View Full Version : Little visitor *4/21 update*

04-14-2007, 04:12 PM
Hi there, Autumn the dog here to tell you about the little runt I had to babysit today while the humans did one of those rummage sale things where they let all the strangers on my property! Anyway, I had to babysit a little 3 week old kitten named Meelah. She came from my human uncle's farm. She somehow got seperated from her family and mom cat didn't know she was missing and it had been two days. So my mommy's sister took her in. She went to the vet and got a clean bill of health. Boy this little kitten is a pain in the rear! She mews and mews for somebody to pay attention to her and those little teeth and claws are like tiny needles. She chewed on my foot today while I was trying to take a nap (a dog's life is so hard). Then she wanted to get warm, so the little bugger buried herself under my stomach. Mom thought I was going to suffocate her. She says I'm too clumsy around little creatures. I can't help it if they are so small. I tried giving her a bath and she fell right over.

Here's a picture of her (never mind the wrong date)

04-14-2007, 04:17 PM
Autumn Rusty and Quoia here!
We feel for you! Our mom has some of those too, now they are bigger and all she does is tell us to be GENTLE...........well we are gentle but does she say ANYTHING to them about their tiny nails in our backs while we sleep? NO! or that they should not bite our ears? NO! She even lets them into the Library..even the big ones of them! but are we allowed in NO!

When they do something like get in OUR food dish and eat with us she coos and says oh how cute! But if we try to eat some of their food! OH boy!

Only good thing about those things are that when the humans hold them they get all mushy and stuff and we get extra cuddles if we kiss em while they are holding them. ;)

Laura's Babies
04-14-2007, 04:23 PM
That is so cute! That widdle kitten could be your best buddie and think of how much you can play with it all day.. You could even pick her up and carry her around, my Mom said she had one that use to carry her cat around in it's mouth all day but EWWWWWW! spit! spit! Being in a DOGS mouth.... How disgusting! Amy

04-14-2007, 04:30 PM
Hi Autumn, I think you secretly enjoy looking after Meelah. ;) She sure is a cute little one, and you could very well end up missing her when she goes home.

04-14-2007, 06:51 PM
Aw thats great that that dog wants to bathe his tiny feline friend , but I would be careful as the Kittens bones are not all that strong yet, and could be hurt accidentally.
But with all that they should grow to be Fast Friends.

04-14-2007, 09:18 PM
She's adorable.:)

04-15-2007, 07:01 AM
Oh my goodness! How adorable! I'm sure everyone will get alone just fine. When my Puddy was only 5 weeks old w/her leg in a cast, she was determined to join this family. After I kept her isolated for the required period, she realized that she loved our border collie Heidi who was 75 lbs. as opposed to Puddy who was 1 lb. I guess Puddy realized the discrepancy in weight and not to be outdone, she hopped on Heidi's back as if to say "Well then, you can be my chauffeur." And Heidi was so good natured about it except when Puddy insisted on playing w/her tail. Then she'd curl up her lip like Elvis. But she never growled or snapped. Given the right circumstances, they all can get along w/out danger.

04-20-2007, 06:23 AM
Little Meelah's in the hospital right now. She's got an upper respiratory infection, dehydration, and has lost an ounce in the last week. My sister decided to try a different vet from the one who said she's 100% healthy. Meelah had lost her voice yesterday so she promptly took her in. Hopefully this vet will do some good.

Pawsitive Thinking
04-20-2007, 06:26 AM
Hope you feel better soon Meelah - maybe your best buddy Autumn can pay you a visit to cheer you up

04-20-2007, 12:25 PM
Jasper here - My mom has two of those, and let me tell you, they just get bigger and pointier! They're kinda fun though, and if you lick their butt they sometimes dispense treats!! Mine like to chase me now that they're getting fast. It makes me excited, but mom says they're still fragile so I can't chase them back.

04-20-2007, 12:40 PM
;) Aweee you are just a wittle cutie pie Meelah.. So sorry you got a cold from your bath.. Hope you feel better soon.. Those Vets will get you all well..

04-20-2007, 05:48 PM
We are praying that Meelah will get better soon.
We have sent some Momma Angels to keep an eyes on the tiny one until she gets better!

04-20-2007, 06:26 PM
My sister picked up Meelah this afternoon. She's doing better, but now she won't move her back leg. The vet claimed it was just asleep but how can it be asleep for this long? The IV wasn't in the leg so that's not the problem. She's taking her for xrays if she's still not using it tomorrow morning. She is planning on fighting the vet for the bills.

04-20-2007, 09:14 PM
Oh no!! Poor little Meelah (love the name). :( First you are sick and now your leg isn't working. I hope you get better soon so you can play with Autumn again soon.

04-21-2007, 09:29 AM
My sister just called. Meelah went to the emergency hospital last night. They did x-rays but the specialist wasn't there until this morning and they are just too tiny for the regular vet to be sure. The vet thinks its a broken foot. The other possibility is a bone infection and if so the foot might need to be amputated. But the emergency vet was pretty sure of it being a break.
There was a critical condition dog that came in though and needed all the vets I guess so they are finishing up today. The original vet is doing a culture of the area, free of course since they are responsible for all this. The emergency vet agrees that my sister should go after them for the bills, even if it is an infection. SHe said they never should have released Meelah without doing tests because if it were something like a pinched nerve or an infection and it went untreated all weekend she would most likely lose the leg.
More updates hopefully soon, she's at the vet right now.

04-21-2007, 09:33 AM
Oh no! This is terrible news! Prayers going out for Meelah and for you, too.

04-21-2007, 05:30 PM
Thanks for good thoughts. Meelah is home and her leg has a splint. Since her bones are still developing and its not a clean break if anything they wouldn't do any surgery anyway, and she's already on antibiotics so they aren't going to bother with the culture. She will put some pressure on it. The original vet is going to pay a little over half of the emergency bills and all of today's visit.