View Full Version : Need advice! Litter boxes

04-10-2007, 01:10 PM
Here's the story:
I already have 3 cats, about 6 months ago I took in my aunt's cat (who just turned 18 yrs old last week!) Total of 4. My Lulu is very picky about the litter boxes, if they are not cleaned quick enough for her she pees on my carpet - just like she did this morning! Just found out yesterday that my cousin will be moving in with me for a while. She also has 3 cats. Now we will have 7 cats in a 2 bedroom apartment! I keep my 2 litter boxes in my laundry room, I can make room for one more - but I don't think 3 boxes are going to be enough - esp, with my princess Lulu! Any ideas on different litter boxes or alternative idea's would be very helpfully.

They move in tomorrow night! This is going to be interesting :D

Thanks in advance,
Beth, Lulu, Jo-Jo, Buddy

New move in kitties are: Clohe, Zoey and Oscar - pics will follow soon! :D

04-10-2007, 01:15 PM
I have 2 Littermaids and right now 13 cats! no one is upset with it, and I have it set to go off every 9 minutes, we empty the container 2xs a day and it's been a lifesaver!
(6 of the cats are guests for a good friend who is moving out this way soon)

04-10-2007, 02:53 PM
My one cat Claudia would pee in the bathtub because I didn't have enough litter boxes.

If you don't have the money to buy a littermate just buy a few more litter boxes from walmart. I have a total of 4 litter boxes and I have 5 cats.

I'm not sure if this help but I hope so.


04-10-2007, 03:04 PM
Rule of thumb is one litterbox per cat in a multi-cat household. The more boxes they have the option of using, the happier everyone will be.

04-10-2007, 03:14 PM
I Got The Low Flat Rubbermaid Storage Boxes For 5 Dollars At The Amity, And They Work Great For The 13 Found Cats.
And The Litter Is A Lot Easier To Scoop Out As Well.
Good Luck As That Sounds As Though You Are Going To Be A Tad On The Crowded Side.

04-10-2007, 03:19 PM
i have 6 cats & 3 litter boxes.i clean them once a day & it works out great.the rule of thumb is 2 cats per box.after i have cleaned the boxes i sprinkle a dusting of baking soda into each box.this has been my daily ritual for over 17 yrs.3 yrs ago i had 9 cats & i did have to do a xtra cleaning every now & then.a clean litter box is VERY important to ALL cats.

04-10-2007, 03:25 PM
Rule of thumb is one litterbox per cat in a multi-cat household. The more boxes they have the option of using, the happier everyone will be. Donna speaks the truth. Right now I have one cat and two litterboxes and he does use both. I would recommend that you add at least another 3 or 4 around the apartment. A tight squeeze I know, but the kitties will be happier for it.

04-10-2007, 03:27 PM
Rule of thumb is one box per cat plus one.

I have 5 cats and 8 boxes. I'll be adding two cats this spring so I'll also be adding two more boxes. I used to think the rule of thumb was outrageous and crazy but after some peeing issues, I discovered there's a reason for it! I wouldn't need so many boxes if I was home all the time to scoop 5 times a day. The kitties almost never use the box in the basement or attic, but its there in case they need it.... and they do use it when they need it. The remainder of the boxes are in bedrooms and my office. 4 are in the office and they are the most often used!

04-10-2007, 04:06 PM
its really whatever works best for the cats.3 large litter boxes for 6 adult cats in my household works great but if i miss 1 day of cleaning the boxes due to being ill,i better be prepared for a upset kitty or 2.

04-10-2007, 08:06 PM
Perhaps for the duration of the visit you can tolerate putting another box or two (maybe one large one) in the bathtub. It will be a hassle moving it in and out, but it's better than pee issues. :)

I knew someone with 13 cats that did this and the cats were happy to use the boxes in the tub.

04-10-2007, 08:17 PM
I think you will need more boxes, and not only for Lulu.

Whenever I bring a new cat in the home, it takes some time for everyone to sort out their hierarchy. During that time, some "bully" cat can sprawl in front of the opening of boxes which are lined up, preventing a newbie from entering to use it. (Vita did this.) Also, some kittenish cat can pose on the hood and attack anyone who enters and is "busy." Crystal STILL does this, she is almost 2!

I had always heard the rule one box per cat plus one, if you scoop just once per day. I have 7 boxes, spread out among 3 different bedrooms.

Oh, another thing. Do you and your cousin use different brands of litter? Do NOT change the type of litter at the same time of the move, it is too much upheaval for them. So if you 2 are using 2 litters, you should have boxes with each type of litter available.

Cats can be very chosy about their boxes. With or without hood, type of litter, use a liner or not. Location. Privacy.

Amber would ONLY use Tidy Cats scoopable litter. Any other type, he refused to use the box at all.

This move is going to be a big deal for all the cats, not just your cousin's cats. It will take up to 2 seeks for them all to even accept one another. Good luck!

04-11-2007, 10:23 AM
Thanks for all the advice. Thankfully we both use the same litter. We are going to get some more boxes tonight. I figure that I can put one more in the laundry room, 2 out on the porch and another in my cousins room. I think we might have to keep them seperated for a bit when no one is home to keep an eye on them. Pretty much all the cats, with the expection of my Beth, should adjust pretty well. Beth is going to take the longest to get used to everything. Buddy - my aunts cat - has been with me for 6 months and Beth still fights with her. Beth is a very jelous cat who lovesattention from her mama! I will have to make xtra time with her the next few weeks. Any other advice on merging all the kitties together would be helpfully!

Thanks again,
Beth, Lu-lu, Jo-Jo & Buddy

P.S. - I can't wait to take pictures of all the new cats.

04-11-2007, 10:50 AM
5 cats and 3 boxes. Only two are used the third one they dont like because it has a swinging door.
All the time before with 4 cats we had 2 boxes and everyone was happy.
I think it just depends on the individual situations. The box for every cat, doesnt work at my house. They all like 2 boxes only.

04-11-2007, 11:54 AM
I have 11 cats, 5 indoor litter boxes and 6 outdoor litter boxes (in a specially-built shed). I scoop once a day for sure, somtimes twice. I still get an occasional spray in the kitchen. Two of my cats told Nancy, the psychic, that there were just too many smells. It would be nice if they would each pick a litter box and only use that one!

I think I would start with one litter box per cat. If they don't use some of them, you can remove those. It's better than trying to eradicate the smell of spraying.