View Full Version : Still shaking....Update on Goof page 5

04-17-2007, 06:03 PM
Before anyone flames me about the breed mentioned , I like pits. I do not like irresponsible owners. Penny has been to my house, so she knows exactly what I mean by that.

My son and Goofy were attacked earlier by a neighbors Pit, I am literally still shaking. Adrian was in our rear yard taking Goof potty, he wasn't out there 3 minutes when I heard Goofy scream and my son yelling, I ran out and he was kicking off a Pittie pup from the house across the alley.

Goofy is at the vets, I am not certain of her condition I dropped her there on my way to ER with my son, who has 3 stitches and thats all Thank heavens. I am waiting for a call back from Steve with an update on Goof.

When we arrived home the neighbor that owns the dog were yelling at us that we bought more trouble than we know by calling the cops. He was arrested, the idiot said it in front of the cops. I did not call them FYI the hospital did when reporting an animal bite.

Anyway if you all could just hold Adrian and Goof in your thoughts while I try to calm down, my son has never seen an aggressive animal and Goof is his bud.

04-17-2007, 06:05 PM
I'm so sorry. I'm glad your son is going to be okay. I hope Goofy is ok. I'm sure you are all very shook up. {hugs}

04-17-2007, 06:08 PM
Oh no! :(

I really hope they'll both be ok and that dog owner gets whats coming. :mad:

04-17-2007, 06:08 PM
Oh Kym how horrible! I am glad your son will be OK. Will be watching for update on Goofy!!! Oh gosh, poor all of you!

04-17-2007, 06:10 PM
OH NO!!!! I have tears in my eyes as I type this. I am glad your son is all right. I hope Goofy is okay....she's my little buddy (even though I've never met her).
Your son and Goofy will be in my thoughts and I will check back every hour for an update.
It's owners like that that give Pits a bad rep. :mad:

04-17-2007, 06:11 PM
I feel sorry for you......... you must be so stirred right now........ sending good vibes your way, your son and goofy´s wasy too......

I hate irresponsible owners that act like it´s your fault....

I love Pits and any other dog, I was too bitten by a dog before (GSD) and that didn´t change my mind about them at all....... any dog in irresponsible hands is capable of doing damage to other people and their pets.....

what a shock but gladly you son was nothing more serious, hoping goofy is ok too.....

04-17-2007, 06:14 PM
Thank you, I am sitting here waiting for the phone to ring, it is after hours so no receptionist just Steve and his asst. I want to call but I know Steve when he has news he will call me.

Adrian is sitting her poking at his leg telling me it is still numb, and that it is cool that they can do that, asked me 4 times now why his friends dog would do that, that the dog is nice to him all the time. Oh boy time to choose my words, since telling him his friends uncle is an ignorant SOB with about as many brains as a dead snail and no ba**s either since he is cruel to his animals and has them for all the wrong reasons and should choke on a chicken bone won't quite work.

Explaining to him that yes they took the dog and that they may get the dog back, is tough enough, He doesn't understand why they took it and i am bungling my responses, I keep busting into tears. Can not type any more right now i am crying again. My poor kids both of them.

04-17-2007, 06:17 PM
How sad for Adrian, and we all hope Goofy will be home and being Goofy in no time. Sometimes words just won't do. Tell Adrian not to poke his leg too much, because even if it doesn't hurt now, he'll give himself bruises that WILL hurt tomorrow!

04-17-2007, 06:19 PM
OH Kym. It will be okay. Are they really going to give the dog back to those owners?? That's too bad. And I can imagine it is very difficult to explain this to your son. At least he doesn't have any ill feelings toward the dog....does he?
Again, I am so sorry you are going through this. ((((LOTS of hugs to you, your son, and Goofy when she comes home))))

critter crazy
04-17-2007, 06:35 PM
Oh Goodness Dr G. I sure hope Goofy is okay!! Glad to here that Adrian is doing okay. I feel So bad for you right now! :(

04-17-2007, 06:47 PM
Steve has just called, which is a relief, Goofy has 57 stitches, almost all the wounds were minor meaning flesh tears as opposed to punctures. She has 2 puncture wounds on her lower right underbelly which he has a drain in. He says that in this case her lack of grooming (i missed her last 2 appts due to being ill) helped her. She is bruised and her ear leather was torn. She will be fine, he is waiting for her to wake up a bit more before he leaves. He offered me the choice of him dropping her off or her staying overnight (nice to have a vet you have known for many years ) I opted for her to stay. I am too shaken to care for her right now. I realize it is more expensive as I will have to pay for Mandy being there overnight with her, but I feel it is best for the Goofball right now.

Adrian wants me to thank all of you and to tell you he isn't hurting(wait till tomorrow) but that he feels really bad for kicking the dog, he is really a bit weepy too, since he is certain that is why it bit him.

Prairie Purrs
04-17-2007, 06:54 PM
I'm so glad to hear that Goofy will be OK! And I'm beyond furious at the idiot neighbor. I hope that the cops took notice that he was stupid enough to make threats and throw anything they can at him by way of charges.

I wish there were some way to keep people like that from owning animals. I'm so sorry that this jerk's cruelty and stupidity resulted in Adrian and Goofy getting hurt.

