View Full Version : Heroism isn't just for the animals.

04-18-2007, 01:25 PM
Many of you already know about Adrian and Goofys very scary night last night.

I wanted to take the time and applaud a young hero, who without thinking of his own safety came to the defense of his friend and cuddle buddy. Now this heros friends think his dog is silly because she is fluffy and barky and nippy around them. But they have never been at the other end of her kisses, or shared ice cream under the covers when Mom wasn't looking. They have never sat with this friend for hours looking at Yu-gi-oh cards, or being attacked by dragons and growling and pklaying back on rainy days.

They have never slept away the flu together, or even just hung out watching fireflies. Yes she looks silly with bows (her hero makes her get blue ones) Yes she is very nasty to his friends (she knows she has a keeper in him and doesn't like to share) Yes sometimes even the hero grumbles about walking her when a really good toon is on.

But when her life was threatened, and her hero heard her cries he came to the rescue just like his beloved dragon masters. He mustered up his courage and fought for his friend. He may have hurt the other guy, maybe not. But it made the other guy let go long enough for him to snatch his friend up and run to safety. His friend was hurt pretty badly, and he was hurt not so badly, but his friend lives, because he saved her.

Sometimes we all think the worst of kids. Plenty of media to tell us to, and sometimes Love conquers all.

To my son I am very proud of you, no matter how scared your actions made me. I am proud, and I know Goof is grateful. Thank you for being a terrific friend and great kid.

Prairie Purrs
04-18-2007, 01:38 PM
Adrian, you were very brave and did absolutely the right thing in order to save Goofy. The fact that you're upset about possibly hurting the other dog just shows what a kind heart you have. You were placed in a dangerous and frightening situation through no fault of your own, and you should never be ashamed of acting quickly and courageously to come to Goofy's rescue.

I hope that Katie and Cricket give you extra cuddles and kisses. You certainly deserve it!

critter crazy
04-18-2007, 01:38 PM
Major LES!!! That was just the sweetest thing Kym!!! You should be a very proud Momma! I know I am proud of Adrian!!

04-18-2007, 01:40 PM
To Adrian,
I am so glad you were there with Goofy at that moment to help her and protect her from the other guy. Please do not feel bad if you might have hurt the other guy. You only did what was right at that time. When things like this happen your adrenaline kicks in and helps you through the rough time. This is what happened with you and you did everything right.
I tend to think of you as a hero. I am very fond of Goofy dog (we had a cocker spaniel before we got our current dog), and I am so happy that you were there to protect her. I am sorry you and Goofers were hurt in the process. And I don't even want to think about what could have happened if you were NOT there with your best buddy. Every thing happens for a reason, sometimes we can't explain why. But you were there with Goofy to help her.
{{Hugs to you and Goofy when she comes home}}

04-18-2007, 02:07 PM
That's beautiful, Kym. I am so glad Goofy is going to be OK, and this whole thing just probably made their special bond closer. Your son is a true hero and I can safely say he will be a great dad to an animal when he gets older! :D

Cheers to you, Adrian!

04-18-2007, 03:01 PM

ALL of us at PT are very proud of you!! Do NOT feel guilty over kicking that dog. You saved Goofy's life by doing so.

So, here's to you, Adrian...


04-18-2007, 03:29 PM
What a very brave young man.

04-18-2007, 05:17 PM

Each and every one of us owns a unique "flight" or " fight" mechanism , and depending upon the stressers that we encounter, we will react accordingly.~

We will either "run" from away from danger, in fear, or, fight it, head on!!!

Congratulations Adrian~ You instinctively came to the defense of a very good friend, and you reacted with all the boldness and the courage that is necessary when you are suddenly attacked without warning!!!

You saved her (Goofballs) life Adrian---You actually did!!!! :cool:

You are such a Brave young Man, and all of us on Pet Talk are so glad to learn that both of you are doing fine!!!!

04-18-2007, 05:45 PM
Tell Adrian it is only natural to have his first instinct to be to protect his buddy in any way he can. -- Sophist

I was thinking the same thing. Adrian was outdoors with Goofy. I don't remember reading that they did anything that would have provoked the other dog. That must have been a very scary experience. I'm very glad that Adrian acted to protect Goofy. I don't think there was any other thing he could have done. I hope they will be extra-special buddies now, more than they ever were. And if Adrian's friends give him any grief about his fluffy, silly dog - all he has to say is that she might be fluffy and silly, but he rescued her and saved her life. I hope that will hush up Adrian's friends. And if it doesn't, then I wish Adrian friends who will think Goofy is special and be proud of Adrian for rescuing her. Just as we are!

04-18-2007, 05:55 PM

You did a wonderful thing for your sweet friend. I pray Goofy makes a full recovery. You should be proud of what you have done, we sure are. You are both in my thoughts and prayers.

04-18-2007, 06:51 PM
hi this is adrian talking right now,

thank you all for being so supportive of me i am really glad that you are congratulating me but i nearly puked from fight after the adrenalin wore off i was really scared.


