View Full Version : Gov. Corzine was not wearing a seat belt :(

04-13-2007, 04:39 PM
For those who don't know, NJ's Governor Corzine was in a very serious accident yesterday on the Garden State Parkway here in NJ. His injuries, though not life threatening, are very serious. He has 12 broken ribs among other broken bones and is listed in critical condition. He is sedated because breathing is very painful with all of those broken ribs. It was discovered that he was not wearing a seat belt. One of the people who reported early from the scene said that his legs were *dangling out of the window.* That sort of told me that he couldn't have been wearing a seat belt and apparently now it has been confirmed. I am wondering how many people here don't use seat belts. It is very easy to just *buckle up* and it can save lives, not to mention all of the serious injuries that Gov. Corzine has suffered. I am not berating Gov. Corzine, but I bet he will *buckle up* the next time he is riding in a car.

04-13-2007, 04:42 PM
I cannot believe anyone would be so dumb as to not wear a seatbelt.

04-13-2007, 04:44 PM
I hear that Pam :( It really was a bad idea to skip the belt. I am a true
believer in seat belts. Wasn't he on his way to the meeting with the women's

04-13-2007, 04:48 PM
Wasn't he on his way to the meeting with the women's

The report I heard was that he was leaving Atlantic City after meeting with them but, once again, I only heard it sort of in passing and was not paying complete attention.

Edit: Our local news just said he was on his way to the meeting, but then they said he was going Northbound on the Parkway. To go to Atlantic City he would need to be going Southbound. :confused: :confused:

Cinder & Smoke
04-13-2007, 05:22 PM
... his legs were *dangling out of the window.*

That sort of told me that he couldn't have been wearing a seat belt ...

It is very easy to just *buckle up* and it can save lives,
not to mention all of the serious injuries that Gov. Corzine has suffered.

What totally blows my mind is that his DRIVER was a State Trooper!
WHY on earth the Trooper even started the car before His Governorship was FIRMLY Strapped In
is beyond my ability to comprehend! :eek:

When you ride with me - you either *Buckle Up* or get out! ;)

And if I'm riding with you ... YOU'LL *Buckle Up* or I'll get out and walk!
Don't want MY driver floppin around the Bus and trying to *squish* me!

/s/ Phred

04-13-2007, 05:36 PM
How sad. I do hope he recovers quickly. Being honest... no, I wear my seat belt maybe 60 percent of the time. Although I'm trying to wear it all the time now because my mom says I can't take the permit test until I prove to her I wear it every time.

04-13-2007, 05:42 PM
I always wear a seat belt, I've only been in one car addicent and had minor injuries, but if I hadn't been wearing a seatbelt I don't even know if I would have survived. I was in a minivan and it flipped over, thankfully I just had some cuts from where the window broke and peices of it landed in my arm.

My new car has an annoying buzzer sound so if I don't wear my belt it won't shut up until I put it on. If there is a passanger with me it will also buzz if they aren't wearing a seatbelt.

Laura's Babies
04-13-2007, 05:42 PM
No matter what car I drive or WHO you are, if the seat belts are not on, I will not even start the car until it is. If WE don't set the example, how can we ask the kids and grandkids to do it?

Edwina's Secretary
04-13-2007, 05:43 PM
It was said that if Princess Diana had been wearing a seat belt the outcome would have been very different. In fact, the only one wearing a seat belt was the lone survivor.... :(

04-13-2007, 05:57 PM
I alwas wear a seat belt.I feel safer with wearing one.

Ginger's Mom
04-13-2007, 06:10 PM
Yes, I always wear a seat belt and like Laura will not start the car unless my passengers are belted in too.

Gov. Corzine had been at a Governer's convention of some sort in Atlantic City and was headed to the Governer's mansion for the Imus/Rutgers girl's basketball team meeting. The funny thing is I was walking Ginger at about 6:30 yesterday afternoon when a NeuStar (emergency medical) helicopter went overhead and I immediately assumed they were responding to a motor vehicle accident. Then I saw they were being escorted by a State Police helicopter and I wondered who was hurt. The Governor was the only one who was seriously injured, and probably the only one not wearing a seatbelt. He should be made to pay for the cost incurred for the airlift and emergency treatment himself (not us taxpayers).

04-13-2007, 06:16 PM
YES. I will not ride in a car without one.

