View Full Version : *Encouraging news on the injured kitty

04-09-2007, 02:56 PM
*APRIL 9* I waited all weekend to see if this guy would call me back. Nothing. So bright and early this morning, I called and got his wife. Get this: she drilled ME on whether or not this would be a permanent home for Kiara or a foster home because they don't want her to be UNHAPPY!!!!! I swear, an angel put a zipper on my lips because the things that I was thinking at that moment were not printable! Right now, Kiara is home, locked in a bathroom, with her tail amputated down to a stub, knowing that the dog is on the other side of the door. She said "I sure hope everyone remembers to close the door." I asked about Kiara's condition, prognosis, etc. and she said "Oh my vet agrees that we need to find a home for her right away but my daughter is a teenager and she doesn't want to part w/her unless she has a permanent home." So. I told her "This is a foster arrangement but if we can't find a home for her, I will take her myself." (Great time for that angel to unzip my lips. I heard myself say the words and out they came!)

I asked her if Kiara was caught up on all her shots, etc. and she said 'yes'. I asked her vet's name and SHE DIDN'T KNOW. I said "New vet?" She said "Oh no, we've gone to him for years. He's taken care of all of our dogs and cats." And she doesn't know his name???? I asked for the name of his practice and she at least knew that. Anyhow....I quickly put a call in to the foster lady and now I can't get ahold of HER! I've called her home and cell number. I don't want a lot of time to pass to give this doink time to think. I want Kiara out of that house ASAP. But we need to talk to the vet to find out when she can be transferred. She said that Kiara has never been outdoors, is scared to death and hides all the time. She's a black and white long hair who "used to have such a beautiful tail before this "accident". (her words) (This is why I don't carry a gun.)

I don't know what's happened to me in my old age. I used to be able to handle situations like this w/only a fair amount of stress. Now I find that I begin to tremble almost immediately and my vision becomes blurred because I get so angry at how people treat their animals! This woman said Kiara won't even let you hold her. To adopt her out is going to be one big feat, I can tell ya. She said "Well, how is she going to be protected from the other cats?" I assured her that Kiara would be isolated and well taken care of. If ever I wanted to b*tch slap someone, this woman was a candidate!

I apologize for all the exclamation points in this post. It means I'm shouting and I have to get it out somehow. But trust me, one way or another, Kiara is going to be out of that house!

*Things are looking better. My rescue friend finally returned my call and after talking, she assured me that she would contact these people and see to it that Kiara is removed from their home. She's waiting for a call from the rescue agency but she said that there should be no problem. And even if there is, she has already made up her mind to take Kiara anyhow and she'll work on adopting her out herself. But I haven't heard back from her and that was several hours ago. So I don't know if the family is giving her problems or what's going on. I don't know why I'm stressing so much over this. I've been through far worse w/cat rescue, etc. But I seem to be taking this one to heart more than usual.

04-09-2007, 02:59 PM
You have the sweetest heart!!

04-09-2007, 03:01 PM
If it is any consolation, I too seem to react worse lately. Maybe because i am getting older, maybe because it seems that it just never ends.

Thank you for doing so much on Kiaras behalf, and I am certain she will warm up to people when the stress of the dog leaves her life. Hard to be affectionate and loving when you are hiding to live!


04-09-2007, 03:05 PM
:o Ok now Mary take a real big deep breath.. I know anymore it just seems to be alot of Morons out there with furrpurr babies.. :rolleyes: Even with this Rescue agency I work with = even some of them its like where are your brain cells today.. :mad: Well I hope you get this baby into your furrever home.. Glad to know at least something is being done on getting this baby out of that place she is in.. IdiooMorons they are.. :(

Prairie Purrs
04-09-2007, 03:08 PM
Not exactly short on nerve, is she? :mad:

Poor little Kiara, to have been attacked so badly that her entire tail had to be amputated! And for that woman to shrug off her stupidity in allowing Kiara to be attacked as an "accident"? No wonder the poor girl hides and won't let people hold her!

I look forward to hearing that she's safely away from those people.

04-09-2007, 03:14 PM
I think that its you great love for Cats and wanting her to be safe thats putting you on edge Medusa. You want so badly for these idiots to realize that this is a Creature of God , not a piece of furniture or a video game.
We are praying that you can rescue Kiara from these so called Guardians and get her to a place where she will be safe.
And we pray that her psyche is not too badly shattered and she will grow to love you.

