View Full Version : How did you know he was the "one"?

04-16-2007, 10:23 AM
Was it love at first sight? Fate? Destiny? Did you have a gut feeling? What was it like? How long did it take for you to realize he's "it" Share your stories! :)

04-16-2007, 01:43 PM
Well.... we actually met totally by accident on line. neither of us had been looking.... I just came upon his yahoo name and decided to message him. The rest is really history.

We talked for a while online.... then we started talking on the phone. It seems strange but we were already in love with each other before we ever met. Then he drove up to Canada to see me on a long weekend and it was the greatest weekend of my life.

Within months we started immigration.... within a year we were married. :D

04-16-2007, 03:30 PM
Mine was not love at first sight, quite the opposite, i actually did not take to him very much at first, i mis-understood a comment he made (still do lol) and so i was not particularly endeared to him at all, physically he was everything i am not normally attracted to, hubby is very thin and tall and wears glasses, tall being the only thing on my list, i used to like big hunky type men.

It was my now sister n law who got my mind thinking that maybe we might have a connection,so i pursued it a bit and we are still together coming up 16 yrs this august.

P.S I think it was our destiny to be together, infact after talking about our lives we both realised that we were in fact in the same cities and even worked just next door to each other when we were young, but never met, i guess i was more into the cool guys, and hubby i would have considered a geek in my younger days, lol..and probably would have not dated his type even if we had met.

04-16-2007, 04:44 PM
I'm not a person who believes in love at first sight. Love takes time to develop and grow. I do believe in crushes at first sight...at lust at first sight...but not LOVE at first sight.

I was actually introduced to my husband by my father who thought he was the most PERFECT man for his daughter. My dad told me about him, shared some of their email conversations with me, showed me his picture, etc. Two weeks after my dad talked to me about him, hubby emailed me. I was scared to death at first, not sure if I was 'ready' for marriage, but from his very first email, I saw some qualities in him that just made me get a gut feeling, "He might really be the one for me."

We exchanged a few emails, spoke on the phone a few times, but being my shy self, I was constantly trying to avoid talking to him on the phone. :o Three weeks later, he flew down here to meet me, and spent 2 days with me and my family. It was the first time I met him. I was shy and quiet. He was shy and quiet. Neither one of us had the courage to start a conversation the first day, but we WERE listening to each other talking to the rest of the family. :o The next day, we both opened up more and talked. I had fallen for his smile, and the way he spoke already, but I wasn't going to let those things 'decieve me' without paying attention to the things that were most important. I had noticed some good qualities in him, and some of those things were honesty, truthfulness, calmness, humbleness, and patience. These were qualities I always wanted in my spouse. I found him to be a very kind and respectful person. We don't do the dating stuff, and I wasn't expecting to fall in love that very second..since I don't believe its possible for 'true love' to develop that fast. I was looking for someone with the qualities I love, because I knew its only that type of person that I would be able to love and live with, and stick to for rest of my life. I knew I would fall in love with a person who had the same criteria in life as me, and the character and qualities to make a good husband, and a good father.

By the end of our 2 hour talk, we had already made our decision. We decided to get married right there, and in the evening, talked to our parents about arranging a date for the marriage. 3 weeks later, we were married. Yes, we only met in person once before the decision was made. I prayed to God for guidance, had a strong gut feeling that he was the 'one', and decided to take the big step in life. I've learned to trust my gut feelings in life, because most of the time, when I FEEL uneasy about something, it turns out bad, but when I FEEL at comfort with something, I take it as a sign from God that things are going to be okay. I had an amazing feeling of comfort, satisfaction, and happiness, excitement, with no feelings of doubt, and just had a strong gut feeling that he was the one for me. My family being happy with him was a big plus too.

He was studying outside the state, so for 7 months after we got married, legally, I remained at home with my parents, and he completed his education. He came every 2 months or so to visit. During those 7 months, we would talk on the phone 24/7. :D After he completed his degree, he got a job here, moved here, and my parents threw us a big wedding party the night I went to live with him.

It has been 1 year and 5 months since the day we 'tied the knot', and over 9 months since we've been living together. I never imagined God would bless me with someone so wonderful, and couldn't ask Him for a greater blessing than my dear husband, who is not only my 'other half', but also my companion, soul mate, and best friend. I can't thank God enough for him. It is fate, destiny, and I truly believe God has made that perfect match for all of us, way before we were even born. Some people find that person in the blink of an eye, and for others, it takes awhile to find that perfect person, but I do believe God has created the right person for all of us, before He placed us in this world. He has amazing ways of leading people to the one He created for them. ;)

04-16-2007, 05:49 PM
That's a tough question ...

