View Full Version : Meet sweet, shy Kiara

04-11-2007, 08:00 PM
I apologize for not posting better pix. Kiara is definitely camera shy. She closed her eyes for many. She was hiding under the bed when I arrived, so I got down on all fours and softly called her name. She came out from under the bed and gave me head bumpies, then rubbed her face all over mine. She didn't want to be held but she loved being petted. And at one point, she even turned her tail to me as if to say "Look at what that dog did to me" and I shot the pix. (The woman said it's a stub but it clearly isn't. She's got a long tail and I'd say that 1/4 of it is gone.) Sorry, no Photobucket. It's been another long day and I just wanted to get pix of Kiara posted as quickly as possible. Thank you again, friends, for all your support. I just love a happy ending! Here she is:

04-11-2007, 08:07 PM
She's winking at us. ;)

04-11-2007, 08:14 PM
Just GORGEOUS! What a sweet and lovely girl! And once the fur grows back, she will still have quite the fluffy plume!

awww...headbumpies already. She will warm up in no time! :)

Bless you and Suzy for helping her!

04-11-2007, 08:22 PM
She is a beautiful kitty and blessed that you will be helping her recover from her physical injuries in a safe place. Blessings to you both.

04-11-2007, 08:27 PM
It's so wonderful that you got her away from the dog and into a place that will give her love. She seems like a real sweetie! She's beautiful!!

04-11-2007, 08:41 PM
Awe! She is so sweet looking! Those people don't deserve to have pets!!! Argh!!! I can't believe that they would allow the dog to attack that gorgeous cat! I'm so glad she's safe now!

04-11-2007, 09:48 PM
Medusa, what a beautiful kitty! And she loved on you already. She must have a sense that she's safe from that mean dog. Do you think she didn't want to be held because her tail hurts? What a fluffy cat! She's gorgeous. I hope she stayed out from underneath the bed for you.

Prairie Purrs
04-11-2007, 10:20 PM
What a beauty she is! Thank you (and Suzy) so much for rescuing her!

04-11-2007, 10:26 PM
Oh my - she is beautiful. I love that little black chin of hers. I'm so very glad she is now safe, with people who will love and treat her with respect.

Thanks for everything you and Suzy have done to rescue her.

04-11-2007, 10:27 PM
She is so beautiful. I am sure she is giving you "head bumpies" because she know you are there to help her and have given her a chance. Her tail will heal soon, and once the hair grows back, it won't even be noticable! She is just stunning!

04-11-2007, 10:32 PM
Pretty girl :)

04-11-2007, 11:10 PM
Oh, she's beautiful! What a beautiful beautiful lady!

04-12-2007, 07:30 AM
Yes, she's so sweet and trusting and she loves Suzy's 10 year old daughter. I'm not sure why she doesn't want to be held, perhaps the pain factor or maybe she just doesn't like it. My Pidge will sit on your lap but she doesn't like being held, so who knows. Suzy said that when she hears the neighbor's dog barking, she gets scared. (Gee, I wonder why.) But she knows she's in good hands or she wouldn't have come out to me after being handled by so many people in the last couple of days.

Most of the credit can go to Suzy. I was a horsefly, to be sure. I bit and bit and bit this woman until she couldn't swat me away any more. But Suzy is the one who went and picked up Kiara and is fostering her. I'm going to get Kiara and Suzy's other cats a fountain because she says one of her cats refuses to drink from anywhere other than her faucets. So I'll make a contribution to the furkids since Suzy has taken on so much responsibility. Her own cats are gorgeous and so sweet tempered. She has 8 of her own. I didn't realize what a rowdy bunch I have until I saw how quiet and calm hers are. Ah well, everyone's different, especially cats.

As Kiara comes along in her healing, I'll post more pix and I'll update you occasionally, too. And, if/when she's adopted, I'll be sure to let you know. But I have a hunch Suzy will keep her. Her husband wants to and so do the kids. YES! :D

Scooter's Mom
04-12-2007, 07:42 AM
What a beautiful girl. Poor baby has been through heck and back. But she's so lovely! I am so glad to hear that Suzy may end up keeping her and she may be in her furrever home. What a happy ending that would be!

Killearn Kitties
04-12-2007, 08:26 AM
What a lovely girl Kiara is. I am so pleased she is safe and can heal now, even if Suzy doesn't end up keeping her. Beautiful girl is so much better off than she was before.

04-12-2007, 08:35 AM
;) Awee such a sweetie pie.. Kiara you are Adorable.. However I think you could get used to that camera real fast.. So cute of you in your house..

Queen of Poop
04-12-2007, 08:44 AM
She is such a beautiful girl. I am glad that she's found her furever home with Suzy (I hope hubby and kiddies get their way and keep Kiara). Hugs to both you and Suzy for getting Kiara out of her nightmare. Only sweet dreams now Miss Kiara, you're safe.

04-12-2007, 02:30 PM
Oh, beautiful, blessed Kiara! It is so wonderful when, in the midst of all the evil and tragedy we see and learn of, a happy ending comes about.

That's so nice that she's already coming out to see you and give you headbumpies! Maybe being held just makes her feel too vulnerable at this point to allow it now. (Then again, as you said, some cats just don't like to be held.) And gee, she gets scared at the neighbor dog's barking?.. Big surprise. I bet if you give her lots of petting and treats and happy talk and other positive reinforcement when you see her get scared at hearing the dog, she'll start to re-pattern her immediate reaction. Wait and see...

Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Mary and Suzy (and husband and daughter). And welcome home, lovely Miss Kiara!

Pat, with LES

04-12-2007, 04:53 PM
Hey Kiara, you really DO have eyes in there under all that fluffy stuff! He he, you are a VERY lucky girl, and it sounds like you KNOW it.