View Full Version : TNR project! ** release 20 pics 4/25 post 33

04-18-2007, 11:55 AM
I met Linda in the library in late February. I had Sugar with me and was talking about my cats. She mentioned that she has been feeding 10 to 12 cats in her back yard since last summer, and now the females look like they could be pregnant.

One thing led to another and this morning we started trapping!

PawsWatch is the name of the group who are helping us. Kathy from that group came over for 3 hours this morning to get us started. Then both Kathy AND Linda had to leave for work. Before they left, we had 3 in carriers. Kathy took those with her, to drop at the vet.

Since then, I've trapped 2 more. They are now sitting in carriers in the cellar over at Linda's, waiting for their trip to the vet.

Lisa, screen name K & L, as been guiding me along and put me in touch with PawsWatch when the first group I had been in touch with didn't move. Thanks, Lisa!

Because of that delay, some females ARE pregnant, and one has had her kittens! I saw 4 little babies, maybe 3 or 4 days old, yesterday. Unfortunately, mom cat moved them and we don't know where those babies are, yet. So if we should happen to catch mom cat in the trap, we will have to release her.

I'll let you know how this project develops!

04-18-2007, 01:10 PM
How exciting! Thanks for keeping us posted!!

Laura's Babies
04-18-2007, 01:15 PM
Congratulation! This is a wonderful thing you are doing and just about the only way to stop the over population of unwanted babies and more and more being likked in shelters. May God lead you to the ones that need you and Bless you for what you are doing.

04-18-2007, 04:21 PM
Whew, what a day we are having!

As of 5 pm, we have caught a total of 6.

Of the first 3 caught this morning, they have already been to the vet. One male and 2 females. One female was pregnant, with 6 little ones the size of walnuts. The other female had just come out of heat.

What this means is. We have to consider that all the females are now pregnant, so we have to get them in as soon as we can.

Basically, there are 2 litters from last year. A black and white group, born about June / July 2006, and a chocolate brown / black group, born last September /October 2006. Two of the black and white group were taken in by 2 different homes in the neighbor hood. So far, we have caught 2 more black and white. Adn the mom cat with the babies, she is from the black and white litter.

The choco litter, we have caught 4 of those. There are at least two more of them. They are very difficult to tell apart, and sometimes you look and think you are seeing double!

I wish it would stop raining, I've been getting soaked!

04-18-2007, 05:37 PM
Oh how wonderful of you. God bless you, Freedom.


04-18-2007, 07:11 PM
Bless You For Helping The Helpless And For Every Cat You Help A Gold Star Goes By Your Name At The Rainbow Bridge And You Will Be Repaid Many Times Over For What You Have Done For Those Little Ones.
Please Keep Us Updated On The Rescued Ones.

04-18-2007, 07:57 PM
Well I think we are finished for tonight. What a hectic, chaotic fun day this has been.

As of 8:30 PM, we had 3 in Linda's cellar in crates, 2 in Linda's cellar at large (oops! :rolleyes: ), and one in Linda's cellar in the trap. Our sponsor said she would "pick up after us," ha ha.

I haven't been over there since 7 PM. I managed to let one loose in the cellar.

Then Linda got one in the trap and tried to do the transfer herself without phoning for Dad and I to run over and assist. (I haven't done any transfers alone, I have always had Dad helping hold on tight!!!) Well, she couldn't quite manage it and that cat got loose in her cellar. She phoned me and was laughing so hard I could barely understand what happened! Then, when she told me she thought she could do it if she held the carrier with her back legs and used her front paws to open the trap, :eek: well, then I knew she was just as loopy as I am te hee.

We caught 7, plus that mom cat. We don't know where she has hidden the kittens, so I believe they will be letting her go overnight. We will start again tomorrow morning.

Today Dad and I have seen more of Linda's backyard and cellar than we have our own home!

04-18-2007, 08:19 PM
Bless you for doing this. Is Paws Watch helping w/expenses or are you doing it out of pocket? When I was doing it, only one local organization would help with spay/neuter but they wanted to do it at 8 wks. old in order for me to get the discount. I flatly refused. So out of pocket it came. I do hope you're getting financial help w/all this. And out in the rain is no fun. But you're keeping a good spirit.

04-18-2007, 08:24 PM
Sandie I am so happy for you!
Now which ones are you keeping?? :p

K & L
04-18-2007, 10:02 PM
Keep up the good work. I told you that you just might get hooked at doing this! ;) It's so hard to describe the rewarding feeling of knowing how much you're helping ones that no one else wants to. Can't wait for updates and pictures!!!