04-17-2007, 06:59 PM
Thanks Penny, and since you have seen their "breeding facility" you know exactly who I mean! I am still shaken up and so angry I could spit and so scared I keep crying.

Poor Adrian is upset with himself for kicking the dog, and doesn't grasp that it never would have happened if these ppl gave a DAMN.

I told you when you were here it was a heartache waiting to happen. I haven't heard back yet from the cops, as to whether or not they are going to confiscate all the dogs or just the one that bit. The neighbors are claiming the cops took the wrong dog, that that isn't the one that bit him, but it was the only fawn and white over there, so I have no Idea what the neighbors are thinking or trying to pull :(

04-17-2007, 06:59 PM
What an ordeal for all of you! Hope every one makes a speedy recovery and Adrian and Goofy aren't too traumatized and everyone heals quickly, including yourself.

04-17-2007, 07:04 PM
How scary...

Tell poor Adrian it is only natural to have his first instinct to be to protect his buddy in any way he can.

I hope the neighbor is soon dog-less... certainly doesn't sound at all like he needs to own (much less breed) any kind of dogs.

04-17-2007, 07:12 PM
Ok, I am still upset but a bit calmer now that I know Goof will be ok not FINE but ok.
Let me try to explain this to you all and maybe explain my rage. The house that this dog comes from is a dump, the hog wire fencing is not adequate for 15 pitts. These are NOT ppl that should have Pitties. Their dogs are all dog and animal aggressive, because the owners WANT them that way.

As far as we know they do not fight on theor property. Their dogs sport fresh wounds monthly, so yes we do believe they fight them. Proof is not available and I cannot make the cops do anything over a hunch.

They allow these younger dogs to roam nightly, to get excercise.(their words not mine) The other neighbor allows her 2 vicious labs out on thursdays, at 11 pm till she gets up on Friday. Penny met the lady with the labs while she came over to pick up the trash her dogs tore up again. I asked her isn't she afraid to let them roam knowing the other dogs are loose? she said nope I have been allowed thurdays thats how I know my dogs did this to your trash and not theirs.

Yes I have called AC no they find the dogs out :rolleyes:

Point is, it isn't the dog or the breed in this case it is the owner and a very ignorant and lazy township. The only reason any dog was taken today was when the cop heard I belong to several rescue groups all of which had been informed and were keeping an eye on the outcome did he call for a animal pick up.

Prairie Purrs
04-17-2007, 07:18 PM
Poor Adrian! He must be terribly confused and upset. Of course he's not to blame for trying to protect Goofy and himself.

I'm hoping some solution can be reached to get those dogs out of the neighbor's hands without it turning out badly for the dogs. And I hope that he's prosecuted and required to pay restitution for Adrian's and Goofy's injuries! The dogs deserve a chance, although if they've been trained as fighters, there probably isn't much hope for them. The owner deserves to be locked up.

04-17-2007, 07:21 PM
You don't deserve this at all, Kym. I'm so sorry. I will be keeping poor Goofy in my thoughts. :( Please keep us updated!

04-17-2007, 07:23 PM
The only reason any dog was taken today was when the cop heard I belong to several rescue groups all of which had been informed and were keeping an eye on the outcome did he call for a animal pick up.

Sounds like an animal control problem, not a cop problem. Now that a dog had actually done something to show it was a public threat and the owners could possibly be charged with criminal negligence, it is appropriate for the police to be involved.

Prior to that, it sounds like it is all on the animal control who can never 'find' the animals (I know that story all to well, sadly).

I share your frustration with animal control... my visiting 2 year old neice was just bitten by a dog we have called animal control on numerous times and they can never locate. At least I am only dealing with 20-lb doxie mixes with bad owners, not labs and pits with bad owners.

I would certainly be making another call to animal control about this issue, making darn sure they know they are at least partly responsible for letting it escalate to this.

Make sure the police are aware of your wandering dog complaints, also. Animal control should have alerted the owners, which will count against them in court (knwoing their animals were a nuisance and not allowed to be at large, that is).

04-17-2007, 07:50 PM
Poor Goofy. :( I hope she heals quickly. And your poor son, not old enough to understand why this happened. :(

04-17-2007, 07:58 PM
That is just it, I will be very surprised if this goes to court. The neighbor we will for this purpose call him Ima Idiot, told the cops, that he will "of course cover all our bills" Uh huh.....how? you dont cover your electric as it is turned off every other month?

The nephew of Ima Idiot came over to see Adrian, and said he was really sorry about what happened and looked most uncomfy, so I asked Jonathan if his uncle had sent him over. He said yes looked like he wanted to cry, I told him that he had no reason to worry, we are not mad at him or the dog. Just the owner, his uncle. He said yeah but Doc my uncle don't own that one and he is gonna be in big trouble if they find out it is gone. My uncle said to tell you that Adrian got the dog mixed up, and it wasn;t that one that bit, and that he will give them a different dog but he needs to get that dog back.

So I am left wondering who is "they" ?

And what to do with this information?

What a mess.

Will be calling in a bit to see how Goof is coming round from the anaesthetic.