Laura's Babies
04-09-2007, 03:41 PM
How did you NOT say "Why are you getting rid of the cat when it is the dog you should be getting rid of?" I don't know if I could have handled it as good as you did and not said that too.

04-09-2007, 03:42 PM
I've called both my rescue friend and the family and no one is there. I spoke to an employee of the family and I left the message that it's imperative that they call me back ASAP and that I don't have another phone number at which to reach them. I'm hoping that I can't reach either party because they're picking up Kiara. I have a dinner to leave for now so I won't be able to post until this evening. Hopefully, I'll have a good report.

04-09-2007, 04:37 PM
Mary, you deserve to be canonized.

It's true, there are just too many idiots out there these days.

God, please let there be good news about Kiara later.


04-09-2007, 04:42 PM
How about after the cat is safe and sound we all go and egg their house?! :p

Or put something in their water so they can't reproduce either. Or the daughter.

You know, we have a "Family Watchdog site" for criminals for crimes against children and women and such, why isn't there something like that out there for people who abuse animals?! There should be a national database, like they do with the Amber Alerts.

04-09-2007, 05:39 PM

What you're feeling is what every person is rescue feels like. It starts to eat you up inside. You start stopping whenever a stray crosses the street. You carry dry cat food and bottled water in your trunk. *sigh* alas I am guilty and DAMN PROUD OF IT!! :D :D

Eventually, you convince yourself that you can't save them all. It's sad, and the laws need to change to hold ALL irresponsible pet owners accountable for their hideous actions. Until then, it'll continue.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox now.

If it makes any difference, I'll foster her. She certainly needs someone to love her the way she deserves. Between the two of us, we can give her that.

04-09-2007, 06:49 PM
Moosmom, that is so nice of you and typical of PTers to offer to foster Kiara. Yes, I, like you, have done it for so many years that I think it's beginning to get to me. I've always carried cat food in my car and bird seed, too, and I drive on back roads slowly and hold the bag of bird seed out the window so that the birds can eat during these cold winter months. Anyhow...

Believe it or not, the woman did call me on my cell as I was driving to the dinner. She said that she's "just so emotional" over all this and her 14 year old daughter insists on meeting the rescue lady. I wanted to say "Hey! Put on your big girl pants and be a parent, how 'bout that? Tell your daughter this cat is going to a foster home and that's it!" But the risk of making her change her mind is too great. So I bit my tongue. Hard. She and Suzy, the rescue lady, are tentatively scheduled for a Wednesday mid afternoon pick up of Kiara. I told Suzy that I would go w/her or in her place or whatever. Just get that cat out of that house! So it's nail biting time until I get the call from Suzy that Kiara is w/her and on her way home. I'll take pix if Kiara will let me and post them here. (Look at me getting ahead of myself. But I'm not going to allow myself to believe anything other than that Kiara will be out of there soon and w/people who love her.)

Thank you so much for your support and, trust me, you'll be the first to know when there's any change whatsoever.

04-09-2007, 07:46 PM
I cannot wait to hear Kiara is out of that house, away from that scary dog.

You and your rescue friend are great people. :D

04-09-2007, 08:44 PM
No greater than anyone else here on PT. We've all done this and more. But thank you. :)

04-09-2007, 08:50 PM
Medusa, I must tell you how much I admire your self control while dealing with that moron. As I was reading your post there were many things I could have said to her...none of which will ever be found in the Bible!

Do I understand correctly that she's in the home with that dog who mauled Kiara so horribly? If so, Kiara should never have been released to these (insert your own expletive). No wonder that poor kitty girl is so frightened and it seems very much alone.

Kiara desperately needs a PT home for foster or furever! With time, a lot of patience, and tons of love she'll learn to trust again. With the proper care and gentle attention Kiara will become some lucky person's loving kitty companion.

You've done a wonderful thing by trying to get her out of there. That poor little kitty girl deserves a better life, as Groucho often says, "Every kitty should be a PT kitty!"

Please let us know how this plays out?

04-09-2007, 08:58 PM
Yes, you understand correctly. And the only "precautions" that they're taking to protect Kiara is keeping her in the bathroom and she said "I sure hope everyone remembers to close the door." Since that conversation, she told Suzy that Kiara is now in the teenager's room, which is even scarier because you know how teenagers can be. They leave doors open all the time. I told this woman "You absolutely MUST protect Kiara from this dog. If she's attacked again, I'm certain she won't survive it." She said "I just don't understand why she and the dog don't get along. Kiara got alone w/my last dog but that dog died, so we got another one." Both of them are German shepherds. I'm not putting down German shepherds but they're big dogs! This is the second time this dog has attacked Kiara enough to put her in surgery. Suzy and I are determined to get Kiara out of there and if she refuses, I'm going to turn her in for animal cruelty and anything else I can think of. Believe me, the words that ran through my mind I'm not even sure are words! But I have to maintain control. If I don't, she may cop an attitude, then Kiara will be the one to suffer. I surely will update as soon as I hear ANYTHING.