04-18-2007, 10:53 PM
This is so great! :D Keep up the good work.

04-18-2007, 11:11 PM
That is wonderful! :)

04-19-2007, 12:43 AM
I'm glad that you've been able to catch some of them already. Keep up the good work.:)

04-19-2007, 08:41 AM
Good morning, all! I have an update.

I mis-counted, we actually caught EIGHT yesterday who went to the vet. Pretty good for day one for a beginner, huh? We caught the "Father," large scruffy looking male with a bad eye.

We have one left!

I can't believe it, just one from the choco litter. He is going to be stubborn, he won't even come in the yard. So we may need to move the trap to a neighbor's (there have been 3 houses feeding these cats regularly.)

I think everyone has put mom cat on hold until she weans her babies. We really did stress her out more than enough catching her yesterday.

Mary, thankfully PawsWatch is paying for the vet bill. We, Linda and I, did have to agree to sell raffle tickets for their next fundraiser, which is in a few weeks. Right now we have to sell 250 tickets to cover this project! :eek: Well, we will figure out something.

Lisa, sorry no pictures. These cats are only friendly to the few folks who've been feeding them. And even then, only 2 or 3 permit petting, NO ONE can pick them up.

Kym ha ha. How many am I keeping! I wish I could keep all of them. I am keeping ONE. (And Dad isn't too happy about it.) This is a petit female, from the black and white litter. She is one who let's Linda pet her, but no one else, and Linda was in tears when we caught her. Linda really is attached to this one, but she can't take her in. In fact when Linda sets out the food most mornings, she will jump up on Linda's knee for pets. (Can't hold her, though.) She actually sounds the most "tame," from all the neighbors descriptions of which ones they can touch. She's the one who was pregnant, in the early stages. We did NOT have her ear tipped; so I am committed! (Dad is going nuts, he he. ) I really do have to stop acquiring pets!

K & L
04-19-2007, 09:09 AM

Here's what we do to keep track of all our cats. Remember we are working with 100's at the park and I also do this here at work. Even though we ear-tip this just helps me remember which cats were trapped from which area in case I ever have to refer back.


Keep up the good work!!! You make me proud!!

Pawsitive Thinking
04-19-2007, 09:54 AM
Well done! You are a star!!

04-19-2007, 12:31 PM
Well the one - or maybe it's two? - is very suspicious. No cats came into Linda's yard all morning.

We got the OK from the neighbor and have just moved the trap over there. This person normally provides the cats with food when she gets home from work between 4 and 4:30 so keep fingers crossed.

Sadly, when we went over there we found a dead kitten at the foot of the porch steps. Mom cat has been moving them around again, sigh.

These cats have the life! Each morning Linda sets out breakfast. Her next door neighbor COOKS EXTRA Portguese food nightly. Her husband comes home for lunch daily and sets out lunch for the cats. Then afternoon tea at the neighbor directly behind Linda's house. Finally, Linda sets out supper between 7 and 8 PM. Linda says it is comical to watch "the tribe" come out from all corners, bushes and shrubs and walk up the grassy slope for afternoon tea!

Linda has bird feeders in her back yard. These cats have on occassion caught a bird, played with it and killed it, but they don't eat it. And she doubts they would have a clue what do to with a mouse! What spoiled cats!

04-19-2007, 02:30 PM
It is a great thing you are doing! Keep up the good work!

04-19-2007, 03:52 PM
Wow, what a wonderful rescue project you and Linda have going! :) :) I'm so glad you're doing this - keep up the good work!

04-19-2007, 03:56 PM
Well done Sandra, it's great hearing about your adventures, and I'm sure it's an adventure for the cats too! It'll be so rewarding knowing that you're helping, that's how myself and my mum felt when we trapped our garden ferals and when we feed them every day.
And you're keeping one? Just one, now are you sure about that! ;)

Daisy and Delilah
04-19-2007, 04:06 PM
Sandie, you're an amazing woman!!! Kudos to you girlfriend!! Great job!! :D

04-19-2007, 07:23 PM
At 7 PM this evening, we think we got the last one from the choco litter. HOORAY!

We phoned all the homes and said to put out food tonight and in the morning. Mom cat needs to EAT!

I will be scouting tomorrow to see if there are any other stragglers. Then we will develop a plan to find the kittens and get mom cat.