04-17-2007, 08:11 PM
I'm sitting here shaking my head. Those poor dogs didn't do anything they haven't been encouraged to do. The owner, he is NOT going to pay the price.

04-17-2007, 08:14 PM
Isn't the fresh wounds on the dogs proof enough for the police to suspect pit-fighting? Can't they get a warrant to search the guys house for more evidence? Surley the wounds are a red flag that SOMETHING is up.

This is sick, Kym, and I'm sorry you have to deal with stupid neighbors such as this one. I have the same problem, except my neighbors deny anything ever happens.

04-17-2007, 08:22 PM
Isn't the fresh wounds on the dogs proof enough for the police of pit-fighting? Can't they get a warrant to search the guys house?

This is sick, Kym, and I'm sorry you have to deal with stupid neighbors such as this one. I have the same problem, except my neighbors deny anything ever happens.

With 15 dogs there, the answer is the same they got into a tussle over some bones (insert word of choice here). It is not proof of anything other than that the dogs are wounded.

Yes, Sandra I agree, not a one of those dogs deserve this, none are doing anything they weren't taught, but I cannot explain that to Goofy, and it won't make her hurt less. I would however in my secret heart like to tie the owner down and let Goof have a go or 2 at him with help from her big brother and sister.............not that it would help but it is cathartic to think about it.

I hope and truly pray, that this will move the system enough to action, to be able to help the dogs, if they can, and I hope that some good comes from all of it. I fear it won't though. I worry for the next animal or kid helping their animal, I am blessed that Goof will be Ok albeit shaken and traumatized , but I am very blessed my son only got a very minor wound. Will the next victim animal or human be so lucky?

04-17-2007, 08:49 PM
With 15 dogs there, the answer is the same they got into a tussle over some bones (insert word of choice here). It is not proof of anything other than that the dogs are wounded.

Yes, Sandra I agree, not a one of those dogs deserve this, none are doing anything they weren't taught, but I cannot explain that to Goofy, and it won't make her hurt less. I would however in my secret heart like to tie the owner down and let Goof have a go or 2 at him with help from her big brother and sister.............not that it would help but it is cathartic to think about it.

I hope and truly pray, that this will move the system enough to action, to be able to help the dogs, if they can, and I hope that some good comes from all of it. I fear it won't though. I worry for the next animal or kid helping their animal, I am blessed that Goof will be Ok albeit shaken and traumatized , but I am very blessed my son only got a very minor wound. Will the next victim animal or human be so lucky?

I never exactly thought of that, but I still have my suspicions. There must be some way you can get these dogs away from this guy. He can't own dogs, and he has no business in doing so if he can't train or contain them properly.

One more question, in my county we have a law stating that you can't have more then 5 dogs without a liscence or something. Did you check to see if there are any laws in your town/city/location? The guy may not have the certification to do so, and with the stupidity and irresponisbilty shown in the incident alone I can safely assumer that he doesn't.

04-17-2007, 09:00 PM
Wait, wait Dr. G. Let me be sure I have this right. Your neighbor has more than a dozen dogs and an inadequate fence. Your son was in your yard, with your dog. And Ima's friend's dog (not Ima's dog, but his friend's) was in your yard biting your son and your dog. And now Ima is trying to get you to say the bites were inflicted by a different dog, so that he does not wind up in trouble with that dog's owner. No way, Jose. Your son knows which dog bit him and your dog. If it was Ima's friend's dog, and not Ima's - well, now, that's unfortunate. Can Goofy do her business in another part of your yard? Can we get you a big old honkin fence to keep these aggressive dogs away from your family and your pets? In my not-so-secret heart, I would like to tie down Ima and his friend and let their own dogs have a go or two at them.

My parents' former next-door neighbors had two Rottweilers that were always outside - in the cold, heat, rain and everything inbetween - and we witnessed the neighbors hitting and kicking the dogs - told animal control but nothing was ever done. When it was scorching hot out we used to give them water in a bucket over the fence because their people didn't give a rip. The people never came out to pet or play with them, never cleaned up their poops, never showed them any kind of care. The people finally moved out and I don't know what happened to the dogs. I think animal control just didn't want to get involved because the dogs were Rottweilers. Or maybe they just didn't want to get between people and their "pets".


04-17-2007, 09:07 PM
Ouch, what a tough situation. How heartbreaking for everyone. Thanks for keeping us posted. Sending lots of warm thoughts for Goofy's quick recovery!

04-17-2007, 09:07 PM
Thanks Elyse,
and yes you have it right, however Adrian never made to the yard part of the yard, I will take pics in the morning or my deck and yard he and Goof were nailed getting off the deck to the yard. I assumed he was in the grass area, until the police took his statement. He never made it off the deck area.

As for the "owner" I could give a rats a**, Adrian was scared but he isn't stupid, he knows a fawn and white as opposed to the blues and brindles that are over there. This pup and it is a pup (approx 40 lbs maybe 8 months old) was fawn blanket and white everywhere else.

I think I am done being scared, and now I am getting very very Pissy. With a capital P.

I did call on Goof, she is recovering fine, and Mandy bless her heart has tapes playing for her, someone remind me to make sure I send flowers to my vets amazing staff!

