View Full Version : Foster kitty update.

04-08-2007, 12:51 PM
If you recall, I was to take Hobo and Finn from a recent "kill shelter" pull. Hobo stayed at Petsmart and was adopted within a week. (and I never even got to meet him.) Finn is here and doing fine, a very nice boy.

Now I offered to take 2 kitties from this shelter.


Check out Skit and Zaney. These are the two I chose.

Now I need you all to convince Jennie (jenn_librarian) that she need to pick one also. (LOL) ;) You know, make their trip worth while! :p

Now sure exactly when I'll get them, soon I would suspect.

04-08-2007, 12:58 PM
They are two lucky kitties!

Skit - at 7 months, her owner no longer wanted her?! OMG, that person does not deserve to won cats!

Zaney is so sweet to look at, he must be to get along with all the other cats.

Best wishes for them both.

04-08-2007, 01:39 PM
They're both adorable and sound like they have wonderful personalties too.:) I'm sure you'll have no problems finding them new loving homes. Jenn may be too busy with her new Aby mix foster girl.;)

04-08-2007, 04:01 PM
Hi Jen! What little cuties!!! Thanks so much for helping Zaney and Skit. There's somehing I have a hard time understanding here, Skit is an adorable 7 month old baby full of love and a purrsonality that comes right through my computer screen. How could her owner possibly not want the little sweetheart anymore? I do understand that things come up and circumstances require giving a pet up (trying to give the prior owner benefit of the doubt). One thing is for sure, both babies are much better off with you as their foster. Keep us up on how they're doing?

04-08-2007, 05:51 PM
They are such Cute Cats Jen.
But the one I feel sorry for the most is 18 yera old Taz who is deaf and elderly.
I sure hope someone gives her a Furr Ever Home for her last remaining yeras.
She might be like Smokey Angel and last neraly 7 years.
He was such a wonderful Older Cat.
Hes in the top left corner at the age of 21.

Laura's Babies
04-09-2007, 08:18 AM
If I could, I would take Ray Charles, he really grabs my heart strings. Old and possiably blind... if any of them need a great home, it is him! I hope someday to be able to take in those seniors that everybody else passes up that deserve to live out their lives in a safe loving home.

04-09-2007, 08:31 AM
I got to meet Hobo! He was as charming in person as he seemed on his Petfinder page. Yeah Hobo!

04-10-2007, 01:26 AM
If I could, I would take Ray Charles, he really grabs my heart strings. Old and possiably blind... if any of them need a great home, it is him! I hope someday to be able to take in those seniors that everybody else passes up that deserve to live out their lives in a safe loving home.

I feel the same way. I've done this a little but wish I could do much, much more. Daisy and Taz are the ones I would take. Good manners prevent me from saying what I would like to do to Daisy's guardian, turning her in to a shelter when she is 12 years old just because there is a new baby. What are their chances, Jen, at this kill shelter?

Getting back on topic, you have chosen two very sweet fosters and I feel sure they will have little trouble finding homes.

04-10-2007, 05:02 AM
I sure hope you all aren't disappointed in me for NOT choosing the older cats. :( I need to choose kitties that have a good chance of finding homes.

04-10-2007, 05:56 PM
I sure hope you all aren't disappointed in me for NOT choosing the older cats.
Disappointed? Surely you jest! Jen, you're doing so much good by taking new kitties in and showing them what it's like to be loved and cared for. Keep on doing what you do, you've definitely earned a special place in heaven for opening your heart and your home to kitties in need.

04-10-2007, 06:00 PM
I sure hope you all aren't disappointed in me for NOT choosing the older cats. :( I need to choose kitties that have a good chance of finding homes.

Ack!!! Please don't think that, that's not the way we feel at all. I knew you had chosen, have to choose, the cats that are most adoptable to the general public and I'm sorry that didn't come across in my post. :( What I was thinking at the time of posting was that you would soon be able to add these two to your montage of adopted fosters.

