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04-12-2007, 04:09 PM
I was just curious and thought it would interesting to find out.....

What food TOTALLY turned you off and made you sick to your stomach during your pregnancy?

I cannot STAND chicken. I dont' know what it is. I can't stand the smell of it cooking... I hate the way it tastes... hate the way it looks.... it just totally grosses me out right now lol.

But that is the only thing I can't stand to eat right now and I haven't had any real cravings yet.

What food did you hate?

04-12-2007, 04:11 PM
Haha, I am NOT pregnant nor have I ever been pregnant, but chicken totally disgusts me. Just thought I'd share my detest for chicken and turkey. No one understands why it grosses me out so, but jeez, it's NASTY!!

04-12-2007, 04:16 PM
With Tyler I couldn't stand the smell or taste of anything minty!! I found out that I was pregnant with him while visiting the family in Ohio and on the flight back to Japan my flight attendant reeked of peppermint!!! It was probably just a nice peppermint lotion but at the time I wanted to slug her :D :rolleyes:

Hmm with this baby I think the only food aversion that I have had so far is an aversion to the smell of ketchup. I LOVE the taste of ketchup and drown my french fries or chicken nuggets (sorry!) in it but I can't stand the smell of it if I don't put it away RIGHT after eating!! :)

04-12-2007, 04:18 PM
With Tyler I couldn't stand the smell or taste of anything minty!! I found out that I was pregnant with him while visiting the family in Ohio and on the flight back to Japan my flight attendant reeked of peppermint!!! It was probably just a nice peppermint lotion but at the time I wanted to slug her :D :rolleyes:

Hmm with this baby I think the only food aversion that I have had so far is an aversion to the smell of ketchup. I LOVE the taste of ketchup and drown my french fries or chicken nuggets (sorry!) in it but I can't stand the smell of it if I don't put it away RIGHT after eating!! :)

HAHA that is funny. I can't say I have any wierd aversions like that yet :D

04-12-2007, 04:26 PM
Eggs! The smell of eggs, the sight of eggs, made me throw up. I will never forget that. Yuck! ;)

04-12-2007, 04:40 PM
ARE YOU KIDDING :D ...for me it was what did not make me sick. I was sick from the sixth week until 8 months, morning, noon and night. Two things that stayed down were KFC mashed potatos and gravy and slurpies :D I could not even keep down chicken soup!!

04-12-2007, 04:42 PM
I couldn't stand chicken either (or turkey). That went away about half way through my pregnancy though, now I can eat chicken again. Before getting pregnant chicken was the main thing we ate. We ate fish once or twice a week and then chicken the rest of the week. We never ate beef or pork. Since I was unable to eat chicken we started eating beef and a little pork (only ham though as that's the only pork I can stand). I could eat eggs too, so we often had eggs for supper.

One evening, a few days before I found out I was pregnant, we were headed home from my sister's house and I had a horrible headache. We had over an hour before we would be home and Justin thought eating something might help my headache, so he pulled into Checkers and got me a chicken sandwich. The sandwich was hot and fresh, but totally turned my stomach, I couldn't eat it. It was the oddest thing because I LOVE checkers chicken sandwiches. Two days later I took a pregnancy test it explained the aversion to chicken!

04-12-2007, 04:46 PM
ohh.... why did you have to go and mention slurpies... if only I had the car today :( :( I would pay a ridiculous amount of money for a blue raspberry Icee right about now!! The closest place that sells them is over a mile away and I am far too pregnant to walk that distance with my little man in tow :rolleyes: :D

critter crazy
04-12-2007, 05:24 PM
Hmmm...when I was pregnant I never had morning sicness, nor did any food disgust me. But I did have a strange craving for Oatmeal!! I normally cannot stand oatmeal, but when I was pregnant I was eating it 2-3 times a day!!!:D

04-12-2007, 08:49 PM
During my first trimester with Emma, I could not eat meat! During the second trimester, I started eating meat again. With Sierra, I didn't hate any foods. :D

04-12-2007, 09:18 PM
I hated CHICKEN and Potatoes!!!! I loved tomatoes with miracle whip and my son now hates tomatoes (so weird).... I always got really sick from the school food, ( I was in 12th grade when I got pregant) the only thing I could eat at school was hotdogs, salad bar and the pasta bar... I hated seasoned french fries also!!! and puked when I got a Gryo(spelling) at a fair once and that was the only time I threw up being pregnant from what I remember.