04-17-2007, 09:08 PM
Ouch, what a tough situation. How heartbreaking for everyone. Thanks for keeping us posted. Sending lots of warm thoughts for Goofy's quick recovery!
Thank you Cathy.

04-17-2007, 09:15 PM
God, what a nightmare situation! I'm so glad that your son only needed 3 stitches and that your dog is going to be ok once all is said and done. It's ridiculous that your irresponsible adult neighbor would send his nephew over to speak with you, and even try to convince you to say it was another dog. He should be mature enough to come apologize on his own, and take responsibility for the animals on his property - even if they are "not his".
I hope that something happens as a result of all of this, whether it be charges filed against the owners, or their dogs being seized, or both. It sounds like an awful situation, and I'm sorry that you had to go through this today :(

Prairie Purrs
04-17-2007, 09:25 PM
It sounds to me like Mr. Ima Idiot was "training" the dog for someone else who probably paid big bucks for him. If you're lucky, Mr. Idiot will be in enough trouble that he'll have to skadoodle out of town.

And Adrian never made it off the deck? So this dog was basically hanging around outside your door? I'm thinking that some kind of restraining order may be called for here--so that he either keeps the dogs off your property or he goes to jail for contempt.

04-17-2007, 09:38 PM
Wow, so first of all he lets a dog, that he doesn't even own, roam around the town?? I don't even have anything to say about this Ima Idiot guy. :mad: :mad:
I just want to say that I am glad Goofy is doing good. She has been through so much already in her life, and now this thanks to......people.
Please let your son know (as I'm sure you already have) that he did the right thing by kicking the dog. He basically saved Goofy's life. In my eyes Adrian is a hero!!!

04-17-2007, 10:37 PM

Sending good vibes for Adrian and Goofy and *hair eyeball* to your idiotic irresponsible neighbors.

04-17-2007, 10:40 PM
Poor you, Poor Adrian, Poor Goofy, Poor Pitty. :(

Hope the owner learns a lesson.

04-17-2007, 11:42 PM
I am so sorry about your son and his dog, thank god they are ok
I would be p****d beyond words.
Stand your ground, contact AC and tell them "I told you about these dogs, and now my son and his dog have been attacked in their own back yard." Write an officail letter of complaint, cc it to the police, the county commisioners, the AC and the media.
Ima, needs to face up to what he is doing and needs to be called to book.

04-18-2007, 12:08 AM
I was thinking about you trying to explain things to Adrian.

The analogy I was thinking of is kind of like 'well, like on the news when people don't raise their kids right, and the kids are bad - that happens when people don't raise their animals right."

How about that magic word MEDIA? Congressman?

I wonder if one pit fighter out there will rap on the rest?

I am glad Goofy will be ok. And Adrian too.

Good sign that you are getting to the p***** off stage.


04-18-2007, 01:22 AM
Gawd... I almost stopped reading this post. Been there, as you know. I, like you, do not have a grudge against the breed (that attacked me), or the breed I was puppysitting (poor defenseless baby). I blame the owner. A simple giving a crap about your fence and land and training with love, instead of slaps, would have prevented a life altering event.

Adrian must be told he's a hero for saving Goofy. Sometimes it's necessary to use force to save the life of those we love. Injuries may heal, but the mental and emotional part will take time. If the pit was used to fighting, it may have seen Goof as "prey" which is why it attacked. Adrian did nothing wrong and everything right and he's a true loving young man with a heart of gold with Goof as a lifelong, grateful friend.

Please give the Brave One a huge hug for me and gentle caresses to Goof when he comes home.

Kym..I have a great lawyer... ;)

04-18-2007, 07:24 AM
Thank you all so much,
Goofy will be home this evening, Adrian has decided to stay home today, he found out that novocaine, or lidocaine whichever they used DOES wear off!
His calf is sore but not awful, and I truly think he just doesn't want all the questions from the neighbor kids.
Besides as the lousy mom I am 9according to his sister :p ) having him home with the area elevated makes me feel better at least for today.

He spoke with our vet with me this morning at 7 and started to cry, I don't think he knew Goofy had gotten really hurt till he spoke with Steve, who told him that he and Goof will heal up together just fine now. Steve told him also the same things all of us here at PT and home have told him, that what he did was brave, that he stood by a friend in need, that he did all the right things. He also told Adrian that many many good dogs are the victim of bad owners, and not to worry about the pup, he will personally take a look at the pup while it is in quarantine.

I havent told Adrian about his next set of shots ......there are no vaccinations on this dog. I will tell him. Just not right now. Right now I am going to let one thing after another sink in, then I will tell him about the preventative shots he will be getting.

04-18-2007, 08:11 AM
Oh my Gawd!
The entire thing is so horrible for all involved! (minus the stupid owner :mad: )
I'm so glad to hear both are doing well and are going to be okay.

Was the pup that did this a female? (Sorry if this has been answered already) If it was a female maybe she was over at the house to breed :( I know she's only a pup... but we all know how &$#@(%^ stupid some people are.