When I met my son's father in high school, yes, I knew he was the ONE. And he has remained, to this day, the one great love of my life. However, we were very young when we met, we both changed and grew in different directions, and the relationship did not work out in the long run, although we were together twelve years. So while I loved him with all my heart, we were not actually compatiable in the long run as adults.

Many years later, when I met my husband, it was entirely different. We were both adults with kids, divorces, jobs, houses, etc. It was not a wild fireworks-in-the-sky type of instant insane love. However, we both knew that we had found someone who shared the same values, goals, priorities. We knew we could stand to live with each other, basically. Not saying we don't love each other, of course we do, it's just different at different stages of life, maybe.

04-16-2007, 07:36 PM
Many years later, when I met my husband, it was entirely different. We were both adults with kids, divorces, jobs, houses, etc. It was not a wild fireworks-in-the-sky type of instant insane love. However, we both knew that we had found someone who shared the same values, goals, priorities. We knew we could stand to live with each other, basically. Not saying we don't love each other, of course we do, it's just different at different stages of life, maybe.

This is a great sentence ....

That about sums it up :D

04-17-2007, 12:09 AM
I knew that very first moment. When I first held him in my arms and he looked up at me. So sweet, so innocent so trusting. There were hundreds there but only one stole my heart. Here he is.http://i147.photobucket.com/albums/r286/Marigold2/Aminimals010.jpg

04-17-2007, 04:17 AM
I don't know for sure when it hit me but Somebody knew all along!

I met my husband, David, in the second grade and back when it was called "going together" we went together...off and on all through school. It was off by the time we graduated and sadly he wasn't my first husband. I hit my first rough patch for a few years, long enough to have a son and not a minute longer, lol. My divorce was final in two months and met somebody else who I stayed in a three year relationship with...even more useless as the first but thankfully no marriage or kids to put through that mess. I was getting sick of the jerks and got curious as to what David was up to.
I called his mom and she gave me his number so I called, he invited me over and the relationship took off from there. Fourteen years and a 12 year old daughter later...neither one of are going anywhere without the other, lol.

I've known him for 31 years (18 years at the time) and I still married him...and on the other hand, he still asked me, lol.

I had to come back and edit...apparently I can't count in the wee hours, lol.

04-17-2007, 06:32 AM
I met John in a friends house and it kinda took off from there but it took him a week of going out and plenty of hints before he got the courage to ask me out properly and there it began and still continues for eternity he is my soul mate and best friend as well as my champion and he loves every little bit of me and the feeling is mutual. We have been through a lot and no matter what the pressure or strain of the situation we have build our fort stronger each time and come out fighting on the other end. To me that is true love because no matter what the problem there is always a solution if we work as a team we can overcome, adapt and appreciate......

04-17-2007, 07:00 AM
I met hubby over the internet. I was falling for him through his letters, but I was disappointed when I met him. I tried to fix him up with my best friends because I knew he was an awesome guy, but he did nothing for me in the looks department (oh so vain!)

We were only dating a month when Christmas came, and since we both had off the week between Christmas and New Years, we spent a lot of time together. I met his whole family and fell totally in love with this great loving, caring man over that week. I didn't care that he was 300+ pounds and looked like Santa Claus. I saw his heart.

04-17-2007, 07:15 AM
To expand a little on what Sparks has already said...

When she first messaged me, I was not even online. Apparently her system told her I was, but I was in southern Virgina with my National Guard unit on our annual training. Anyway, she PMed me and was apparently POed that I did not respond. When I got home from AT, the next morning I log on and see this offline message... I respond. We play "PM tag" for a few days until we actually end up online at the same time....

The rest as they say is history. Never in my life did I ever think God would bless me with such a beautiful, intelligent, witty, strong, confident, and loving woman like Tanya. We all know that saying, "don't settle for someone you can live with, find the person you cannot live without." Tanya is that to me.

Love ya baby, always. (Even when you are messy... ;) )

04-17-2007, 09:41 AM
I didn't care that he was 300+ pounds and looked like Santa Claus. I saw his heart.