04-12-2007, 09:57 PM
I couldn't get enough Arthur Treachers Fish & Chips. I LOVED it!!! Put popcorn or Pillsbury Sticky Buns in front of me and I'd hurl.

Laura's Babies
04-12-2007, 10:10 PM
Nothing turned me off but I CRAVED like mad...

With Eddie, I couldn't get enough strawberries or greens, (turnip, mustard, collards).. I ate them all the time!

With the twins I craved oranges, couldn't get enough of them. OH, and I could not go get groceries, every time I tried, I'd get half way through and get sick and have to throw up. Euck!

With the last one, I craved the smell of MINT! They had this cleaning stuff (like pine sol) that I used on everything all day just for the smell of it....

04-12-2007, 10:12 PM
Ground beef--especially hamburgers. Thankfully, I seem to be past that point and actually ate a hamburger this week. The smell of English peas still gets to me. (I never have liked the taste of them anyway.)

04-12-2007, 10:28 PM
Oh I hated being pregnant my once slim trim body is not so nice anymore. Pregnany just ruined it for good. My once nice flat stomach, gone, perky you know whats, not any more. I think babies should be grown in test tubes and you should have to pass a test to order one. My friends all feel the same.
However one very interesting thing about cravings is that what ever I craved was what that child loved later on in life. With my first it was strawberry icecream and oranges, Mike loves that. With Ian it was Oodles of Noodles, it's his favorite food now, with Alicia it was candy and hamburgers with extra mayo, pickles and onions and that is how she loves hers.

Daisy and Delilah
04-12-2007, 10:33 PM
With my son, I drove by KFC every day to get to work. I almost puked in the car every time. It was all I could do to get by there and it was the only way to work. All from the smell of the place. After that passed, I craved homemade southern creamed corn off the cob and fresh sliced tomatoes. I would travel to the ends of the earth to find a produce stand that had corn and tomatoes. Today, my son hates both :p

With my daughter, I had to make biscuits, sausage, gravy, and eggs every morning for my husband before work. At 5 a.m. I was completely nauseous and almost unable to make it through the process. After it was on the table I had to get outside and get some air. After that passed, I craved jello of all flavors. I had to have it every day. :)

04-12-2007, 10:37 PM
[QUOTE=Daisy and Delilah]With my son, I drove by KFC every day to get to work. I almost puked in the car every time. It was all I could do to get by there and it was the only way to work. All from the smell of the place. After that passed, I craved homemade southern creamed corn off the cob and fresh sliced tomatoes. I would travel to the ends of the earth to find a produce stand that had corn and tomatoes. Today, my son hates both :p

Thats how it was with me... whatever I really craved Aiden hates now!

04-12-2007, 11:20 PM
Sadly, absolutely nothing bothered me when I was pregnant ... except the foods I normally hate anyway, olives and onions. Bleck!!

And the only thing I craved was potato chips with salsa. :rolleyes:

04-13-2007, 12:04 AM
I never hated any foods while I was pregnant with the boys, just the smell of gasoline mad me sick to my stomach. I did crave a lot.

With Austin - Subway Cold Cut Trio with B.B.Q sauce and cheetohs along with the sandwich and dipped in B.B.Q. sauce.

With Tyler - Blueberry bleguim (SP?) waffles.....smothered in whip cream!!

04-13-2007, 12:19 AM
Hot dogs! OMG! I coudn't stand the smell/taste/sight of hot dogs when I was pregnant with Hugito.

And I couldn't get enough Malt-o-meal. I hadn't had it since I was like 12, but I couldn't stop eating it. That and mac n cheese and limes (not at the same time). :rolleyes: :p

And the funny thing is that Hugito loves all of them.

04-13-2007, 12:57 AM
I didn't hate any foods when I was pregnant, but I couldn't live without baked potatoes. Mmmm...

04-13-2007, 08:14 AM
I've had weird cravings all my life, so I don't really know if the things I am craving now have anything to do with pregnancy or not. I do seem to be having trouble with the smell of ground meat cooking, and for some reason salads have been turning my stomach. I hope I can get past that, because salads are usually my favorite. I have sort of been craving a chipped ham and potato chip sandwich with mayo though. I haven't had one of those since I was little. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
04-13-2007, 08:53 AM
I don't remember hating anything but do remember my favourite meal being a plate of broccoli, topped with pilchards and washed down with Ribena milk.......