04-18-2007, 08:21 AM
I'm so sorry for Adrian and Goofy. I hope they heal soon. *HUGS*

Daisy and Delilah
04-18-2007, 08:36 AM
{{{{{HUGS}}}}} for everybody involved. I'm sorry to hear about this Kym. I hope your neighbor gets busted soon-it sounds like he needs an "awakening" real soon :mad: :( :mad:

04-18-2007, 09:13 AM
Oh my Gawd!
The entire thing is so horrible for all involved! (minus the stupid owner :mad: )
I'm so glad to hear both are doing well and are going to be okay.

Was the pup that did this a female? (Sorry if this has been answered already) If it was a female maybe she was over at the house to breed :( I know she's only a pup... but we all know how &$#@(%^ stupid some people are.
The pup is female , however so is Goofy. and Quoia both neutered bitches, and Rusty is a nuetered male and he was not even around as he was down stairs in Dad's office.

04-18-2007, 10:18 AM
Oh Gee Kym, I'm soooo devastated after reading this thread!!!

However, I'm thank-ful that Goofball is being looked after so well and that Adrian is taking his injury in stride~

His quick and courageous response proved to make all the difference in the world.

I'm sorry you have such irresponsible neighbors and I hope and pray that this never happens to anyone , ever again!!!!!

Pawsitive Thinking
04-18-2007, 10:35 AM
Your son is a PT hero for what he did to help Goofy. I hope they both make a speedy recovery.

As for the "other lot" you don't owe them any favours - do all you can to stop the next attack happening, for the dogs sake and for that of their next victim

04-18-2007, 10:57 AM
How scary. Hope both your son and Goofy recover quickly!

04-18-2007, 11:14 AM
I'm so sorry this happened to Goofy and Adrian! Thank God they will both be ok.

Why in the world does the guy have 15 pit bulls!?! Yet another idiot that has no businness owing the breed period. With that pit bull being that aggressive as a pup, imagine what she will be like as an adult. When we got Ebony one of the first things I did was get her out and about around other dogs. She showed no aggression toward any other dogs.

I think the guy should have all the dogs taken away. He's NOT a good pit bull owner. People like him are why the breed is being banned all over. I cant tell you how mad this makes me. Again, I'm so sorry you all had to go through that. (((Hugs)))

04-18-2007, 11:23 AM
Aww Kym, this is just awful -- poor AJ and Goofy - hugs all around for a speedy recovery! I seriously hope that neighbour gets whats coming to him, and the dogs get taken away.

And poor AJ ... something else to look forward to :(

I havent told Adrian about his next set of shots ......there are no vaccinations on this dog. I will tell him. Just not right now. Right now I am going to let one thing after another sink in, then I will tell him about the preventative shots he will be getting.

04-18-2007, 11:23 AM
The pup is female , however so is Goofy. and Quoia both neutered bitches, and Rusty is a nuetered male and he was not even around as he was down stairs in Dad's office.

I meant maybe the female (that does not belong to him) was at his house to breed to one of his dogs. :(

04-18-2007, 11:28 AM
Thanks Elyse,
and yes you have it right, however Adrian never made to the yard part of the yard, I will take pics in the morning or my deck and yard he and Goof were nailed getting off the deck to the yard. I assumed he was in the grass area, until the police took his statement. He never made it off the deck area.

As for the "owner" I could give a rats a**, Adrian was scared but he isn't stupid, he knows a fawn and white as opposed to the blues and brindles that are over there. This pup and it is a pup (approx 40 lbs maybe 8 months old) was fawn blanket and white everywhere else.

I think I am done being scared, and now I am getting very very Pissy. With a capital P.

I did call on Goof, she is recovering fine, and Mandy bless her heart has tapes playing for her, someone remind me to make sure I send flowers to my vets amazing staff!

That's what I mean. Your son never left your property while he was outside with your dog. Ima's friend's puppy came into your yard, where he bit. I'm still mad for you.

Queen of Poop
04-18-2007, 11:29 AM
I read thru this about a half hour ago and had to go away and get rid of my tears and anger before I replied. I am so very, very glad that your son and Goof are going to be ok physically. I am sure this is something neither of them will forget. I hope something can be done about your idiot neighbor and his dogs. He doesn't deserve to have them. They are being mistreated and should be taken away before any more harm comes to them or they harm anyone else. As others have said, your son was more than brave, he saved a life, he deserves congratulations and loads of hugs for that.

04-18-2007, 11:32 AM
OMG. What a past few days you've had! I am sending you a hug right now. I hope your son is feeling better (and Goofy too).

Your neighbors need a swift kick in the a$$. I'd be more than happy to do it for you! I hate irresponsible people and these people sound irresponsible. What are they doing with so many dogs?! Sounds pretty fishy if you ask me. Have you contacted your local SPCA? They may want to get involved. Sorry if this has been answered. I'm at work and am typing this very fast.

Take care!

04-18-2007, 11:33 AM
Sorry I mis read that I thought you meant maybe she was in heat and looking for a BF. I apologize.

I would assume she was there for that , or for training.

Those poor dogs won't have a chance, their owners sealed their fates.

Ginger's Mom
04-18-2007, 12:51 PM
I, too, am sorry that you had to go through all of this. What a very scary experience. I hope that Adrian and Goofy will both be feeling better soon.