I will be driving this one to the sponsor's home this evening. She will take it to the vet in the morning.

K & L
04-19-2007, 09:09 PM
Now talk about successful!!! And to think this was your very first attempt at TNRing!! A job well done!!!! :D

04-19-2007, 10:44 PM
Oops! I forgot a step!

I drove this cat all the way to the sponsor's home; a 45 minute drive. First thing she says to me is: did you make sure it is not a nursing mom?


So of course, it IS a nursing mom. Had to drive her back and release her. Hope her babies are OK, she was only missing for about 4 hours.

So we have TWO litters out there somewhere!

Update on the 5 we caught end of the day Wednesday: 1 pregnant female, 4 males.

So our sponsor has 3 females recovering, and 5 males in her basement in cages. She is being so helpful, holding on to the males while we try to figure out what we are doing. Normally, the males get released that same night!
And thus far, we have prevented the arrival of 16 more kittens into this colony!

I mentioned to our sponsor that PT'ers wanted to see photos. She laughed and told me to take a photo of my Ebony and post it for you! She said 7 of the 8 look like Ebony, an all black cat, neither she nor the vet has been able to tell them apart.

What an experience.

04-20-2007, 09:18 PM
We had quite a fun time this evening. There is ONE cat left we want to catch. The trap was set and re-baited with fresh tuna every two hours. This evening at about 7 PM, this cat came out, walked right past the trap and up the steps to the porch and waited patiently for the woman to come out and feed it! So she got her carrier near the door, got some food, opened the door, sat and talked to it, fed it, petted it, trying to build the relationship. This cat has never let anyone touch it before. She worked with this cat for 20 minutes. Meanwhile, her husband called Linda, who called me, and we are all at Linda's house watching the saga unfold, hoping that somehow she can snatch the cat and get it in the carrier.

Someone out at the front of the house was walking a dog and the cat heard the tags jingle and took off.

Linda said this is hilarious, an 8 month old cat is outsmarting 3 intelligent women!

Well by now it is closer to 8 PM, and quite dark. Everyone said to forget it until morning. I decided to set the trap once more and return in an hour.

We now have a cat no one has seen before! She is small, and she is definitely part of the dark litter. We know its a she as we had to make sure it was not a nursing mom, and, well, it became clear it is not, but it is a female. **
So we STILL have one more to get!

Saturday midday, the 5 males will be released. So we have one more chance in the morning to catch a cat!

**Editted to clarify: this cat is NOT a female; it IS the cat the woman was feeding and working with for 20 minutes; it IS "crooked head," described in post 26 below. Because we couldn't find nipples did not mean it was a "she", only that it wasn't a "nursing she." No clue WHY the women who always work with these cats didn't recognize him in the trap and in the carrier after the transfer. But they do look different scrunched up and so frightened, poor kitties.

04-21-2007, 08:05 PM
Part I is completed, I can't believe we made it this far.

First off, that kitty we caught last evening was in fact the one we were trying for; there are no others.

The women have been calling him "crooked head." His head is on a tilt. For some reason when he was in the trap and the small carrier last evening, they all decided that wasn't "crooked head." Hmm. Well, that WAS "crooked head," and the last of the tribe we have been tracking; except of course for the 2 nursing moms and their babies.

Little "crooked head" was seen by the vet this afternoon. It is a male. He was very weak and dehydrated. He got sub q fluids, has been neutered, and has had all his shots and dewormer. He is back at Kathy's house wrapped in a blanket sleeping it off. The vet said he was amazed the little thing has survived this long. As a kitten he got some type of ear infection which reached the inner ear and has thrown off his balance. It is a permanent handicap, and he can NOT be released. There is no way he will survive. He needs to be fed separately so he doesn't need to compete for his food. He will need to build up his strength, but he will always need special attention. And he will always be a small guy. Only time will tell if he can eat the amount he needs in the usual 3 feedings per day, or if he needs multiple feedings. It is not clear how well he can eat at this point.

So I will not take in the little girl; and one of the other women will. I will take in this little guy, who is receiving the royal treatment and will be "Little King." I'm sure that will get shortened to "King" with time. Kathy and vet found him extremely tame, easy to hold and pet, so the transition will be easy with him.