Ahhhh. That is beyond sweet. If more people in the world could see beyond the physical to what really counts, the vast majority of people would be so much happier. My commendation to you for being able to see with truly wise eyes.

04-17-2007, 10:53 AM
Ahhhh. That is beyond sweet. If more people in the world could see beyond the physical to what really counts, the vast majority of people would be so much happier. My commendation to you for being able to see with truly wise eyes.
Awwww... shucks. He truly is a sweet man and I'm lucky to have him. He comes across as gruff and opinionated (ask Jen Leckenbach, she's afraid of him! :eek: ) but in the end he's the biggest pushover of them all.

PS: Shhh.... don't tell him I was considering setting him up with my friends! LOL

04-17-2007, 11:00 AM
Love ya baby, always. (Even when you are messy... ;) )

LOL Thank God.... because I am always messy :D

He likes to describe our hotel trips and say that it's like my bag of clothes just barfs all over the room. LOL what can I say... I am disorganized (except for in my work lol) and messy.

Thank you for such a nice and thoughtful post.... I love you the most.

04-17-2007, 01:16 PM
My husband and I were friends first. We knew each other for over a year and got along well. We hadn't seen each other for awhile, and then ran into each other, and before that day was over, he had asked me out for the first time. That was on Super Bowl Sunday. By Valentine's Day, we were unofficially engaged. How I knew--he is the kind of person that I can be completely myself with. I am an introvert by nature, and I am completely relaxed with him. We share the same values and have very similar interests and personalities, too.

04-17-2007, 03:40 PM
Much like Twisterdog, I could not make it work with the first great love of my life. We tried for years and when it worked, it was bloody brillant. When it didn't work, it was very ugly. I read a quote somewhere once that said "No one gets through life without reaching the realization that some great loves that are unsustainable". That was us.

When I first met Stuart, my girlfriend told me to stay away from him. I was very drunk at that moment and took that as a challenge. If Leana had never said that, I probably never would have made a point of meeting him! It was not love at first sight. It was pure, unadulterated lust. Then we didn't talk for almost two years. I went back to the first guy, he went back to whatever he was doing at the time and life went on.

Two years, almost to the day after we first met, same girlfriend called me on a Saturday night and said "guess who's house I'm at?" She was at Stuart's with her boyfriend. I had just bought my own condo and he had bought a house a few blocks away. We had never run into each other! I decided to stop in "for a quick visit" before going to meet some other friends. I stood the other friends up that night and never really left again. We were married exactly one year later....8 years ago next month.

Stuart says he knew instantly when I walked into his house the second time. I took some convincing. I did everything I could to drive him away. I was, frankly, a b*tch to him at times. He just wouldn't go away.

The biggest difference between the two and the reason my marriage works really well...trust. When Stuart says he's going to be somewhere or do something, that's what he does without fail. He is honest, steady, reliable, gentle and trustworthy. Those things make him a great hubby.

04-17-2007, 08:17 PM
With my husband, there was an instant connection--- but not love at first sight. We became instant fast friends, which is very unlike both of us, and we were best friends for some time afterwards without having any sort of romantic or physical relationship (it helped that there is an age gap... I am 25 now, he is 32. Not that bad now, but when I was 14, it would have been a HUGE problem, lol).

When we did date, I eventually refused his marriage proposal (I was very young, had a lot of growing up to do, was frightened, and had huge family troubles to deal with). His mom still hates me for breaking his heart. It wasn't easy at first, but we ended up becoming best friends again for a few years.

We lost touch eventually... for years. Different states, different schools, and he had 'stepped aside' when I was engaged to someone else (called it off soon after, but he assumed for all the years that we were out of touch I was married and lost for good).

Eventually I had an epiphany that yes, most people have 'the one that got away', but I was still using him as the measurement of all other prospective partners, and they always fell short. All other men were put up against the way he'd treated me and related to me, and he left them in the dust, hands down, every time. I'd never stopped thinking about him or having feelings for him, I'd just justified that for a long time by thinking everyone felt that way about their 'first love'.

His phone number was no good any more, his address was no good anymore, all I had was an old hotmail address that I'd last emailed him at about four years before. I took a chance, sent a mail saying, basically "I love you and I am sorry it took so long."

It pretty much floored him, lol, but he felt the same. We managed to arrange a 'first date', and afterwards I proposed. He said yes. And now he's stuck, poor guy. :D

My family loves making fun of us, saying that for two people who despise romantic movies, we've lived a pretty big chick-flick cliche, lol.