04-18-2007, 06:56 PM
I know he isn't supposed to post till he is 13 but I let him read this thread and he asked, besides I don't think a thank you actually counts as breaking the rules ;)


04-18-2007, 07:32 PM
Wow am I ever impressed! I have never heard about a boy of your age with such bravery and smarts in his body!! If you hadn't kicked this dog goofy might not be alive right now. You saved her!! What an awesome owner you are! I don't know if I could even be that brave! I think I might have just ran away and hid!!! You should be proud of yourself! Wow I still can't belive what I'm reading. I bet your mom is so proud of you we all are too. Good Job! :D

4 Dog Mother
04-18-2007, 07:56 PM
What a brave young man you are, Adrian! I love my dogs very much but if this happened to me, I am afraid I might be too scared to kick the dog so he would stop hurting my dog. I would scream and scream but I don't know if I could try to divert the dog's attention by kicking it. The fear of a pit bull attacking me and hurting me might make me do nothing (but the screaming). You are indeed a hero, and you shouldn't worry about hurting the other dog. It isn't his fault that he was trained to be mean but there was no other way to stop him from most likely killing your pup. Congratulations to you!

04-18-2007, 08:18 PM
AJ -- We're all really proud of you for protecting Goofy so well! Try not to feel bad, you stood up when you needed to and did the right thing - and hopefully both you and goofy's stitches will heal up quickly so you guys can get back to doin the things you like to do together! :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2007, 09:51 PM
What a wonderful thing to do for Adrian, Kym.

Adrian, you're such a brave person for doing what you did. Not only are you a fine young man, but you will grow up to be a fine adult as well. Great job!!! :) :D :)

04-18-2007, 10:40 PM
Adrian, don't worry about nearly puking afterwards, that's the adrenalin and aftermath - no reflection on you as a human being. And, as Pooh once told Piglet, courage isn't about not being afraid, courage is being afraid and doing it anyway. Thank you for rescuing your friend.

04-19-2007, 02:37 AM
Dear Adrian,

You did the right thing! I applaud your curage, standing up for a friend in danger takes a lot of heart and its a testiment of your character. You earned some good karma today, pat yourself on the back!

Lilith Cherry
04-19-2007, 07:40 AM
Adrian you are a true hero! You defended your friend goofy and came to the rescue when you were needed most. I think that showed true courage and you should be as proud of yourself as we are of you! I do hope both you and goofy are feeling much better very soon.

04-19-2007, 07:59 AM
Adrian, you are a wonderful courageous boy for sticking up for your Best Friend. You heard her cries and came to her rescue...she would have done the same for you. You have made your bond so very strong and showed your Goof that you will fight to protect her from any danger. Your sadness for the young pittie just goes to show that you have a loving and caring heart and that is a wonderful trait. Anything that happens to her has nothing to dog with you...you are a God send to your little Goof and she will be forever greatful to you. Speedy recovery to you both.

04-19-2007, 02:26 PM
Thank yo all for what you said to my son, I printed off what is here so far and he took it with him to class. I told him that when all is said and done we will bind it and add some pictures of Goofy, it will be a wonderful keepsake for a Job well done!

04-20-2007, 11:18 PM
Adrian....remember me? I spoke to you on the phone right after I was seriously attacked last April.When a dog is in such a frenzy, it's going to bite anyone in it's path. Your kick distracted the dog long enough for you to rescue your pal. You don't know if it wouldn't have bitten you anyway. It's something you can't keep worrying about. I know it's hard, I do. What you should dwell on is the fact that you saved Goof's life. Believe me, I don't regret my injury one bit because I saved a puppy's life in my own back yard. You do what you have to do in emergency situations. You are such a compassionate, caring, smart, incrediblly mature young man, and you are my hero. Thank God Goof will be Okay especially with your extra loving care and your wounds and pain will subside too.

Big hugs to you, pumpkin. Love ya!

04-21-2007, 09:56 AM
Adrian, you are a VERY VERY brave young man!
You should be very proud of yourself!
Goofy is lucky to have someone as brave as you as a friend!

You are my hero!!

04-21-2007, 08:25 PM
adrian, you did the right thing. i was scared when i read the story, but i respect and admire your strength of character in doing what you had to to save goofy. as angie said,and i'll steal it, you're my hero

04-22-2007, 03:13 PM
Adrian, you are a remarkable young man. I just read your story and found it deeply moving and inspiring. You are indeed a true hero, your selfless act of courage will be a part of you now forever. Such things help shape who we are in life, and this is something you should always look back on with pride and joy. I know it had to be difficult and certainly traumatizing. So often it is our loyal and faithful pets that put their lives on the line for us. What a gift that you could be the hero this time to your buddy, Goofy, to return her unconditional love in such a courageous act. As a pet lover, I thank you deeply for doing what you had to do to save your wonderful companion's life. I know Goofy is grateful in her own doggy way. :)

04-22-2007, 04:16 PM
Hello Adrian -

I just read that Goofy came home from the hospital earlier today. SHE IS HOME BECAUSE OF WHAT YOU DID! You helped a friend in need, who couldn't take care of things alone. You stepped right in without hesitating and made sure things worked out better. That is a wonderful accomplishment. You did good, young man! Give Goofy plenty of gentle hugs.

04-23-2007, 02:16 PM
i can say i am proud.. but i didnt see it on tv lol if it was on lol i am so lost here... check out some dog behavior they have some kool 1s lol