When I dropped off my Little King today, I picked up the 5 boys from Kathy and planned to release them this evening. We still had the trap set, as no one had yet determined that we did have "crooked head." Oh dear. When you remove 11 cats from a territory, other cats fill the vacuum. So this evening when I went over to collect the trap prior to releasing the boys, we had . . . a huge orange male! Where did HE come from? He seems to be a "stray," with a scraggly look about him. He will spend the night in a carrier in my garage, and tomorrow he will go to the vet to find out if he has been neutered; and if not, he will be. I only hope some owner somewhere over in that neighborhood is not worrying about their macho male all night and all day tomorrow.

I took pics of the boys, and of the release, so I will be posting those towards the end of the week (reminder, I still use a film camera; finished the roll, need to get it in for developing.)

Thus far:
-trapped, neutered, and released 5 males, all blacks
-trapped, neutered, and I will keep, 1 male, all black
-trapped, to be neutered (if not already) and released 1 orange male
-trapped, neutered, and will release on Monday, 2 females, all black
-trapped, neutered, and will rehome 1 female, black and white
-2 nursing moms and their babies still to be addressed. One mom is black and white, one mom is all black.

We know the black and white mom had at least 4 babies, all are black, and one has died. We don't know what the black mom cat has for kittens.

Scooter's Mom
04-21-2007, 08:14 PM
Wow, it sounds like you've had a great time helping those kitties!
I cannot wait to see your pictures!

Great Job!

04-21-2007, 08:44 PM
Now that's what I call making a difference. How wonderful! Just a thought here: did the vet check King's ears for an ear polyp or is he positive it's an infection? Yodie Yodie walked w/her head crooked like that and it was because the ear polyp made her uncomfortable. Later, it grew and I had to have it removed. Don't want to plant a bad seed here but if he only thinks it's an infection and isn't positive, he might want to take a second look. But you're taking excellent care of little King and I'm proud to know ya. :)

04-23-2007, 05:52 PM
I know I missed updating this thread for a few days.

We were done catching the adults, except for the 2 nursing moms. But just to be sure, we set the trap once more and caught a huge orange male. Turns out he has not been neutered either, so he will be neutered and then released. He appears to be a stray as well. Probably he was in a neighborhood near by and once we removed all the males from this territory he tried to move in.

I now have photos of the 5 males. They were released on Saturday evening.

This is "Big Daddy." He is a huge tom cat, scarred and scraggly and the father to most of these cats we are working with.


This one is "wild man." He likely would have grown into a tom and taken over this colony, forcing Big Daddy to move elsewhere. He rocked the trap the entire time he was in it. He rocked the carrier when he was in that. He was in a frenzy for the vet. The only one who was so wild and excited / nervous.


Male cat #3


Male cat #4


Male cat #5 (I took a few shots of this one.)




I did take photos of their release, those pictures are still in the camera; will have them later this week. You can see they all look so similar! No wonder no one was really sure how many there were!

I expect that tomorrow I will be going to pick up the rest of the cats. One female for release, the huge orange male for release. One black and white female for rehoming, and Little King may come home with me, I'm not sure yet.

The black and white mom cat has been out and eating at all the 3 homes. No one has seen her babies though. The black mom cat has not been seen since release.

We have rung up $600 in vet bills, thus far. Pawswatch keeps reminding us that we have to refill the coffers, somehow. Working at their fundraisers, baking, and such, most likely.

04-24-2007, 09:13 PM
Thank you so much for doing this for these kitties! I hope that they live long happy and healthy lives. You are giving them a chance. :)

04-25-2007, 05:48 AM
Sandra I'm sure you could make some things to sell, as you have done before for Church meets, I will see if I can get my mum to make something, she's made some lovely small quilts. I'll let you know next time I email you!

04-25-2007, 06:31 AM
I haven't been reading or posting in a while. I just now read through this thread and I am amazed at all you have accomplished! These kitties were probably inbreeding over and over! Thank you SO MUCH for all of your hard work and dedication! You have prevented so many births and deaths as well! Good luck in getting those two mommies and babies!


04-25-2007, 11:34 AM
Here are the photos of the release.

First, we released the 5 black males on Saturday. We lined up all the carriers in Linda's back yard, as that is where these were trapped.


Linda opened two gates, but they weren't in any rush to get out. They must feel as though they'd been abducted by aliens, and need to get their bearings as to where they are!



She just kept going down the line opening carriers.


Big Daddy wouldn't even look at the camera.

More pics coming!

04-25-2007, 11:37 AM
The first one to have his carrier opened was the last one out!


That was also the day we caught the large orange male. He was NOT pleased.



The next day we released one female. She was the one who had just come out of heat, so she wasn't far along in her pregnancy and was able to heal more quickly.