04-18-2007, 01:13 PM
Thank you all so much for all of your words and your prayers, it means a lot to us.

I am going to start a thread for Adrian, so that he can hear all your kind words, and encouragement without having to read through so much of the scary stuff. He still feels deep down he said that he is at fault for kicking her, and that if they PTS the dog then it will be him to blame, since she bit him from him hurting her (paraphrased as best I could).

Goofy will not be coming home tonight as she is having some breathing issues, I don't know anything more than that right now as Steve is in surgeries all day. Mandy left a message that he will call me this evening. :(

If I could ask you all to reply to the other thread with positive thoughts for Adrian , I would appreciate it , I will print it out and then give it to him.
Sometimes what other people think make all the difference in the world to a kid.
Thank you this wonderful family of PTers!

The link for Adrian

04-18-2007, 01:16 PM
Goofy will not be coming home tonight as she is having some breathing issues, I don't know anything more than that right now as Steve is in surgeries all day. Mandy left a message that he will call me this evening. :(

{{hugs}} to Goofy, I hope Steve calls you and fills you in soon about her.

Miss Z
04-18-2007, 02:27 PM
Aw, Kym, I'm so sorry this has happened. Adrian is being very mature and compassionate about the whole matter, well done to him. I hope that both his and Goofy's wounds heal soon, and that your idiot neighbour gets what's coming to him!

04-18-2007, 02:36 PM
*HUGS**HUGS**HUGS**HUGS**HUGS**HUGS* to you and family! :(

I agree! That rotten jerk of an "owner" needs to have all of his pups taken away (amongst other things!). :mad:

04-18-2007, 05:44 PM
I have not been on PT in a couple of days and just saw this thread. I am so sorry this happend to your son and Goofy. I am so glad your son is okay. I hope Goofy gets better. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. People like that man should not own the Pit Bull breed.

04-18-2007, 05:58 PM
I am so sorry that your son and Goofy had to go through this. :(

I'm glad your son wasn't harmed too badly, and I hope Goofy recovers soon!

04-18-2007, 06:17 PM
Oh Kim, how scary! I am so sorry...So glad to hear that your son is ok though... Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way for Goofy ((hugs))

And i could not agree more Donna, they have NO buisness owning a pit bull (or any dog for that matter), it is people like this who are ruining the breed.

Laura's Babies
04-18-2007, 06:19 PM
Wow! This could have had a very tragic ending! I would be scared to death living that close to so many pit bulls that you know are trained to fight... I would be having a BIG fence installed around my property.... or moving!

04-18-2007, 06:28 PM
I just hung up with Steve, Goof has a punctured lung, it went unnoticed til today, they have drained some fluid and she is on supportive therapy, her chances are very good, as she is young and in excellent health before this. She hasn't urinated so they are going to drian her bladder also.Steve thinks it may be due to the trauma in that area and she is just bruised. They will of course monitor it. I will be taking a walk over to them in the morning.

He said she is responsive but rather subdued for her. Her panels came back fine and everything else is to expectations. He expects she will pull out of this fine, if not a bit worse for the wear. AC contacted him today to check on her condition, seems that the little girl that did this attacked another dog while in custody. She has to be quarantined for 10 days, so I guess Goofy was luckier than the dog today. AC put that one to sleep. RIP shelter dog.
No I dont know what type the other dog was, Goof is only 18 pounds of cocker , she is a bitty cocker. Not certain what breed/s the other dog was. I didn't think to ask.
This is a nightmare.

04-18-2007, 06:30 PM
Oh Kim, how scary! I am so sorry...So glad to hear that your son is ok though... Sending healing thoughts and prayers your way for Goofy ((hugs))

And i could not agree more Donna, they have NO buisness owning a pit bull (or any dog for that matter), it is people like this who are ruining the breed.
Sydney I agree, the sad part is this dog did nothing it hadn't been trained and encouraged to do. Pathetic cowards that own her and poor thing attacked a dog in custody, her fate I fear is sealed after her 10 day rabies quarantine.

04-18-2007, 06:34 PM
OMG, RIP poor shelter doggie.

In our shelter, dogs in quarantine are also quarantined from each other. They are in a kennel ALONE.

Seems to come back to, your AC isn't up to snuff! *sniff*

Imagine if that shelter dog was yours and you hadn't caught up with it to recover it! Oh gosh, this is horrible.

Prairie Purrs
04-18-2007, 07:01 PM
A punctured lung! Poor Goofy! I'm glad that her prognosis is still good.

The mind boggles at what that idiot neighbor must have done to make that pit puppy so aggressive at such a young age. What a miserable excuse for a human!

finn's mom
04-18-2007, 07:07 PM
I've been keeping up with this thread. I'm sorry for all the animals involved. People can be so cruel. I'm glad Goofy is ok!

04-18-2007, 07:28 PM
Why on earth was this dog allowed near another dog?? What on earth is going on???

I am so sorry you are going through all this :( I hope everyone heals quickly and smoothly. RIP shelter dog...

Give your son a hug for me!

04-18-2007, 08:39 PM
how sad for all involved! :( (including the other dogs) Goofy will be in my thoughts for a speedy recovery. (((Goofy)))

04-18-2007, 08:57 PM
Why on earth was this dog allowed near another dog?? What on earth is going on???

