View Full Version : please help me

07-09-2002, 12:54 PM
my dog cari has a problem around other dogs except her brother. every time a dog comes aroud she runs up to it and tries biting it. my family and i run after her to catch her but she tries gettig free and when she does she runs back and tries biting it again. her brother is so lovable when he is around other dogs. please help me find a way to get her to stop going after dogs when we take her out. thank you:(

07-09-2002, 01:04 PM
You need to have her on a leash at all times around other dogs. If she tries to bite another dog, yank sharply back on the leash once (enough to get her attention) and say No!

Other folks here will have more helpful advice, but how old is your dog? What breed is she? How long have you had her?

07-09-2002, 01:05 PM
She needs reasurrance from her famiy that she is still loved. I knew a chihuaua (spelling?) that did that, but he stopped after a while. How old is the dog?

07-09-2002, 05:52 PM
Cari sounds like she has a definite aggression problem. Like Karen said, make sure she is on a leash all the time when she is around other dogs and when she goes after them yank back and in no uncertain terms let her know that that behavior is unacceptable. Also, if you give her attention AND the other dog too at the same time, she might not feel so intimidated and think that you are going to leave her.

I ask the same question. How old is she? Also, I may be having a brain freeze here, but what kind of dog is she??

07-10-2002, 02:08 PM
thank you all for your advice Cari is 2 years old and she is part whippet and part lab. thank you so very much:D