View Full Version : I've been fired... (long post)

04-12-2007, 10:01 AM
No I haven't but there is reason for the title.

I was over tired & thats when its really easy to set off my anxiety as I cannot think rationally & Anxiety = sucks.

Chad came home from seeing Ceridwen(co-worker, not my friend!) & Connie (ex employee where I work) late last night.

Ceridwen has been trying to turn Chad & I against each other for a very long time now, as shes mad because Chad enjoys hanging out with me over her (D'uh I'm not a psycho).

Well those 2 nut bags told Chad that David was friend 2 days ago because he was caught stealing food.

- Not true.
He was fired because he was caught abusing the internet more then 3 times in a week & slacking off. The company knows he steals food, because hes ill & food is all he thinks about & they said they would never fire him because of that.. they have come up with ways to protect David & the food(I know this cause I see it & my boss told me this, this morning for reinsurement).

Ceridwen showed Chad an email stating who was being layed off, which departments were being closed & moving to Korea.

-Not true!
No one is being layed off, we are still hiring more people! Matt & I just took over another department as that person left & we can handle the extra work load (the load was bad at first, but its fine now). + they cannot get rid of the Accounting Department! Thats kinda important.. Also Samsung Canada has been very proud that we do not out source our HQ. We are all Canadians! or atleast work in Canada!

The ladies said that Matt (we share a giant cubicle, & my only work partner) was layed off yesterday.

-Not true!
Yes he did leave quite early but that was because he had to leave for a funeral. Also if he was layed off who the heck is sitting beside me!!!! lol

Because I was put into panic mode I emailed my boss last night telling him everything I was told & asking if it was true. He spent a good 30 mins talking to me on the phone this morning, explaining everything & how all the info ris far from correct!!

So Since I was questioning what was said, Pedro said your fired! I said what about Matt?! Pedro said he denied believing any of it, so hes allowed to stay.. But your fired... I said, great I'm fired again, I really have to stop talking to you on the phone, you keep fireing me every time we talk :D

-Me being fired is only a joke. Anytime I do something silly or question my boss, or I'm being a pain in the butt. Pedro fires me :rolleyes: Hes a cool boss, glad I'm finally getting to know him(past couple weeks).. Only been under him for a year lol We work on different floors & Matt & I are very independent & reliable so Pedro never has to think about us, or bother us.. I have gone months without seeing or hearing from him lol

Honestly don't people have better things to do?

Pawsitive Thinking
04-12-2007, 10:09 AM
Phew! Was worried for a minute.....

We also get fired here on a weekly basis so nobody takes much notice of the boss when he is trying to be serious :D