I am so sorry you are going through all this :( I hope everyone heals quickly and smoothly. RIP shelter dog...

Give your son a hug for me!

Their dog got out of a badly put up fence, several of them are allowed to roam at night to "get excercise".

04-18-2007, 09:17 PM
:( Poor Goofers. She will be in my thoughts until she is safely home with you. Well even when she is home with you she will still be in my thoughts, as usual.
RIP poor shelter doggie. :(

04-18-2007, 09:43 PM
That is so horrible. I am sorry Goofy had to suffer to get that dog off the street. Sadly, the man will more then likely just go out and get another dog and start all over. I pray Goofy gets well soon. Stay strong.

critter crazy
04-18-2007, 10:00 PM
I feel so bad for goofy!! I am glad that she has a good prognosis tho!

So sad about the shelter dog!:( RIP Shelter doggy!
How did the puppy get near another dog at the shelter?? seems odd, since she was there for a dog attack! :confused:

04-18-2007, 10:14 PM
I feel so bad for goofy!! I am glad that she has a good prognosis tho!

So sad about the shelter dog!:( RIP Shelter doggy!
How did the puppy get near another dog at the shelter?? seems odd, since she was there for a dog attack! :confused:

Walking down the hallways to the kennels is what I was told, I will ask about more details tomorrow.

04-19-2007, 01:04 AM
I'm so sorry. I'm glad that your son wasn't hurt too badly. I hope Goof is going to be ok. I also hope that your neighbors aren't allowed to have their dogs back. They should be taken away to be evaluated (at least the one that attacked, I hope). I'm glad that guy got arrested. From the way it sounds, he probably didn't learn anything, though. Please give Goof a gentle hug from me.

04-19-2007, 01:04 AM
First off my condolences for all that has happened and all involved... Congratulations to your son for his bravery.

Now... How and the heck did that pup get to another dog during quarantine?! Here at our shelter any dog that has attacked someone or another dog is located in an escape free area. (That depends on the dog. If the pound is overflowing sometimes larger non-jumping attackers are put in the main room. Which i think is irresponsible because some kid could run up to that dog's pen.)

And they NEVER put dogs in the same pen. Even if they were released together and get along. (Which i think is another stupid policy. If the dogs know each other and are well behaved they should be allowed to stay together.) I can see not putting strange dogs together though.

I just hung up with Steve, Goof has a punctured lung, it went unnoticed til today, they have drained some fluid and she is on supportive therapy, her chances are very good, as she is young and in excellent health before this. She hasn't urinated so they are going to drian her bladder also.Steve thinks it may be due to the trauma in that area and she is just bruised. They will of course monitor it. I will be taking a walk over to them in the morning.

He said she is responsive but rather subdued for her. Her panels came back fine and everything else is to expectations. He expects she will pull out of this fine, if not a bit worse for the wear. AC contacted him today to check on her condition, seems that the little girl that did this attacked another dog while in custody. She has to be quarantined for 10 days, so I guess Goofy was luckier than the dog today. AC put that one to sleep. RIP shelter dog.
No I dont know what type the other dog was, Goof is only 18 pounds of cocker , she is a bitty cocker. Not certain what breed/s the other dog was. I didn't think to ask.
This is a nightmare.

04-19-2007, 07:09 AM
OMG!!! :eek:

RIP shelter dog.
How sad... sad, sad, sad.
Gentle hugs to Goof and well wishes for a speedy recovery.
How is our Hero today?? (Your son)

(My jaw is still dropped after reading your post about the pittie attacking the shelter dog......)
How horrible... and to think she's only (aprox) 9 months old. The only thing that little girl has known her entire life is anger, fear and aggression.
Poor thing. She's be better off going to the bridge.

04-19-2007, 07:32 AM
I hope and truly pray, that this will move the system enough to action, to be able to help the dogs, if they can, and I hope that some good comes from all of it. I fear it won't though. I worry for the next animal or kid helping their animal, I am blessed that Goof will be Ok albeit shaken and traumatized , but I am very blessed my son only got a very minor wound. Will the next victim animal or human be so lucky?

I wanted to send my thoughts and prayers your way for you, your son and Goof. These situations make me sick. People like this should not be allowed to own dogs. My best friend from high school her 82-year-old grandmother was mauled to death by three roaming pitties in her neighborhood a little over two years ago. She was in her own yard walking her own dog on a leash when the dogs came out and attacked and killed them both. Her family arrived at the house while the grandma was still alive but could not distract the dogs to get them off her of. She later died due to her injuries in the helicopter on the way to the hospital. Police shot and killed two dogs which were still on the scene at the time of their arrival and the third ran home, later to be PTS at the pound. This changed the law in Viriginia for roaming dogs and their owners. The woman who owned the pitties is serving time in a jail with a fine. During the time of awaiting her sentencing she went out and got more pitties. People do not care and I believe that your dog it like your child, we pay for what our children do under the age of 18-they are our responsibility....well so are our pets. We should pay for what our dogs do when allowed to roam. I think all owners should be held
responsible for their pets and their behavior. RIP little shelter dog

04-19-2007, 09:59 AM
Poor Goof. And how sad for that other shelter dog. :( :(

04-19-2007, 10:15 AM
wow this is just all so sad

04-19-2007, 08:10 PM
It is a horrible way for it to happen, but at least that settles his ridiculous scheme to swap dogs (and sentence another innocent pitty to death :mad: ). Now that the dog in custody is responsible for a death inside AC facility, there is no way on earth they could possibly release her.