04-13-2007, 10:27 AM
I couldn't stand chinese food. It turned my stomach. Still, 2.5 years later, it really hasn't changed.

04-13-2007, 10:38 AM
I've had weird cravings all my life, so I don't really know if the things I am craving now have anything to do with pregnancy or not. I do seem to be having trouble with the smell of ground meat cooking, and for some reason salads have been turning my stomach. I hope I can get past that, because salads are usually my favorite. I have sort of been craving a chipped ham and potato chip sandwich with mayo though. I haven't had one of those since I was little. :)

LOL same with me.... I remember one time I came out of the kitchen with Dill pickles and chocolate milk LOL it almost made my brother in law sick to HIS stomach just watching me eat it lol. He says "what kind of combo is that? are you pregnant" LOL but I wasn't.... I just eat wierd things lol.

I can't say that I have had any cravings yet. Well... other than Burger King Whoppers but I always crave those lol.

04-13-2007, 11:46 AM
I lucked out, I never got morning sickness. I could eat anything and nothing grossed me out. As long as I didn't drive (or be a passanger) in a car on an empty stomach I was fine. I did feel carsick from driving on an empty stomach but that was about it. As far as cravings, I craved McDonalds Big Macs all the time. I also craved ice cream, but I think most pregnant woman crave ice cream. I hope my future pregnancy(s) is as easy as my pregnancy with Quinn. I couldn't have asked for an easier time at it.

04-13-2007, 04:38 PM
I was never turned off by any food during pregnancy. I could & did, eat everything. I had to watch my weight & the Doc wanted my weight to not
go over 133 lbs. While cooking any meats, I had to have the exhaust fan
on high. The smell of the meat while cooking made me feel sick, but I could
sit right down & eat it. :) Only craving was for chipped ice. I loved it.

04-13-2007, 06:50 PM
I've never been pregnant, but when my mom was pregnant with me, she CRAVED McD's Fish Sandwiches. My poor dad... with a McD's on just about every corner, they had to leave way early just to get anywhere. ;) :p :D

Not sure if there was food she disliked.

04-13-2007, 07:02 PM
I'm way too young to be pregnant, but my mom..

She couldn't stand mustard or fried chicken. She LOVES mustard. So, it was weird. And she craved cottage cheese, tomato soup, italian dressing, and I think some other stuff.

04-13-2007, 09:19 PM
I was never turned off by any food during pregnancy. I could & did, eat everything. I had to watch my weight & the Doc wanted my weight to not
go over 133 lbs. While cooking any meats, I had to have the exhaust fan
on high. The smell of the meat while cooking made me feel sick, but I could
sit right down & eat it. :) Only craving was for chipped ice. I loved it.

I know I am only 15 weeks along.... but I have not gained a pound yet :eek: I have actually lost 12.

I have no increased appetite what so ever. It seems wierd cause I always hear how pregnant women want to eat everything and anything.

The only smell I can't stomach is chicken cooking.... I haven't done any cooking for some time though because I am always too tired by the time I get home from work. Hubby does all the cooking... he is a better cook than me anyway. but I feel bad lol because he loves chicken but has been refraining from eating it. LOL I told him to make some chicken for himself the other night because I know it must be killing him to not have it every once in a while.

My mom was a chipped ice kind of lady when she was pregnant with my brother.... with me it was for ice water.

When do cravings usually start? right away or later on?

04-14-2007, 01:53 AM
wow sparks, your lucky you havnt gained.. I have.. ugh 15 pounds in 18 weeks.. I feel like a blimp..

As for cravings.. I started to get some light cravings at around 15 weeks.. I mostly crave fruit (strawberries, raspberries, and pineapple the most).

I had really bad morning sickness in my first trimester, if somone even mentioned scalloped potatoes or pork of anykind I would rolf... Dog breath, people breath or any weird *OFFish* smell would make me dry heave.. I couldnt let the dogs anywhere near my face for like 2 months, because they made me sick..

04-14-2007, 09:10 PM
wow sparks, your lucky you havnt gained.. I have.. ugh 15 pounds in 18 weeks.. I feel like a blimp..

