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04-14-2007, 09:10 AM
Fri, April 13, 2007
Ex-Calgarian saves U.S. child
UPDATED: 2007-04-13 01:48:08 MST

Pilot to meet donor recipient


Holding the lives of hundreds of passengers in his hands is routine for Calgary-born pilot Doug Baxter.

But the Air Canada pilot says saving the life of a cancer-stricken California girl with his bone marrow is special and he's eager to wing thousands of kilometres to meet 10-year-old Cindy Campos and family.

"I'm getting quite excited -- it's nice to be able to help somebody you don't know and I get to meet her and her family," said Winnipeg resident Baxter, 55, an alumnus of St. Francis high school and Mount Royal College.

He'll get the chance April 27 at City of Hope hospital in Duarte, Calif.

Baxter signed onto a donor registry in the late 1990s after a friend was diagnosed with bone marrow cancer.

In 2004, Cindy Campos was diagnosed with myeloid leukemia.

Finding a donor to rescue her daughter seemed increasingly remote, said Gricelda Campos.

"It was a miracle to find a donor that's a 100 percent match," said Gricelda, of Cucamonga, Calif.

"We didn't have another option for somebody to give Cindy a second chance."

In September, 2005, marrow was extracted from Baxter's pelvis and transplanted into Cindy. Last year, Cindy relapsed but Baxter offered a second donation if needed.

Cindy is now cancer-free.

04-14-2007, 10:24 AM
What a sweet story!

Laura's Babies
04-14-2007, 11:00 AM
That is such a giving of life to someone who would normally die.

I have a niece that has only one kidney. The other was taken when she was a small child for medical reasons. Now she is an adult and her remaining kidney is giving her major problems. My sister and I have offered her one of ours if she should need one and we are a match... What else can you do? She is family and we love her a lot!