View Full Version : My New Cat, Maximus.

04-12-2007, 07:35 PM
Tomorrow is my fiance's birthday, and for a surprise present I got him a kitten. I decided on a kitten instead of an adult cat because we have 2 dogs and 5 ferrets, and a kitten who grows up around all of these other animals is more likely to coexist peacefully with them, and maybe even be friends, than an adult cat who might already dislike dogs or other animals.

I found a woman on craigslist who was adopting these kittens to good homes, and I went to her house armed with a new cat carrier, some toys, and all of the necessary cat stuff in my trunk where I had been hiding it from my fiance for the past day and 1/2. There were 3 kittens left, and all looked pretty similar in terms of appearance. I picked Maximus because he had the softest fur, and also liked being handled more than the other 2 kittens did. The other 2 seemed very aloof, and he enjoyed being held and receiving affection. He especially loves belly rubs - it's cute, he rolls over on his back and purrs like a motorboat when you rub his tummy!

Maximus was born on January 31st, so he is about 9-10 weeks old. His Mother is part bengal, so he has some pretty neat looking stripes - he kind of looks like a zebra, especially on his tummy. Initially when I brought the little guy home, he was pretty overwhelmed, I suppose I would be too! Both dogs wanted to sniff him over thoroughly, lick him, and play. He just wanted to sleep after his long car ride home! My fiance loves him, and says that he was 100% surprised - I don't know HOW he didn't know...when I was on my way home he called my cell phone and I answered, and the kitten meowed very very loudly from his cat carrier in the back seat. I guess he didn't hear it, lucky for me!

At first Maximus hid under the ferret crate, or under the couch, and just wanted to either be held securely or be somewhere out of sight. The dogs are a bit intimidating I'm sure! Now though, he's settled down a lot. He's playing with everything, eating a bit, and is very vocal, walking around the house meowing. He even cuddled with the dogs for a bit on their dog bed on the floor. I'm proud of them, they are being very gentle with him and giving him lots of love - they did eat his food when we weren't looking though, obviously!

Maximus has not yet used his litter box (he hasn't had an accident at all, he just hasn't gone to the bathroom, period). We've shown him where it is and rubbed his paws in it, does anyone have any other suggestions to help with that?

Here are some pictures of our newest addition to the family -


04-12-2007, 07:40 PM
OMG, look at the widdle baby!!! He should grow into his name soon enough, though. And the dogs do look like they are good with him.

He may not need to use the litter box, don't worry about it unless it is over 24 hours. And even then, just keep a closer eye out.

Hey, you need to find a place to put his food where the dogs won't get it. Cat food is VERY high in protein; too high for dogs. It will overwork their kidneys with time, so keep them away from it. Tough, I know. I have put gates up to keep Sugar out of the cat food; AND the cat litter boxes. She likes to stick her head in and eat, YUCK.

You will need to give lots of photos as he grows. Best wishes for that little baby!

04-12-2007, 07:42 PM
OMG! Those pix are so adorable they gave me LES! After just being involved in a rescue where a dog attacked a cat and it had to have surgery as a result, when I see pix like this and read stories like this, it makes me so happy! Maximus is adorable! What a great addition to your family!

Laura's Babies
04-12-2007, 07:58 PM
He is adoreable and cute as can be!!! Looks a bit frightened but it is all new to him and he will get us to his new surroundings. When he does he will be so much fun!! The dogs look like they have alread accepted him so they will be friends in no time.

04-12-2007, 08:11 PM
Freedom, I agree, we definitely need to figure something out so that the dogs can't get to it. We were thinking about putting it up in a high place where he can get to it and they can't. Think that would work??

I'm a bit concerned about the little guy's bum. It looks a little weird - I don't know how to describe it. It's a little red in one spot...maybe I'm just being silly. He'll probably go to the bathroom soon and it will look normal again. He's probably freaked out about the new environment and doesn't know what's going on.

Medusa and Laura's Babies, I'm glad you like the pictures! Medusa, that must have been awful, seeing a cat that had been attacked like that =( Our dogs are both really submissive and gentle - they get beat up by the ferrets all of the time, it's pathetic! lol

Here are some more pics of the little guy.


04-12-2007, 08:28 PM
All right, WHERE is the cuteness warning for this thread??!!

Maximus and the dogs, oh my, I never saw anything so sweet!

