View Full Version : What kind of Brush

04-15-2007, 06:11 PM
HOLY COW. Belle is losing hair like crazy lol... I am assuming it is her "winter" coat coming out.

We gave her a bath today and so much hair came out it clogged up the tub lol. Then I brought her out and brushed her down with this rubber brush I have. I got about two handfuls of hair. Then when she was dry I did it again and got another two handfuls of hair. and she still has more to come out I can see it.

What kind of brush should I be using to most effectively help her get rid of this extra hair?

04-15-2007, 06:45 PM
During shedding season the tool that works best for me is a horse shedding blade. It takes so much undercoat off and is so easy to work with. Rubber currys for horses are great also and dogs love them. Even the horse plastic currys work better than my dog brushes.

04-15-2007, 06:49 PM
Furminator or go get her groomed. They will blow dry her and her undercoat will come out. And I'm aware that she is short haired it works well on them too, actually more hair comes out of them then long haired dogs.

04-15-2007, 07:01 PM
He he, it's THAT time of year, yup!

As Sugar has hair, I don't see much from her. But the 8 cats, OMG!!!!! I am vacuuming constantly just now.

I got this for the dog, it works well for the cats too. I love the cleaner button!!!!


04-15-2007, 07:05 PM
I have something called a stripper comb for my dogs. It's only beneficial for longer or thicker coated dogs because it would just hurt a dog with fine short coat.
It really does work though, just pulls the dead hair out without getting stuck or anything. Seems to glide through the luggiest of hair.

04-15-2007, 07:10 PM
Blue tick hounds have thicker coats than most hounds IMO anyways. Buster does shed but it's not everywhere. lately he's been shedding a lot. but anyways I would use a really good brush I can't think of the name but it helps a lot with my dogs. I hate the slicker brushes. rake combs help, too but you have to be gentle with them.

04-15-2007, 07:19 PM
For hounds or other fine-coated breeds, I generally bathe, blow dry them with forced air (clicky for picture (http://img.epinions.com/images/opti/62/d0/petsDogsGroomingAppliancesAllMetro_Air_Force_Comma nder_Pet_Dryer_AFTD_3.jpg)), use a curry cumb to loosen the hair, and finally use the shedding blade. I also go through with a bristle brush to pick up loose hairs, and for extra shine, a bit of chamois doesn't hurt ;)

04-15-2007, 09:56 PM
For hounds or other fine-coated breeds, I generally bathe, blow dry them with forced air (clicky for picture (http://img.epinions.com/images/opti/62/d0/petsDogsGroomingAppliancesAllMetro_Air_Force_Comma nder_Pet_Dryer_AFTD_3.jpg)), use a curry cumb to loosen the hair, and finally use the shedding blade. I also go through with a bristle brush to pick up loose hairs, and for extra shine, a bit of chamois doesn't hurt ;)

She is definately not fine coated lol she has short hair but it is VERY VERY thick. I use a curry comb and that gets quite a bit out but I am not sure that it is getting right down to the undercoat. She still has quite a bit of hair to come out but I have brushed her with the curry comb twice today for about 5 minutes each.... I just don't want to irritate her skin if I am brushing her too much.

This is a shedding blade? http://thepuppyshop.com/ershedblad.html

Do I just use it like a regular brush? Like just run it along her coat?