04-13-2007, 06:38 PM
I always wear my belt. I don't feel safe without it. Seen too many accidents where people were ejected from their cars. :(

My new car has an annoying buzzer sound so if I don't wear my belt it won't shut up until I put it on. If there is a passanger with me it will also buzz if they aren't wearing a seatbelt.

Same with my Pontiac Vibe. Continuous annoying chiming if the driver or passenger aren't wearing belts. Scared the crap out of me once because Andy has a habit of taking his belt off as we are pulling into parking lots and the alarm went off and I near slammed on the brakes thinking something was wrong with the car. :p :rolleyes: :D

04-13-2007, 06:42 PM
I always buckle up. ;)

04-13-2007, 07:59 PM
I always buckle up as a driver and passenger.
In Kentucky you can be pulled over for not being belted (driver) and (passengers).

04-13-2007, 08:06 PM
YES. I will not ride in a car without one.

same here.

04-13-2007, 08:26 PM
It is just plain foolish to ride in a vehicle or let anyone ride in a vehicle with you without a seatbelt.

04-13-2007, 08:33 PM
I always buckle up now, it's state law. I usually did anyway, but the one time I was in a car accident and hadn't buckled in, it probably saved me. We were in my sister's 1969 Ford Falcon - had-me-down car from my grandfather, then big brother. So it was an old car, 15 years old, and built like a tank. We were on the curves of the infamous Southeast Expressway in Boston, and a ladder had fallen off a truck into the lane we were traveling in. A light rain had just begun to fall, so when my sister braked to avoid the ladder, we ended up skidding straight across 4 or 5 lanes of traffic, and hit the guardrail head-on, leaving us perpendicular to oncoming traffic. A much newer, smaller car couldn't stop in time and hit us pretty hard, right in the passenger side door. Had I been wearing my seatbelt, I would have been strapped TO that door, but as there were three of us in the front seat, I ended up just bouncing into the lap of the girl in the middle. The worst injury was my sister ended up with a gash on her knee from where it hit the CB radio mount under the dash.

And much to, I think, the policemen's bemusement, my life-size Raggedy Ann doll and pumpkin rode in the cruiser with us, as they got us off the highway. Neither of them were injured either.

04-13-2007, 08:39 PM
I feel weird riding/driving in a car without a seat belt. It is totally habit to put it on.

04-13-2007, 08:47 PM
99% of the time. the only time I take it off is when traveling long distances in the middle of nowhere. I live in the praries..its flat, no hills no mountins, no cliffs, no tree's and hardly another car in sight, only then will I take my seatbelt off to sleep, and I put it back on as soon as I wake up, I cant sleep in a seatbelt lol

04-13-2007, 08:59 PM
I always wear one, even if I'm just driving a block away.

04-13-2007, 09:55 PM
Gov. Corzine had been at a Governer's convention of some sort in Atlantic City and was headed to the Governer's mansion for the Imus/Rutgers girl's basketball team meeting.

Thanks for clearing that up Joyce! I was having a hard time understanding why he was going Northbound on the Parkway. For some reason I thought the meeting with the girls was in Atlantic City. That's what happens when you only listen to a snippet of news here and a snippet there. :o

04-13-2007, 11:07 PM
I always wear a seatbelt. I feel extremly akward if I am not wearing it.

04-14-2007, 07:08 AM
I don't even realize I put the seat belt on anymore. Its just a natural thing for me to do. I feel very awkward without one on.... as if I'm going to start levitating out of my seat or something! :p

04-14-2007, 07:56 AM
My new car has an annoying buzzer sound so if I don't wear my belt it won't shut up until I put it on. If there is a passanger with me it will also buzz if they aren't wearing a seatbelt.

I was starting to get bad about wearing mine if I was staying close to home....just running to the drugstore, down the street to my BIL's....on residental streets. Now my new Nitro also has the annoying buzzer, so I always put it on right away, even if every street I'm driving on is 25 mph.

Last week I was travelling with one of our sales guys, and I was complaining about the buzzer. He's like, couldn't you disable that...find the fuse or something. I laughed becuase that was the first thought I had too...but the safer, smarter thing to do, is just to wear the seatbelt!! And now, that's what I do :)

04-14-2007, 10:58 AM
Justin's truck has that seat belt buzzer too. We always wear our seat belts when we're on the road so it usually doesn't bother us. It is incredible annoying though when we stop at the end of the driveway to get the mail and that stupid buzzer goes off so we have to re-buckle just to drive the short distance down the driveway. It's also annoying when Justin is doing yard work and is driving the truck around the yard picking up fallen branches and things. It doesn't make a lot of sense to buckle up when you're driving 5 MPH through your own yard and stopping every 15 seconds to pick up yard debris.