At least it should keep him from sending over the nephew to further harass and guilt trip Adrian.

04-19-2007, 08:23 PM
This whole thing is awful, just truly awful. From what I understand both dogs were being returned to their kennels and this little girl just spun and nailed her/him.

I have seen the AC over the alley a few times now, I don't know if they are there for the dogs still on property or just getting information or what.

Jonathan and Adrian are still friends, he really feels bad , and it was awful for his uncle to put him in that position. Jonathans Mom isn't happy with her BIL behaviour either, according to Jonathan.

Goof is still at Dr. Popes, doing about the same and that is encouraging, no news is good news. I did go over to see her today and left in tears, she had kisses for the mommy though and that helped. Hardest thing was to not cry while I was in there with her. I brought her her blaket and her dolly and left my overshirt for her. She should come home in a day or so if she keeps on keeping an even keel or improves :) .

Actually a few days for her to heal up isn't a bad idea, only because I think the way she looks right now would break Adrians heart. A little healing time and clean up won't hurt.

Thank you all for keeping her in your prayers I know how amazing PT prayers are, and I am grateful.


finn's mom
04-19-2007, 08:27 PM
Poor Goof. I think it's a good idea to give her a chance to heal. Hopefully, she'll be home soon!

04-19-2007, 08:39 PM
Dr.Goodnow, I just feel so awful for you and your son and dog. Honestly though, I can't think of a better, braver way that your son could have conducted himself - he definitely saved your dog's life, and I think that that will sink in for him when your dog comes home from the hospital and he gets to give her a big hug.

I think I know how you felt, standing in the hospital with your dog trying to be strong and not cry - when I first got my puppy Molly, she almost didn't make it and wound up in the critical care unit for 5 days, in a little incubator...it was the hardest thing, smiling and being positive in front of her and not breaking down sobbing like a baby. You're being so strong for your son and for your dog, and that's awesome.

I hope that something is done to deal with the situation of too many dogs on your neighbors property....I don't have a thing against pit bulls, but I DO have a thing against imbeciles who don't properly care for their pets and allow them to hurt other people and animals. Those poor dogs :(

04-19-2007, 09:14 PM
My goodness what a mess. I meant how did the shealter dog get near the pitty, but I read now that they were passing. BIG mistake by the sounds of it :eek: RIP shelter doggy

04-20-2007, 08:33 PM
Dear Ones - I'm bumping this up to ask, could we please keep thinking and praying for Adrian, Goofy and Dr. Goodnow today - amazing things have been accomplished through the power of Pet Talk thoughts and prayers... thanks...

04-20-2007, 08:37 PM
Ok, people. I usually NEVER say this, because I am not a very religious person...but tonight I will be praying for Goofy and Adrian both. And I will continue until Goofball is home with her family that loves her and misses her terribly. Excuse me while I go get a tissue now.

04-21-2007, 07:49 AM
Hardest thing was to not cry while I was in there with her. I brought her her blaket and her dolly and left my overshirt for her.

Ugh... LES... :(

I pray she makes a fast and full recovery.

How is Adrian's leg?

04-22-2007, 01:41 PM
How are Adrian and Goofy?

04-22-2007, 01:53 PM
I'm really glad to hear Goof is doing good now. Hoping she comes home soon! How's Adrian?

04-22-2007, 02:05 PM
Goofy came home today Sunday, she is sore and a bit battered looking but very happy to be home! Adrian is doing very well and thinks Goofy looks a lot worse than he thought. He finally realized that he did save her.

Thank you all for all the prayers!! I know they are the reason every one is healing so well. We are all very grateful.

Kym, Jas Adrian Goofy and the critters!

04-22-2007, 02:26 PM
Whew! I can relax now. Thank goodness!! :D :D :D
Give Adrian and Goofers a hug from me please. :)

04-22-2007, 02:31 PM
I certainly will Cindy, I will even tell Goof you got her the new squeak dolly! Thank you so much for all your prayers and support, Goof thanks you too!

04-22-2007, 09:34 PM
Whew! I can relax now. Thank goodness!! :D :D :D
Give Adrian and Goofers a hug from me please. :)

Dr. G., one from me, too, please. :)

Daisy and Delilah
04-22-2007, 10:25 PM
Dr. G., one from me, too, please. :)

Another hug for both from me too please!! :D How about a hug for the rest of the family too? :)

04-22-2007, 11:39 PM
Poor sweet Goof, feel better soon dear one!

We had a darling little old lady dog come into my hospital today bbbd (bit by big dog) and I thought of you and Goofy. After seeing how well this little old gal did so soon after the attack, I was sure Goofy would be OK after some time.

04-23-2007, 10:18 AM
Glad to hear Goof is back home recuperating with her hero.

Adrian healed up well? Has he had to get his shots yet?