View Full Version : Venison & Green Pea Dry Cat Foods Recalled

04-17-2007, 04:53 PM
Made by Natural Balance.

Melamine found in the RICE.


04-17-2007, 05:23 PM
That is what I feed my cats! I am running out of options. What the heck am I supposed to feed my cats now?? :mad:

04-17-2007, 05:40 PM
That is really bad as the Found Cats like the Chicken and Turkey and Rice canned foods.
What on Earth is going on that we cant find Pet Food thats safe.

04-17-2007, 05:49 PM
I am so pissed and frustrated right now. I really thought by feeding them a holistic brand that they would be safe. Ugh.. I hope they plan to release the lot numbers affect. It also makes me wonder what other natural cat foods might be affected??

Has anyone tried this brand of cat food?
BLUE Spa Select Lite Formula Cat Food


04-17-2007, 05:52 PM
Thank goodness I stopped feeding this to Surya several months ago, now that his digestive system has settled down.

Considering how prevalent the use of melamine seems to be, and must have been in the recent past, in order to bolster the protein value of pet foods, it is going to make us all wonder about our cats who have died in the past from kidney failure. I know that the tainted food is supposed to only cause acute renal failure but there are far too many gaps in our knowledge to reject the possibility that it can also cause chronic renal failure.

I feed Royal Canin light indoor cat and AvoDerm, but now I'm wondering when we are going to hear that they are tainted also.

04-17-2007, 06:06 PM
Fragrance hound, they aren't doing it by lot numbers; they are recalling all of it. But it is only the one with the March 28th date that has resulted in phone calls and complaints, so far.


Although the problems seem to be focused on one particular lot, as a precautionary measure, we are pulling all dates

I know, this is so frustrating for all of us.

04-17-2007, 06:28 PM
I hope this might help. I have started to switch Hope Simone to Innova's canned EVO. From what I can see on the ingredients, there is NO rice or any kind of grain. Last week I was feeling rather frustrated because I got a call from my friend, who like myself, was feeding her cat canned Nutro, I think it was Turkey and ?, and it was recalled. So, I took the unopened case of the Nutro that I had just purchased, and returned it. After talking to the owner of the shop, I decided that the EVO would be the best choice....Good Luck!!

04-17-2007, 10:44 PM
How fast do the symptoms of kidney failure appear? The reason I ask is because I started a new bag of food, the green pea and venison, on April 13th. Would my cats exhibit any symptoms by now? My cats seem ok..they are eating and drinking and are playful. Shadow threw up twice last week but hasn't thrown up since. I caught him munching on my plastic plants and I assumed her threw up because of that. Magic has not thrown up at all. This whole recall has really gotten to me.

04-17-2007, 10:58 PM
How fast do the symptoms of kidney failure appear? The reason I ask is because I started a new bag of food, the green pea and venison, on April 13th. Would my cats exhibit any symptoms by now?

I would call your vet they can do blood tests/urine tests to determine if there is problems with kidneys. This is what vet's are doing if owners know they ate the food and havent shown symptoms.

Cant answer you on when time frame symptoms would appear.

This is from the avma.org site (american vet medicine association)
If your pet has eaten a recalled pet food, he or she should be seen by a veterinarian, whether or not the pet is sick. Some pets appear well but have abnormal tests. Because the drug found in the recalled pet food appears to affect the kidneys and causes low white blood cell counts in humans, blood tests should be done to check the blood cell count, in addition to blood tests to check kidney function. A urine test is also needed to monitor kidney function.

04-17-2007, 11:54 PM
Yeah, I agree. I'm going to call the vet tomorrow. I need peace of mind. I just can't believe this is happening.

04-18-2007, 01:10 AM
I've also been feeding Ziggy, Pearl, and recently Sky some of the Venison & Green Pea Allergy Formula too.:( Before the recall, I was searching for another food though because Pearl didn't want to eat this food any more. I have to buy a food that doesn't have fish in it though because Storm is allergic to fish and if he smells it then he wants to eat it. I had this problem when I was feeding them Innova. Storm then refused to eat his prescription food and then he developed crytals again because I allowed him to eat the Innova.

I just started mixing in Felidae Chicken & Rice dry with the Venison & Green Pea and I've also been adding the canned version of the Felidae Chicken & Rice to it since last week. Pearl's portion was only the Felidae since she refused the Venison & Green Pea but just last night she was very hungry and wanted to eat the Vension & Green Pea so I let her eat a lot of it.:( Ziggy, Pearl, and Sky also had some this morning before I heard about the recall.:(

So far none of them have been acting sick. If anything, they've all been much more active than usual lately. I'm already taking my other 3 cats to the vet this Sunday and I'll be sure to ask my vet about them and see if they really need to be checked out or not. The expiration date on my two 5 lb bags is June 29,2008 but I'm planning on taking them both back to Petco. I sure hope that no other foods will be added to the ever growing recall list.

04-18-2007, 09:50 AM
I just called their consumer line and spoke with the nicest lady. They are 2 lots being affected by this recall. Both have an expiration date of Sept. 2008. She did say to discontinue feeding all the green pea and venison regardless just to be of the safe side.

04-18-2007, 01:20 PM
Thanks so much for keeping us updated. It also makes me worry about the quality of human food imported from China.

04-18-2007, 08:41 PM
I found out some interesting news today when I was returning the Venison & Green Pea dry cat food at Petco. The lady told me that they had pulled everything on Saturday. Why wasn't the public notified about this recall until Tuesday.:mad: I wonder how many other people knew about this on Saturday.

They also didn't want to give me my cash back but insisted on giving me store credit. I told them that I wanted cash back and that I was told that I could go back to the place where I had purchased this food and could receive cash back without having a receipt. The lady was able to look up my receipt and they finally gave me cash back. They originally wanted me to come back tomorrow so I could talk to their manager but I'd be working during these hours.

04-18-2007, 11:16 PM
I found out some interesting news today when I was returning the Venison & Green Pea dry cat food at Petco. The lady told me that they had pulled everything on Saturday. Why wasn't the public notified about this recall until Tuesday.:mad: I wonder how many other people knew about this on Saturday.

They also didn't want to give me my cash back but insisted on giving me store credit. I told them that I wanted cash back and that I was told that I could go back to the place where I had purchased this food and could receive cash back without having a receipt. The lady was able to look up my receipt and they finally gave me cash back. They originally wanted me to come back tomorrow so I could talk to their manager but I'd be working during these hours.

I can't believe they gave you such a hassle about returning it. I have not had a chance to return mine yet and I really hope they do not start with me. I'm PMS'ing and not in the mood! ;)

On another note I just started my cats on yet another food. This one is the BLUE Spa Select Lite Formula Dry Cat Food and they seem to like it so far. Fingers crossed that this one is ok.

It is just mind blowing that this list of contaminated pet food and treats keeps growing. It is insane!!