Edit your title and say "new pics post 5"

Gee. I am going to have sweet dreams tonight, he he. Thanks!!

04-12-2007, 09:17 PM
How do I edit a title (and what does new pics post 5 mean??) :confused:

This is my favorite picture of the batch so far


Molly makes the cutest faces sometimes!! She keeps going over to where Maximus is sleeping and picking her paw up and nudging him with it a few times like to say "Hey, get up and play lazy bones" and then when he doesn't, she makes this funny groaning sound and curls up next to him like "FINE. Then I have no choice but to lay down with you." They're such characters!

Lucy keeps getting so excited when she sees him that she's shaking, literally - it's soo funny. She makes a high pitched whining noise and her eyes bug out of her head...looks like she's about to have a seizure. I can practically hear her saying "Mom, is he staying?! Can he stay for good? Please? Can I KEEP HIM???" lol

04-12-2007, 09:36 PM
OMG!!! These pics are precious! Those dogs are so sweet with that little guy!! I just want to hug them all! I like the pic with Molly nudging the kitten, like, hey you, you awake?? It's adorable, and the one with her looking at the camera and the kitty asleep. What sweeties you have!!!

04-12-2007, 10:45 PM
Thanks Jenn! I'm really proud of how the dogs are welcoming this little guy into the house. Naturally they're curious and over excited about it, but they're both being very gentle with him and I think it's probably helping him not miss his litter mates AS much, having other animals around.

I really like the photos of your cats in your signature :) Are their names Love, faith, hope and joy? I wonder what Maximus will look like when he's all grown up :D

04-12-2007, 10:51 PM
Those are the most adorable pics I have seen in awhile. I think it is so wonderful that your dogs have accepted Maximus so quickly and lovingly. :)

04-13-2007, 05:28 AM
What a simply gorgeous little young man! He's super cute! I'm looking forward to watching him grow up on pet talk :)
I want to see him grow, get neutered, learn to be bold and fall off things, cuddle, sleep in funny positions, all the things you go through with a cat :)

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-13-2007, 07:22 AM
Oh gosh, what a super adorable baby!!! It is fantastic to see how your dogs looh after this little cat :)
Maximus will grow into a huge cat, I think. He looks a bit like a Main Coon to me :confused:

smokey the elder
04-13-2007, 07:26 AM
It looks like he's made himself right at home, thank you very much! :)

04-13-2007, 08:47 AM
What a nice addition to your family. He really seems to be settling in.

04-13-2007, 03:53 PM
Those Dogs certainly have made Maximus feel at home.
I would be careful though that he doesnt get into the habit of eating with them as Dog Foods not good for a Kitten.
I would get one of those plexi glass things for hos litter box where he can go in but his Canine Plas cant as they might knock it over and soil it.
What a wonderful Little Cat Of The Future.
Dont be surpised if he starts barking!!!

04-13-2007, 04:49 PM
catmandu - I don't think I've ever seen one of those plexi glass things that you're referring to, but I'll definitely look into it, it sounds like it would be helpful. Last night all of a sudden I realized Lucy was nowhere to be seen, so I went looking for here, and there she is next to the litter box playing with a piece of cat poop. She's so classy! We've been feeding the kitten separately from the dogs, and the dogs eat their meals so fast that I don't think the kitten would have a fighting chance to get a piece of their food, even if we didn't separate them lol

Maya & Inka's Mommy - he is a little bit fuzzy like a Maine Coon, but I don't think his hair is *quite* long enough...I guess we'll see when he gets older. Maybe his father was part Maine Coon - I met the mother and she was 1/2 Tiger Cat 1/2 Bengal, with short hair.

Culture Junky - I can't wait for all of those things to happen either! Last night I was petting him on my lap and I saw a teeny flea run across his tail So, off to the pet store I went to get some flea stuff! I hate fleas!

This morning he was all excited when we woke up and was purring and rolling around to get some belly rubs, it was adorable. And right now he's asleep on my lap while I type. I guess I should just admit to myself that he was a present for myself as much as my fiance lol

Here are some great pictures we took of him last night. They all took a nap on the couch together, it was adorable!









more to follow!....

