View Full Version : Stephen 1 Mom 0

04-19-2007, 02:03 PM
The little stink pot made me chase him around the house for 45 mins trying to get him captured and into a carrier. Local vet I use in town had opening to see him for a "once over check up". He has been sneezing allot since we got him on/off so now that he is on insurance I set up the appt.

Little stink pot never made it in carrier and is hiding under the bed. LOL

I ran up/down steps to second floor a ZILLION times. Unfortuately, there is NO door to close that area off and keep him down on first floor.

I told vet office what I will have to do with Stephen is capture him in carrier and then call to see if they can see him that day.

He doesnt completely trust us yet after a month and me chasing him around for 45 minutes hasnt helped, oh well. You cant get near him and he runs. :(

04-19-2007, 02:14 PM
I know what tahts like as Rocca, John Hancock, Miquelito, Pouncierge and Scrappy 2 are almost impossible to catch and I have to have my Vet make two trips.
One for the older cats , one for the younger.
They can someone sense too when you want them, and not one of the other Found Cats.
I hope you caught Stephen in time for that special deal.

04-19-2007, 04:08 PM
Stephen just wanted to make sure you got your exercise in for today! :D He's trying to be cooperative, you just didn't make it clear what you wanted. *giggle* He thought you said, "stair master," not "don't you DARE, MISTER!"

04-19-2007, 04:15 PM
:p Good One Freedom.. Still laughing.. :D
Stephen just wanted to make sure you got your exercise in for today! :D He's trying to be cooperative, you just didn't make it clear what you wanted. *giggle* He thought you said, "stair master," not "don't you DARE, MISTER!"

04-19-2007, 04:57 PM
Sounds like my Yodie Yodie. Catching her is next to impossible. Stephen's got ya where he wants ya. :p

04-19-2007, 05:19 PM
Stephen is NOT happy with me. He was hiding under the bed but has not come out into the hallway and hiding under my antique family chair. He did let give him treats :)

Laura's Babies
04-19-2007, 06:14 PM
When I know I have to kennel mine, I have learned to put the kennel in a room with a door on it that can be closed....DAYS ahead of time. This worked for me. Maybe you want to give that a try... They see those kennels come out, they know it is out for a reason!!! (otherwise, I would be doing that 45 minute chase too.)

04-19-2007, 06:23 PM
Yep, that works for me, too. The only ones who don't mind it are Creamsicle and Coco Puff. They go in willingly and sometimes sleep in it. :p

04-19-2007, 08:15 PM
Everyone else doesnt put up a fuss it's poor Stephen.
He is very skidish guy. He jumps away when you get near him. Only time he doesnt is when he is sleeping.