Queen of Poop
04-09-2007, 09:12 PM
My goodness, how could people be so stupid!!!? I pray that she is safe and can get out of that nuthouse as soon as possible.

Calling ALL the fur angels, Kiara the kitty needs protection and safety until she can be removed from her neglectful home. Please keep her safe.

04-09-2007, 09:15 PM
She said that she's working on picking up Kiara tomorrow if she can work the schedule out w/the woman! So something must have sunk in. It might've been when I told her "Do you know how lucky you are to be able to find a foster home for Kiara? I don't care how many people or rescue agencies you call right now, they'll all tell you that they're full. You have no idea how difficult it is; there are so many cats needing homes. And you'll never find a better foster mom than Suzy. I should know; I got her started in rescue work." She then acknowledged "Suzy does sound like a really nice person." This is what gets me, I guess. Rescuers have to pass their litmus test and yet it's the rescuers who are doing their job for them! (There I go again, sorry.)

I think this case got to me so quickly because my very first cat rescue back in the day (except for when I was a little girl and rescued (read: dragged) cats home was my RB Peeka, who had to have her tail amputated, too. I know what a tough road she had ahead of her, the pain she experienced and the problems that were averted because of my wonderful vet who knew just where to cut. He said that if he cut too far, Peeka wouldn't be able to use the litter box or jump or even balance herself. But he did it right and Peeka lived to be 14 til she passed of acute renal failure. I hope and pray that this vet knew where to cut on Kiara so that she has none of those problems. I guess right now I need to focus only on getting her out of that house and we'll deal w/whatever comes later.

04-10-2007, 01:33 AM
If we are going to breathe a collective sigh of relief when we hear that Kiara is with her foster mom, I can only imagine how you will feel. What a blockhead this current guardian sounds, only willing to put in some general efforts to protect the cat. It's the dog I would have in isolation until I found a new home for it, but that's me. Congratulations on being firm and persistent without exploding.

04-10-2007, 05:44 PM
It's the dog I would have in isolation until I found a new home for it.
Amen Lizzie! I couldn't agree with you more! It's crystal clear that the dog is the problem. What makes me so angry is Medusa's message that the dog has attacked poor Kiara before. Why is the dog, who seems to have behavior problems, permitted to roam around free while Kiara is the one to be punished by being isolated? She needs lots of love and affection right now to help her get better, be comforted, and know that she's safe!

04-10-2007, 05:47 PM
Kiara is out of that house! Between Suzy and me, we called that woman so many times that she probably couldn't stand it any more. Suzy called me while I was in a meeting a couple of hours ago and said "I've got the cat!" I was dying to talk to her but I couldn't. So I called her in my car on the way home. She said Kiara is absolutely beautiful, long hair black and white w/blue green eyes. The woman said that she isn't a lap cat and that she's afraid of everyone and hides. Well. Suzy's 10 year old daughter held Kiara in her lap the entire drive home and she purred and slept the entire way. Kiara was just afraid in that household, that's all. Our schedules aren't meshing tonight, so I probably can't see Kiara til tomorrow evening and I'll take pix then and post them ASAP. But I wanted to let all my friends here at PT know that Kiara is safe. Thank you so much for your concern and PT prayers. Suzy said "It's going to be difficult to adopt her out." I said "Oh boy, she's that bad, huh?" and she said "No, I'm in love w/her." I JUST LOVE A HAPPY ENDING! (I'm going to go have my nervous breakdown now.)

04-10-2007, 06:03 PM
That's truly wonderful news and I breathed a sigh of relief, coupled with a big smile, when I read that Kiara was safe. Finally, that lovely cat will get the home that she she has always deserved.

Prairie Purrs
04-10-2007, 06:06 PM
Hooray for you and Suzy! Sounds like Kiara already knows that she's safe now. And it sounds like she may have found her furever home. ;)

04-10-2007, 06:10 PM

Hey there, Kiara! I'm so happy to hear that you're out of that place! No kitty deserves all that you've been through. Everything is going to be fine now. You have people that love you and care for you very much. You're safe now and you never have to be scared again. From this day forward you're going to have everything you could possibly want or need to be happy. Ask your new Meowmie to give you lots of hugs, scritchies, tummy rubs, and smoochies special from me :) :D :) :D

04-10-2007, 06:44 PM
WHOOPEE!!! Kiara, soak in all that love!