That aside, do you think the ones Laura and I mentioned do have a chance to be adopted?

04-10-2007, 06:42 PM
That aside, do you think the ones Laura and I mentioned do have a chance to be adopted?
I really don't know. :( But at least for each cat we can pull out of the shelter will reduce the need to euthanize any of the others. :(

Laura's Babies
04-10-2007, 06:52 PM
I would never criticize anyone for doing the work you all do. I was just making the comment that I would, if I could, take in those older ones that most people pass up.... I know they would cost more as they age and most would not want to take that kind of responsiability.... they want a pet that will be around forever. I would love to have a "retirement home" for the elder ones to live out their final days.

Beings that I am becoming more and more elder myself, I would be afraid to take on the younger ones..... The answer to that is to take in the seniors! I would leave the younger ones to YOU younger ones!

04-14-2007, 05:27 AM
Tomorrow is the day! I will be getting Zaney and Octavius (Skit was adopted YEAH!!)

And the best part, another foster is taking Little John! :)

AND The even better part.........Another foster is taking Taz and Ray Charles. :D

Can't wait to meet my new babies.

04-14-2007, 11:46 AM
That's great news, Jen! What lucky kitties to have you as their foster. Can we see some pictures once everyone settles in?

04-14-2007, 11:51 AM
Awesome!! Good luck with the new fosters! You are great for helping so much!

Scooter's Mom
04-14-2007, 01:47 PM
Could you be convinced to take Ellie too? :)
She's so scared there.

I know you can only take a set number, and I love you for taking in those you can. You are an amazing person.

I feel so helpless, no means to help out... and my husband would kill me, as there is no way I'd let a kitty go after I had it for even a day.

04-14-2007, 10:25 PM
I was talking with Kathy about them, when I dropped Blossom off for PetSmart (she is NOT happy there and BIT a woman who tried to hold her... :rolleyes: how many ways can you say "Blossom doesn't like to be held and she bites.") So, don't know how long she will stay at PS, lol. She's a fiesty little shit, and needs to be able to romp. I was hoping she'd get to be in the big cage, cause there she can climb.

Kathy asked if I'd take another FIV, but I can't until I get some of the non-FIV kitties adopted. If I take all FIV and no one gets adopted, then I can't taken any cats at all!! :( :( I wish more people would take FIV+ kitties. They're just as sweet as non FIV kitties, and many of them are total lovebugs!!

04-14-2007, 10:50 PM
Tomorrow is the day! I will be getting Zaney and Octavius (Skit was adopted YEAH!!)

And the best part, another foster is taking Little John! :)

AND The even better part.........Another foster is taking Taz and Ray Charles. :D

Can't wait to meet my new babies.

Congratulations on taking in new fosters, and many thanks for the updates on Taz and Ray Charles which I'm sure made Laura sigh with relief also. Did anybody take Daisy?

And, Jenn, I also wish more would understand the FIV+ are near normal cats. I was at the shelter where Dude came from today, and I visited the FIV+ room where I met a fairly new volunteer. She was amazed that I didn't isolate my FIV+ cats, and I had to reassure her several times that I was perfectly comfortable with their being with both kittens and the very old cats. She said she would use what I had said when talking to other people about adopting FIV cats, and hopefully she will stop using the term "feline AIDS" which is inaccurate and puts people off.

Sorry to hijack your thread, Jen, and don't for a second think that anyone is saying you should add taking in FIV+ fosters. You are constantly at the max between all your own beloved cats and your many, many fosters.

04-15-2007, 12:26 AM
Oh believe me, I HATE the term Feline AIDS. If they are not aggressive kitties, I have no issue with them being with other cats. if they are aggressive, as some are and some "normal" kitties are, then they should not be together. It's pretty simple.

Can't wait to see and meet Jen's fosters!!!

04-15-2007, 02:14 PM
They are here......