As for cravings.. I started to get some light cravings at around 15 weeks.. I mostly crave fruit (strawberries, raspberries, and pineapple the most).

I had really bad morning sickness in my first trimester, if somone even mentioned scalloped potatoes or pork of anykind I would rolf... Dog breath, people breath or any weird *OFFish* smell would make me dry heave.. I couldnt let the dogs anywhere near my face for like 2 months, because they made me sick..

LOL when I was in my first trimester Belle had a poopy accident in the house.... I usually have no problem with cleaning that up but this time I just couldn't.... it was all I could do to make it to the sink to be sick lol.

So I am at 15 weeks right now so maybe my cravings will start .... I haven't had any yet though.

I'm sure I will start gaining anytime now lol. I'm sure I just lost weight because I was so sick for the first three months lol. I did go and buy some maternity clothes today. the waist in my pants is a little bit tight and quite uncomfortable. that was so much fun :D
My boobs have gotten bigger though LOL.... They said to buy a bra one size bigger than my normal bra size so I did and it was WAAAAAAAY too small lol I came out and shook my head and my husband says "it didn't fit?" and then practically SHOUTS out the size of bra I had just tried on lol. I was like thanks honey why don't you just tell everyone haha.

And I have a SUPER sensitive sense of smell right now.... I can smell EVERYTHING. it's so wierd lol

04-14-2007, 10:08 PM
I have never been pregnant but I don't imagine I will have any issues with food -- I have ALOT of women in my family and I don't know that any one of them had cravings or aversions to certain foods.
The only thing my mom ate alot of was ice cubes and iceburg lettuce but she claims it's because she thought extra water was good and iceburg lettuce was the only raw veggie she enjoyed, and she wanted to eat veggies while pregnant.
I really hope I don't crave anything unless it's healthy, and I hope I don't get sick from anything unless it's something I really shouldn't eat while pregnant lol. I try to eat very healthy in general, but I will be even more so when pregnant. All organic, tons of vegetables and fruits, whole grains, etc. I don't have a husband or anything so it's silly for me to plan, but I still always look up what foods to eat during pregnancy because it's something that interests me and I really want my baby to be healthy. I can't wait. :)

04-15-2007, 01:03 AM
Sparks: haha i know what you mean abotu the bra issue.. mine have almost doubled in size!! I swear they are five pounds each lol. I cant even wear a bra half the time anymore because none of them friggen fit me!!! I went out to walmart to pick up one today, and it turns out that i am definatly NOT a B cup anymore lol. Im Barely a C.. It sucks though, because being just at the beginning of my second trimester, my boobs are going to get very big later on, and buy a new set now is just pointless.

04-15-2007, 08:57 AM
I did have trouble brushing my teeth. everytime I put the tooth brush in my mouth I would gag.

PJ's Mom
04-15-2007, 09:49 AM
Chicken. Didn't matter how it was cooked. It made me barf. :p

04-15-2007, 10:58 AM
LOL when I was in my first trimester Belle had a poopy accident in the house.... I usually have no problem with cleaning that up but this time I just couldn't.... it was all I could do to make it to the sink to be sick lol.
Oh, I understand completely! The sight, smell, or thought or poop made me sick. I often threw up when I was outside with the dogs and one of them would poop. I also had to keep a little trash can with a bag in it next to the toilet because I would throw up every time I pooped. :o

Sparks: haha i know what you mean abotu the bra issue.. mine have almost doubled in size!! I swear they are five pounds each lol. I cant even wear a bra half the time anymore because none of them friggen fit me!!! I went out to walmart to pick up one today, and it turns out that i am definatly NOT a B cup anymore lol. Im Barely a C.. It sucks though, because being just at the beginning of my second trimester, my boobs are going to get very big later on, and buy a new set now is just pointless. I felt the same way- what's the point, in a few months they won't fit and I'll have to buy new ones again. But please do go buy a couple new bras, you really need to support the extra weight. You'll be glad you have them and you'll feel better with one on.

04-15-2007, 12:32 PM
I just remembered another thing I STILL cannot eat!!! Chicken wings.. They make me sick.. My boyfriend ate them when I was about 9 weeks preggo and I told him to get out of the living room, because I couldnt even stand the site of them..