04-18-2007, 09:18 AM
When I first met Stuart, my girlfriend told me to stay away from him. I was very drunk at that moment and took that as a challenge. If Leana had never said that, I probably never would have made a point of meeting him!
It was similar with Andy and I...except I wasn't drunk. ;) LOL!

I was at a comic convention in MI with some friends and spotted someone sporting a Boba Fett costume. I wanted to go say hi, but my friends told me to stay away and that that guy was rude.

I snuck off anyway and introduced myself, complimenting his costume. When Andy took off the helmet, I felt there was a connection, but I wasn't attracted to him and it definitely wasn't love at first sight.

We kept in touch via email occasionally and then he stopped emailing all together.

The next time I saw him in person was over a year later at a different convention in Atlanta in 2001.

By then, I knew it was fate. :)

Our first official date was in 2002. We were engaged in 2004 and married in 2007. :D

Nobas Mom
04-19-2007, 01:03 PM
I met him at a b-day party for a family member. I lived in another town, so when I left we spent 6 straight hours that night on the phone. I went to visit him the following week, where he announced to everyone, unbeknownst to me, that I was his girlfriend... :D

We only had a 5 month relationship, before it fell apart. We remained good friends over the last year and a half since we ended our romantic relationship. Although lately, we've both been talking and decided that neither one of us can live without the other and we are better off being with each other. Now we are back together and he is moving in with me!!!

04-19-2007, 03:13 PM
Aww.. sweet stories! :)

I think Mike could be "it", but I don't want to bite my tongue about it right now.. but it's just how we met.. and I've never felt anything like this right now about how I feel about him after 4 1/2 months. I am head-over-heels.I still think that the fact of how we met; it's something you don't hear often; and if we didn't have the same circle of friends; I doubt that we'd ever meet.

We walked past eachother randomly on the Oval in October; where Mike noticed me first. He thought I was really cute/good looking, he smiled at me, and I saw him, and I smiled back at him; that's what I do when I pass by people.. I smile a lot. I just never thought anything of it, if it meant something or what, but it left an impact on Mike. He was excited that I smiled at him, just a random cute girl to him. Later that day, he found out I was friends with his best friend's girlfriend, who I grew up with since 4th grade. We did not meet until January; it was basically set up. My friend knew he was coming, and she wanted me over for dinner at her apartment. We met, but we did not talk a lot; we were very quiet towards eachother; I was shy! So was he. He was scared of me. He thought I didn't care for him, and the next night, we all went out to Monster Trucks and to bar afterwards, and ever since that night, we hung out every day; he tutored me with math homework, then he asked me out to the rodeo.. which was 2 weeks after we met. The night before the rodeo, we had our first kiss. Today is the 4th month since our first kiss. He is my date for my friend's wedding in June. Things are going good, and we both are extremely comfortable with eachother, and things couldn't be any greater. I haven't said the "three words" yet.. but I think it's something that's not to be said, but expressed. I think.. we both are on the same level, I don't want to be the first to say it, but I will, when I am ready. he does this thing..where he just looks at me and just gazes into my eyes after we kiss.. just laying by me.. and he'll just smile and I smile back and he smiles bigger and pulls me close to him.. :) We just snuggle.. I honestly think it's like this - "you say it best when you say nothing at all"..

I know I babbled.. but what can I say.. I finally found me a good guy.. and I tend on keeping him around.. he's a definite keeper!

Daisy and Delilah
04-19-2007, 03:51 PM
I've always had a feeling that he's the one for you--seriously!! It just sounds so right. I love it!! :D :) :D

04-19-2007, 03:57 PM
Here's a goofy picture, just because!




Daisy and Delilah
04-19-2007, 07:09 PM
He reminds me of a guy on a tv show. Does that ring a bell? Every time I see the commercial for it, I think of Mike :)

04-19-2007, 10:16 PM
What commerical? Lol. :) I can't wait to see him tomorrow for the weekend.. YAY!

04-19-2007, 11:17 PM
Aw, ya'll look good together!

04-23-2007, 10:01 PM
Two pics:


Mike being goofy:


Daisy and Delilah
04-23-2007, 11:26 PM
I'll start paying more attention to the tv. As soon as I figure it out, I'll let you know. I'm such an infrequent tv person so it may take awhile. :)