View Full Version : I think someone tried to break into my home!

04-13-2007, 09:03 AM
well yesterday someone in mid day light tried to break in to the family down the streets house with a drill, but I knew nothing about it until today which is . But what scares me is last night I kept hearing noises outside my bedroom window and it was really loud, this is about 1 am!!! The dogs were barking alittle and it seemed like it didnt start until I turned out the downstairs light and went to my room, almost like he was watching me inside and waiting for me to go upstairs!!! It was soooo scary and I went out back to look where I heard the noise this morning and all the tarp and everything where we are going to make a pound is ripped and on the ground(our whole back yard is a big hill so he would have been on a hill and it must have gotten knocked down from there, its alittle confusing). I dont know if it was just the wind or if someone was really out there trying to figure out a way to break in my house.

04-13-2007, 09:05 AM
That's scary! Hopefully they found out that it wouldn't work and now they'll leav your house alone! If there as someone out there.
