View Full Version : Bomb, Gun, Unknown threats!

04-16-2007, 07:16 AM
Wow! My city is filled with kids with a very sick sense of humor! Around this time last year, there was a senior who wrote on the walls of a bathroom that he was gonna set off a bomb at school. The next day, there was a 33% attendance. They caught the kid, and I believe they puthim in jail or something :\

Then, a month ago, at MY school, some 6th grader used a pay phone to call the police, saying they saw another kid with a gun. It was during a wresting match. The match was called off, and of course it was fake.

And now, all kids at four schools, mine included, get an extra day or spring break. Why? Because of a threat. They haven't said what it was, but there's no school. And foronce, I was looking forward to school. What you know what the worst part is? We're going to have to make this up in the summer because we've used all of our snow days.

Doany of you have threats like this happen?


04-16-2007, 08:09 AM
Yup !!!! We had threats like that in the Uni I attended....like 3 times a month.
They were all just pranks of course......but is it worth the risk to ignore them ??? It just takes one nutter to do the real thing.....a bomb going off in a classroom....would be horrific.

04-16-2007, 08:13 AM
So far we've had nothing like that here and I hope it continues even if I am finished with school as are my kids.

04-16-2007, 08:54 AM
Even rural Wisconsin schools there are several a year per school. The thing is, back up a decade and you have the same amount of kids saying they want to blow up the school--only now we take every one seriously. I see it as the stem of antisocial personality disorder when they take to writing on walls and such.

04-16-2007, 02:38 PM
It never happened to me in college, but in high school we'd get the occasional bomb threat. At the time, it wasn't considered a big deal because nothing ever actually happened except we'd get to sit outside or at another school while it was checked out. They were always fake. Then there was the guy who was expelled for bringing a lighter to school that looked like a gun. We all thought that was a harsh punishment at the time. Funny, I have been out of school for almost 10 years ( :eek: ) and things have changed drastically in that time.

04-16-2007, 02:39 PM
Last year, when I was in 7th grade we had a bomb thread and it was written on the bathroom wall. We stood outside for two hours, while the police inspected the school! It costs the school, or rather the kid who wrote the threat on the bathroom wall parent's 14,000 dollars. It was pretty fun though since I was with all my friends.

04-16-2007, 03:18 PM
In the last couple of weeks alone we've had kids caught carrying guns at school, plots to kill other students and groups of high schoolers caught selling drugs, plus a car theft ring of students was caught and another group of high school kids were caught in a string of robberies.

This is in an area with a population of over 4 million where a day with only 3 murders is a good day.

Miss Z
04-16-2007, 05:04 PM
That is really scary stuff, I feel for all of you who have experienced that. The closest my school has ever come to that is fifth years setting the fire alarm off on stand down day. How anyone can mingle the gravity of a bomb threat (in a school of all places) with humour from the havoc it causes is beyond me! :mad:

Suki Wingy
04-16-2007, 05:18 PM
once in 7th grade after school durring dance lessons someone called 911 from a pay phone and hung up 3 times in a row and of course they traced the call to a school and sent the police, ambulance, and fire trucks right away. He was suspended. Also, last year we had a lock down for 2 hours because someone had an air-soft pistol in their car.

04-16-2007, 07:08 PM
Gee, when I was in high school the worst thing that could happen is if you got caught smoking in the bathroom. :rolleyes:

It must be terrifying for students nowadays.

04-16-2007, 07:43 PM
Gee, when I was in high school the worst thing that could happen is if you got caught smoking in the bathroom. :rolleyes:

Trust me, we still have plenty of this, on a much larger scale! :eek: People have been caught with cigarettes, cocaine, etc. in my distrinct. :rolleyes:

04-17-2007, 10:06 AM
Michigan has taken bomb threats to schools seriously since 1927.

Sadly these kids got no warning.


I can recall two bomb threats when I was in junior high back in the late 80's.

04-17-2007, 10:42 AM
We've had a huge increase in bomb threats here in the Cleveland area this past school year. It is a serious problem and those making the threats need to found and punished harshly in my opinion. This is not the way to get a day off of school!

04-17-2007, 11:14 AM
Gee, when I was in high school the worst thing that could happen is if you got caught smoking in the bathroom. :rolleyes:

It must be terrifying for students nowadays.

Same here Slick. There was one big brouhaha when some girl brought
an Elvis record into study hall. :rolleyes: