me from Suzy, Kiara's foster mom.

"Oh Mary, the vet appt. was nothing short of a nightmare! Kiara of course gets so freaked out there because everytime she seemed to have gone there, it was for surgery from the dog attacks (2 of them). Anyway, the vet tech had to hold her down with a towel around her so the doc could get to her tail. They ended up having to sedate her so she was limp because she was so strong and wedged her way out of the towel. The doc had to put more stitches in her tail (desolvable ones). He said they will probably last a good month. Her tail looked horrific and was bleeding at the tip. He ended up charging me 50 dollars (I didn't pay it because I'm going to have Paws with Pride take care of it hopefully) for the stitches and sedation. Luckily I had an extra box of clavimox at home that I have to give her twice a day (I don't think that will be an easy task!) He sent me home with an e-collar (one he found in the back) but it is way to small for her neck. So, I tried to make one, but she just won't sit still to put it on and pretty much attacks
whoever attempts it. I ended up finding out at the vet that Kiara will be
"7" in July! I don't know how adoptable she is going to be at that age.
When I left there, I so wanted to drive to that woman's house and attack her- ha! Ok, I'm venting from no sleep. I flat out told the doctor that
those people were insane for keeping their 2 "Cujo's". He said one was a Husky mix and the other a German Shepard. He said the Husky by nature will go after critters (cats etc.) I asked him why in the world would they get one if they already had a cat. He had no answer. Once again, I told him they must be insane! I'm sure he was glad when I left."

I called Suzy right away and offered to come over and help. I have an extra collar here. But she has to take her daughter to an appt. so she's going to stop by my house and pick it up. Probably just as well because I don't want to stress out Kiara any more than she's already been through today. I also told her that the woman should pay the $50, not her and not the rescue agency. Suzy's husband has been out of work for 5 months and she's like most of us, she's doing this out of pocket. Poor li'l Kiara. Suzy's daughter Macy is the only one that can calm her down. I think Suzy is going to have another cat whether she wants one or not. Who's going to take Kiara at that age and injured? I know any of us here at PT would but I also know how most people are.

04-19-2007, 04:50 PM
:( Oh poor wittle baby.. I would take her in a heart beat.. But I am too far away.. Please Mary console Suzie & Kiara now.. Let us know whats going on ok.. Prayers & Huggss being sent..

04-19-2007, 05:22 PM
Sweet Kiara ... if I were closer I too would snap her up ... please offer a word of encouragement to her, from me.

04-19-2007, 05:39 PM
Oh, poor dear sweet li'l Kiara.. and dear Suzy and Macy and you, Mary.

Thank you all for saving her from that horrible place and those horrible people and their horrible dog, and giving her a new life of safety and healing and warmth.


04-19-2007, 05:49 PM
We Are Praying For You And Kiara , That She Can Get Over Her Injuries And Become Accustomed To You And Your Family.
We Are Praying That You Can Help Kiara Overcome Her Rough Start In Life.

Laura's Babies
04-19-2007, 06:10 PM
Maybe once she is in a stress free enviroment, she will calm down and not be so hard to handle. Can you imagine the terror she was living in where she was? No wonder she is such a little spit fire... Poor baby!

04-19-2007, 06:26 PM
I know. :( Every time I think of her being in that house and so afraid, I get angry. I imagine that every time she has to go to the vet, it's going to be a struggle. The cats of mine that have had trauma are still that way, Puddy, Yodie and Specs. The others are pretty good about it. But imagine nearly having her tail torn off and then going back to the place where she had the surgery and more pain. But Suzy is one patient gal and Macy races upstairs to be w/Kiara when she comes home from school. Macy wants to be a vet when she grows up. Yes!

04-21-2007, 11:39 AM
I just received this email from Suzy. :)

Kiara is doing well. She loves sitting in the window! I brushed her for
quite a while last night and she loved that as well. She hates the comb
however. She attacks it. It's actually a little funny how she goes after
it. My money is definitely on Kiara! ha!

She's not getting along too well w/slowly introducing her to the other cats, however. So Suzy's daughter Macy said "Mom, if I keep her in my bedroom, can we keep her? I really don't mind it." Of course, Suzy said "Well, it isn't fair to keep her cooped up in a room all by herself." So I sent her photos of rescues that were placed in homes w/other cats that, at first, wouldn't come out from in between the mattress and box springs. :p But now they're best buds. Hopefully, this will encourage her.

She also said that she promised the woman that she would update her on Kiara and she left her a couple of voice mails but the woman never returned her call. She said she isn't going to bother any more. The woman just flat doesn't care. But Kiara is safe and feeling more secure every day and that's the most important thing.

Laura's Babies
04-21-2007, 11:49 AM
I am betting with a stress free home and lots of TLC, she will come around and be a find companion.. It is going to take her awhile to get over all the trama she has been through.. Don't you just want to choke those other people! :mad:

04-21-2007, 03:50 PM
Suzy just emailed me again. (She has a cold and that's why we aren't talking on the phone. She just doesn't feel well enough.) Here's the news:

Well, I have unbelievable news for you Mary! Cathy called me today (from
Medina Petsmart) and said that she had a lady that was interested in
adopting an older cat for her mom (turning 80 today). Her mom lives by
herself and doesn't drive. She is home all day and is looking for a cat to
be a companion; one that will sleep with her and keep her company all day.
I told Sandy (the daughter) the story of Kiara, and I agreed to meet her up
at the Montrose Petsmart at 2 p.m.
She held Kiara and totally fell in love with her and felt that Kiara would
be a great match for her mom. Her mom lives alone (no other animals) and
will be with Kiara all day. She filled out all of the paperwork and paid
for Kiara, and agreed that it would be best for me to hang onto her until
her tail heals completely. She's going to give me a call in 10-14 days to
see how Kiara is healing, and when I feel she is ready to be placed, I will
take Kiara to her. I told Sandy that heaven for bid if anything would
happen to her mom or Kiara didn't work out, I would definitely take her
back, no questions asked. She said I wouldn't have to worry about that
because if anything would happen to her mom, Sandy would take Kiara herself
because she loved her so much. She has 4 cats of her own. I think Kiara is
going to have a wonderful, quiet, and safe home. I am so excited and happy!

04-21-2007, 03:53 PM
Oh, that is so wonderful.

04-21-2007, 04:22 PM
Wonderful. Breathtaking.
