View Full Version : What goes oops... bump bump bump OW!?

04-09-2007, 08:25 AM
Me in the middle of the night.

Nicki needed to go out so I slipped out of bed and didn't bother to turn any lights on to wake anyone else up. I was about 4 steps down when I stepped on something slippery.... bump bump bump down the steps. I ended by crashing my left knee into a banister.

Of course you know I ended up waking the whole house! Hubby's screaming at me "what happened?" and getting mad at me for not answering (amazing how you're totally wordless when something like this happens) so he ran out of the bedroom to turn on the hall light. I had 5 cats, a dog, a husband and a few teenagers staring at me sprawled across the bottom of the steps.

Somehow I stupidly got back up and continued to let Nicki out (ummm... don't you think any of the other people staring at me would have finished that task for me? :rolleyes: ) and cleaned up the wet slippery stuff....... any guesses on what it was? Cat puke. Oh yeah, yum yum. So here I was, multi-tasking by letting Nicki out and cleaning up a trail of cat puke on the steps right after I went flying down the steps. What was I thinking?! and why didn't anyone else offer to do that for me?!?!

So of course, you all must know what my body feels like right now. I'm not sure what hurts more, my butt or my knee.

04-09-2007, 08:28 AM
OUCH!! I am so sorry to hear that, I am usually the one to gracefully make an entrance that way, so I know how it feels!

Hope you are feeling better in no time!

critter crazy
04-09-2007, 08:31 AM
Hmmmm....been there done that. Hope you feel better!

04-09-2007, 10:25 AM
OUCH!! Hope you heal up quickly.

04-09-2007, 12:48 PM
:) I am sorry had to chuckle a wittle bit :p .. Been there done that.. Ouch.. And the older we get does not help.. Hope you heal & feel better soon.. Now you know what hurts most & it is not your butt or knee == Its Your Pride :D ..

04-09-2007, 12:58 PM
2 words for you............


But I do hope you feel better today. :)

Laura's Babies
04-09-2007, 01:05 PM
OWIE! So much for not waking up the house!

04-09-2007, 03:25 PM
Well, I was good and stumped. I looked at your siggy and decided Nikki is . . . the baby? I had to go check your profile. Oh, there IS a dog.

Sorry for your night time adventure. Maybe you need to do some training; of the humans in the house!

04-09-2007, 03:42 PM
WHAT DID YOU EXPECT! I BET YOU turn on the light from now on!!!I have Chica , my chihuahua and Coco, my 4 month old chihuahua. I am still working with the puppy on going on the weewee pads all the time in the house. One night she went on the carpet near the bathroom door. I got up in the dark, and went to the bathroom and stepped in her poop.
Sqoosh between the toes. SHIT HAPPENS!!!!!!! :) TURN ON THE LIGHT, I DO!!!!!NOW!!! :)Your story was funny. I hope you will recover soon, and feel better soon. ;) :D

04-09-2007, 07:10 PM
my 2 words- flash light. a small one on the night stand, i can aim it downward and avoid stepping on animal toys, or worse... :eek:

04-09-2007, 07:33 PM
Gross! There've been plenty of nights where I've stepped barefooted into cold cat puke. Not fun and I don't have stairs. I hope you're alright. Hug the princess for me. Would love to see some pics of her.

04-09-2007, 08:25 PM
Thanks guys......

funny thing is she's AWESOME about never needing to go out once we're all in bed. Lately though she's been whining as if she has to go out but in reality she wants the left over cat food in the office or the Cheerios that Cameron left sitting on the floor. She whines because she can't get to these things with the baby gates up. So she sits and whines and whines and whines until I can't take the whining anymore and let her out, thinking she might REALLY have to go. Nope, each and every time, its because there is some food somewhere that she can't get to.

So basically I hurt myself by slipping on puked-up cat food so the dog could go eat cat food :rolleyes:

I feel much better now, except whenever I have to sit. It hurts to bend my knee and hurts when my tooshie comes into contact with the seat! LOL

Anyhow, here's the bratty food stealer herself.
The dog trainer's well trained dog getting into her bag for training treats:

And a pretty profile

04-09-2007, 08:30 PM
Well, the profile says it all! That dog is DEPRIVED!!! (LOL) How pitiful that she has to beg for mere morsels of cat food and baby cereal. :rolleyes:

04-10-2007, 11:49 AM
How are you feeling today?