04-13-2007, 04:59 PM
luckynumber7, these are absolutely SWEET photos of Maximus and his two big sisters. You can change the title of this thread (click on edit)- & put a CUTENESS WARNING cause the last round of photos is definitely very cute! But, oh, how I hope he does not have fleas for the sake of MOlly and Lucy and your home!

04-13-2007, 05:14 PM
I kjnow, I hope he doesn't too, but I think it was definitely one that I saw on him last night. Since then though I've been picking through his fur checking him over like crazy and haven't seen a single other one, so maybe it was an isolated incident. We're treating it though, just to be safe! Both the dogs are on frontline so hopefully they dont get any!

Here are some more pictures of him and his big sisters! I'm going to have to make another thread in Dog General with some funny pictures of Molly from last night that I got of her demonstrating the proper way to eat a rawhide stick while looking as goofy as possible!











04-13-2007, 05:20 PM
Last ones! (for now at least!) :p






04-13-2007, 05:30 PM
Oh yeah, he rules the house already!

04-13-2007, 05:38 PM
I cant for the lfe of me remeber what they are called.
Its a large clear bin with a small entrance that the Cat can get in but the Dogs can not.
Maybe someone here will know what I am talking about.
I cant even recall what they are called.

04-14-2007, 12:39 AM
Congrats on your new kitten!!!:) He sure is adorable and looks like he's fitting right in. The pictures of him with your dogs are just precious.:)

04-14-2007, 10:22 AM
Oh my gosh how ADORABLE! Amazing how they became friends so fast. What a sweet pack you have there :)

04-14-2007, 12:53 PM
catmandu - thanks for describing it to me, I'll check around at some stores and see if I can find something like that. Maximus is using his litter box all the time, he's a well behaved little guy!

krazyaboutkatz, you have a bunch of kitties huh?? They're adorable!!

JenBKR - I like the pictures at the bottom of your posts - too cute! I'm glad my animals are getting along so quickly as well. Now that I think about it though, I don't think my dogs have ever been introduced to another animal and NOT been friendly towards it, they're pretty good about that.

Today we are having a BBQ/birthday party for my fiance, and it shoudl be interesting. Most of my friends have dogs and are bringing them with them, so it should be fun! The kitten will be inside the whole time, and we'll probably just keep him closed off in a separate room so that he doesn't get freaked out at all the noise and people and animals running around. Plus, one of my friends has a little italian greyhound named Simon who happens to be the spawn of satan. This dog has a terrible Napolean complex and tries to beat up all the other dogs around him...so I hate to think how he would react to a cat! Better to keep them apart I think :)

Edit - This might be a lame question, but what does it mean in people's signatures where it says "I have been defrosted"?? :confused:

04-15-2007, 04:21 AM
Awww Maximus is absolutely ADORABLE!!! He looks like my Remus butt when he was a kitten (Ive been owned by him for almost three years now)

I love stripey spotted kittes :D

04-15-2007, 08:14 PM
Oh my gosh, I have melted into a puddle of mush looking at those adorable pictures of your new kitten with the dogs. Too darn cute for words. :D

04-16-2007, 11:36 PM
Here are some more pictures!

Maximus after playing our Nintendo Wii for WAY too long!

Maximus commandeering the TV remote


and lastly, Maximus taking a snooze on my dog Lucy. They've really taken a liking to eachother, and it's so sweet!






04-19-2007, 07:05 PM
Maximus! Such a cutie you are! I'm glad you are getting along with Lucy so well.

04-24-2007, 11:17 PM
omgosh. those are the cutest pics ever! he is soo adorable.. he thinks he rules the dogs lol that is so cute how they are to him. they seem like there protecting the little kitty. :)

04-25-2007, 11:06 PM
Luckynumber7 - it's a week tomorrow since we saw pictures of little Maximus ... do you have any new ones you can post? He's soooo adorable and they do grow up so fast ... Going, going, gone is precious!

04-25-2007, 11:42 PM
Do I have pictures of Maximus?! Of course I do :) I even took some more especially for you just now!

Maximus has been hanging out in the office mostly for the last few days - Irish, our foster dog, is a little bit too much for him. He's actually pretty gentle with him, but the dog's idea of playing is wrapping his whole mouth around Maximus and drooling all over him, leaving Max with a spikey, slobbery hair-do lol








I have a few more that I'm about to upload, I'll post those soon.

04-25-2007, 11:53 PM
and now, Maximus playing with a toy after eating some catnip




