View Full Version : Puppy, part Lab and ???

04-13-2007, 06:43 PM
Hi, I found this puppy a few weeks ago. I found him on the side of the road all alone. No houses any where in sight. So I called my husband and he said to bring him on home. Well I did LOL. I really didn't want another dog, I already have 2. But I couldn't just leave him there on the side of the road all alone and scared :(

So he now lives with us. I did put an ad in our local paper and took him in to the vet. He checked for a microchip, didn't find any. No one answered the ad, so I guess he is my new boy :) To stay!!

I did name him, his name is Muttly Mutt Man. It just seem to fit!

So I'm guessing he has a lot of lab in him. But there is something else in there too!
Any ideas????


Isn't he cute??

04-13-2007, 07:20 PM
He's adorable! Thanks for taking him in. :) I see pit bull in him.

04-13-2007, 07:21 PM
I was thinking pit as well. definitely in his face.
Very cute though! Especially for being on the side of the road, all alone!

04-13-2007, 07:38 PM
Yup, that boxy head suggested pit to me as well.

Bless you for taking this handsome fella in!!

04-13-2007, 07:43 PM
Thank you all for such fast replies!

Soooo you think maybe he could be Boxer instead of Pit?
Not that I really care. I have really grown to love this puppy!
He is such a good baby.
But I put him down as a Lab mix.
Pits are banned in the area I live in. I kinda thought he looked like Lab X Pit too, but I am in denial :(

I have been just telling people he was a Lab mix. Since I really have no idea what he is mixed with :)

04-13-2007, 07:48 PM
Definitely Pit.

04-13-2007, 07:49 PM
Stick with the "Lab mix" part, because until he's full grown, you won't really know anyway - he's pretty stocky, but there's a ton of stocky breeds he could be mixed with, and his coat looks too thick for pittie or boxer ....

04-14-2007, 01:21 AM
I think he looks like a lab/pit bull mix :) He sure is pretty though!

04-14-2007, 01:41 AM
I am leaning towards Pittie as well, but there may be more in him then just Lab and Pittie. His coat is kinda thick, so maybe border collie instead of lab? It's a possibility. Whatever he is mixed with, he is gonna be big....did you see the size of his paws? He is very handsome and I am glad you love him so!! Its a shame his potential breed, pitties, are banned by you. I pray that never happens here. Good luck with him and post lots of pictures of him as he gets bigger!! By the way, I love the name...he does look like a Muttly Mutt Man!!! How cute!

04-14-2007, 08:16 AM
Thank you all again for your input.

I don't know where you are in IL, but I also live here. Of course I'm not saying where LOL. There are many bans on breeds in this stupid state :(

It is sad and stupid about all those bans they have on dogs. I have been very worried about it.
But you are right, his hair is pretty thick and very soft. Sometimes he don't look at all like one.

LOL he does have big feet! But I never really go by that on how big a dog will get. But on the other hand he is growing like a weed! When I first got him he wasn't skinny but not fat either. So I have no idea how long he was out there. The vet said he as about 7 or 8 wks old when I first found him. Since then he has grown tons. I guess he is about 13 or 12 wks old now and he weighed 24 lbs the last time he was weighed. I'll have to weigh him again, I can't hardly pick him up anymore. I have had to loosen his coller about 3 times now. I can't make it any bigger, so I have to go get him a new one today LOL..

Because of the ban I would never have went out looking for one. But I sure wasn't going to leave him out there. He was so dirty and sad looking when I found him. I don't know anyone could dump an animal :mad:

04-14-2007, 10:08 AM
He is just sooooo CUTE! MWAH MWAH MWAH! Please give him those kisses from me :D

04-23-2007, 09:25 AM
;) MMmm lets see = Ok I would say this baby has alot of Cutie Sweetie Pie.. :D

04-27-2007, 08:47 AM
id say there is some pitbull in there..Lab/Pitbull is my guess.

RBBM's Mom
05-02-2007, 12:41 PM
Love your puppy! He looks like a handful! We have a similar kind of mystery at our house - one we think we've solved. Rascal is a lab/plott hound mix. His head looks square as he looks at you straight on, but then he turns and he's all hound looking. He's about 1.5 years now, and has topped out at 71.9 pounds (we hope).
Good luck with him! I'm sure he's a honey!

Santo Domingo
05-04-2007, 02:23 PM
i'd say pit or amstaff

Santo Domingo
05-04-2007, 02:26 PM
why would you be in denial. i AM NOT trying to start a debate, but every pit ive known has been absolutely wonderfull. i, as a vet tech, have seen my share of lab/pit x and they are not only beautiful, they have a double wammy of silly/happy/kissy/sweet temperments

05-04-2007, 03:41 PM
Because if he were part pit, someone could come and take him away....
Thats why I told everyone he is Lab mix. I don't mind the pit, but others do.

05-09-2007, 10:37 PM
Lab X some kinda blocky headed dog with almond eyes...

I'd stick with lab mix...

Jake's mom