04-14-2007, 11:01 AM
I always wear a seatbelt, it's stupid not to, and anyway, it's the law here. I also tend to wear my seat belt on flights, although I loosen it.

04-14-2007, 05:27 PM
I feel very awkward without one on.... as if I'm going to start levitating out of my seat or something! :p

Same here. :D I know what you mean. It really is a good habit to have.

04-14-2007, 05:33 PM
I was starting to get bad about wearing mine if I was staying close to home....just running to the drugstore, down the street to my BIL's....on residental streets. Now my new Nitro also has the annoying buzzer, so I always put it on right away, even if every street I'm driving on is 25 mph.

That's good that you wear your seatbelt now, I've heard that the majority of accidents happen close to home. When I was in mine I was on my way back from school which was less than 2 miles away and the accident happened as we were turning onto the street where our house was.

04-14-2007, 05:40 PM
I always wear my seat belt in the car. Really the only time I haven't is when I went to a six flags safari and going really slow. I wear it even if my mom is driving me down the street to a friends house. Even if no one asks me to wear one, I do anyway.

04-14-2007, 05:59 PM
In my car, and most of my friend's cars yes. But in one of my friends cars no. I hate seatbelts but most of the time I am forced to wear them. If I'm not forced I don't. Of course, when I start driving and stuff I will always wear one because I'm in the front and driving. When I am an adult, I will wear it 100% of the time.

04-18-2007, 05:59 AM
For those who haven't heard, it has now been confirmed that Gov. Corzine's vehicle was traveling 91 MPH on a road with a speed limit of 65. A state trooper was behind the wheel. :mad: Why did he think he didn't need to obey the speed limit like everyone else and why did he allow the governor to ride without a seat belt? As much as I feel sorry for the governor, this may have all been avoided if the two of them were behaving as the rest of the public is expected to behave.

04-18-2007, 08:45 AM

Guess I must say I'm not surprised they feel they are "above the law". :(

04-18-2007, 09:36 AM
I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt, as does every member of my family. It is just habit for me and for them. That is what we do. But I find myself looking at people who have not strapped in, or have not properly restrained their children, when I am at red lights.

If I am killed in an accident, wearing my seatbelt, then I feel it was meant to be. And I am not likely to ever give it up for the unlikely event that I would have been better off without it.

This speeding (91 mph) thing blows my mind.


04-18-2007, 09:46 AM
I ALWAYS wear my seatbelt! It's a habbit putting it on.

04-18-2007, 04:58 PM
I always buckle up as a driver and passenger.
In Kentucky you can be pulled over for not being belted (driver) and (passengers). I don't believe they can pull you over for not being belted. However, if they DO pull you over and they note you're not wearing a belt, then you'll get a ticket. The reason for pulling the person over has to be something other than not being belted. I'm saying this, assuming the law hasn't suddenly change for 2007.

Nonetheless, I think it's silly NOT to wear a seatbelt. I ALWAYS buckle up. Better safe, than sorry. However, I am guilty of adjusted the belt on long car trips. I'll just use the lap part, putting the shoulder strap behind me. But, if I'm driving or in the passenger's seat, it's always 100% on. I never think about it - I've always been taught to wear it. I have friends who get in my car without buckling up. I didn't realize they weren't wearing them at first, simply because I don't check. I assume everyone is wise enough to put them on. However, I noticed it, and ever since, I make sure they are wearing them before I drive.

Come on guys, BUCKLE UP!!

04-18-2007, 05:49 PM
That wasn't a very smart thing to do.

I always buckle my seatbelt. It's been a habit since I was really little.

04-23-2007, 06:37 AM
Well things just keep getting worse for the governor and the trooper. Now it seems that the trooper that was driving the car might also have been on his cell phone receiving a text message at the time of the accident. A fellow police officer is said to have called the trooper accusing him of having an affair with his wife. It is unclear if the trooper viewed this message at the time it was sent. Hmmm....driving 91 in a 65 MPH zone, with the governor as a passenger who is not buckled in and possibly on a cell phone (a big *no* *no* in NJ). This guy is in a heap of trouble. Life is stranger than fiction sometimes. :rolleyes:

04-23-2007, 11:20 AM
Wow Pam! What a whole can of worms to be opened up... :(