You will notice her side is shaved. This vet does the European method for spaying. He goes in on the side, through muscle; which provides a protective shield for the healing.


Linda had to coax this girl to come out.


More pics next post!

04-25-2007, 11:39 AM
Wow! What an assembly line! What a great job!

04-25-2007, 11:52 AM
Two days later, on Tuesday the 24th, we released the rest of them.

Here is the orange male. Now he KNOWS he doesn't like us!


At the same time, we picked up the remaining two females for release. Little Darling is the black and white one; she is quite cuddly with Linda. The other is a black female. They came in a carrier together.




Linda had been a bit upset about Little Darling when she was trapped. And she really felt this girl was adoptable. So I separated the girls, and Dad and I went off to release the orangie and the black girl.



I let Little Darling out in my small bedroom. She was terrified, poor thing. Tore down the curtains, rod, valance and all. Raced all around the room. When I got her, she calmed down. I could hold her, pet her, but once I let go she was in a fright again. So I felt it was better to release her as well, which we did. She will be with her siblings.


This morning, Linda told me that she went out at about 8 AM as usual with breakfast. Little Darling came dashing across the lawn and right up to her. Linda hadn't seen her in a few days so she scooped the little cat up and hugged her. That cat LOVES Linda, but she isn't too sure about the rest of us humans, or rooms with walls and ceilings. Because she was back with Linda, most of the others came right up to Linda's ankles again, just as they had been doing before we started this little escapade! So Linda feels they aren't holding it against her, he he. The major part of this project is now complete.

We have 2 females out there who were nursing when we trapped them, so we released them. One has not been sighted since; an all black. The other, black and white mom cat, has been lounging around in the 3 backyards, so we fear she lost all her babies. (She is the one with the baby tiger kitten in the baby pics thread. Her name is Smudge.) We will wait a few weeks to be certain there are no kittens around, then we will try and catch her for spay.

One little black male has a handicap, his head is tilted. It seems to be some sort of middle ear balance issue. He can't fend for himself and the vet told us NOT to release him. I think I will be taking him; I've been calling him "Little King," as he is getting loads of special attention at the Kathy's home.

So this is the end of this thread and my venture into TNRM (Trap, Neuter, Release, Monitor). Hope you have enjoyed reading all of it!

04-25-2007, 12:23 PM
Hopefully, the vet will find out what exactly is wrong w/little King and can get it taken care of. If it's an ear polyp, his head will tilt like that. It's easy to remove in the early stages but if it "takes root", it gets more complicated. Yodie had to have it lasered after it grew down into her throat. It nearly strangled her before Dr. Lee could do the surgery. My prayers going out to little King. And to you for all the good work that you do.

04-25-2007, 02:13 PM
Freedom, I have to give you TONS of credit. Had it been me - it would have been trap, neuter, KEEP! I'm glad they came back to Linda - makes me think they might be adoptable in future.

04-25-2007, 07:08 PM
God bless you and Linda and your dad. You have done amazing work. Thank you.


04-25-2007, 08:13 PM
Thanks all, it sure was quite an experience! We enjoyed it overall.

Casssiesmom, hehe, yeah I went through the "I wanna keep them all," and the "they MUST be adoptable" routines too. Kudos once again to Kathy, our sponsor via PawsWatch. She talked sense to me. Plus, seeing them careen around Linda's basement - we had 2 escapes! - in pure terror at being inside a dwelling, well, it all helped me see the truth.

These cats COULD be tamed and made into house cats. They will likely NEVER be lap cats. But who are you going to get to help them through the transition? It takes anywhere from 6 weeks to 4 months to get them settled in a home. And most will be escape artists all their lives.

Plus, they are already almost a year old; kitten season is coming up quickly; and the public only wants to adopt cuddly kittens that will be lap cats. Sigh.

It took 3 people almost 2 hours to capture one escapee in the basement. And then, we only got the cat because it was so tired and terrified it couldn't keep running anymore. The other one to escape in the basement got up into the pipes in the top of the basement and then onto the concrete blocks that make the foundation. We had to turn off the lights, leave the door to outside open, and leave. Three hours later she was outside, but OMG what a time. And of course we felt awful because we knew she was terrified even though WE knew there was no need to be afraid.

K & L
04-25-2007, 09:44 PM
I've sure enjoyed reading your TNR accomplishment and seeing all your pictures. Hats off to a job well done! I wish you luck on the other 2 moms. They need to be caught before they go into heat again.