She sounds like a real sweetheart! :) Can't wait for pics.

Well done, Mary and rescue friend! (need applause smiley here)

04-10-2007, 06:47 PM
I just got off the phone w/Suzy and she said that Kiara is all settled in her daughter's room. She's secluded from the other cats, of course, and she's a little frightened now that she knows there are cats on the other side of the door. But she's safe and loved and protected. Suzy also told me that Kiara has no front claws. So not only was she attacked twice, she couldn't even defend herself at all! Poor sweet baby. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

04-10-2007, 07:48 PM
Suzy also told me that Kiara has no front claws. So not only was she attacked twice, she couldn't even defend herself at all! Poor sweet baby. I can't wait to see her tomorrow.

Now I really want to jump on that woman's head. She recognized that Kiara had to be an indoor-only cat because she had been declawed but not that she shouldn't have to be company with a dog that had already attacked her once. Why on earth did she think Kiara needed to be indoor-only after declawing - why, to protect her from animals she can't defend herself against. At least outside, she might have been able to escape.

04-10-2007, 08:09 PM
Your first sentence made ma laugh! I'm so tired I can't see straight but I just had to tell you how you made me laugh!

04-10-2007, 08:17 PM
Oh Mary, I am so happy to hear this. Thank you so much for all your hard work, and God bless you and Suzy. And welcome, Kiara, to the land of kindness, warmth, safety, and comfort.

Love, hugs, and purrs,
Pat, Peony, Sydney, Priscilla, Poppy, and Elmer

That horrible woman (and all the other people like that) should be PTS. Or, just shoot them.

04-10-2007, 08:26 PM
I can't wait to see the pics of this girl!! I'm so glad she's out of that house. Poor little thing!

04-11-2007, 08:38 AM
So glad to hear she's doing well and outta that house!!!

Queen of Poop
04-11-2007, 09:16 AM
YA HOO!!! And a huge sigh of relief. Thank goodness Kiara is out of that house. Can't wait to see photos of her! :D :D :D

As for that woman, too bad she's too far away. I think a good, swift, hard kick to the butt is in order. A declawed cat with a dog that had already attacked once - how stupid..... I have to leave it at that. :mad:

04-11-2007, 10:09 AM
Now might be a good time to declaw Kiara's previous owner? Wonder if we could also chop off her tail?

04-11-2007, 02:10 PM
Either that or put her alone in a room w/a pit bull and she if she likes getting bitten in the ass.

Killearn Kitties
04-11-2007, 02:20 PM
I'm so pleased to hear that you managed to get her out of that house. Wonderful news. I will look forward to a little picture of her and your report, when you see her. :D

04-11-2007, 04:03 PM
Medusa, I'm SO glad to read that Kiara is out of that house! :) :) You and Susy have done a great job! I'm sure Kiara will relax more and more once she realizes she's safe and with a loving family. Hope her tail will heal soon.

04-11-2007, 04:53 PM
I just talked to Suzy and I'll be going to her house in a couple of hours. It's cold and rainy here, I got caught in it while I'm still sick, so I may not post the pix tomorrow. But I won't let y'all down. I know how badly you want to see Kiara.

04-11-2007, 04:54 PM
Sorry, I meant to say that I might not post the pix until tomorrow.

04-11-2007, 08:02 PM
She's so sweet and I just know that Suzy will end up keeping her. Her husband already wants to.

04-11-2007, 09:50 PM
Now might be a good time to declaw Kiara's previous owner? Wonder if we could also chop off her tail?

With no anesthesia.

04-15-2007, 12:12 PM
Now might be a good time to declaw Kiara's previous owner? Wonder if we could also chop off her tail?
Fabulous idea! Can I get in on a piece of that? There are some rusty pliers around here somewhere and I have a few rather dull knives

04-15-2007, 12:20 PM
momcat, you're hired! Do your duty!


04-15-2007, 08:23 PM
Reading through all the posts, I am sooooooo glad to read that precious Kiara is safe and sound.

Bless you and thank you for caring on helping getting Kiara out of such a dangerous situation. As for the woman, well, there is no comment I can make suitable enough to put on here. :mad: