View Full Version : Queen's paradise. *some pics of my fish*

04-08-2007, 12:12 PM
Hello everyone! Yesterday I had to move Queen's big 55 gallon tank from one room to another...and let me tell you, it's not fun. I moved to the biggest room in the house so we had to move my tank to. I never have fun moving it, and Queen never likes it either cause she has to be put into a large bucket. But I got it finished and now Queen is back into her paradise home and happy again. So afterwards I thought I would get some pictures of them. Here they are:D

Queen and Sir Knight

Little Guy

See that rock by Little Guy? Queen always knocks it over and rearranges all the plants to her liking lol.

Here's a good pic to show how small Little Guy actually is.

While Queen was in the bucket, I measured her, and she is 1'2" long. And approx 7" tall.

Queen Says Hello!


More coming...

04-08-2007, 12:19 PM
Some Close-ups of Queen's perty face:)



SeaKing says Hello too!

SeaKing Close-up

Duhh? lol

And here's another one to show how small Little Guy is compared to the rest of the fish.

I also have good news. Remember when I said that when warm spring comes, that I would be putting Duke and Sir Knight in a pond? Well, they won't have to go in a pond. There's a guy I know that wants them. So they will still be able to live in an aquarium safely:D I'm taking them to his house tonight. I'd keep them, but Queen is just so big that I have to get rid of two to make more room for her, and then the tank will stay a bit cleaner easier too. I will miss them, but I will be able to go and see them whenever I want to.

Anyways I'm blabbing lol. Hope you enjoyed!

04-08-2007, 12:49 PM
Queen and her subjects are beautiful as alwas. :D That's wonderful that Duke and Sir Knight get to stay indoors.I bet Queen,SeaKing,Little Guy,and Bob will love haveing the tank to themselfs. :)

04-08-2007, 01:16 PM
Queen and her subjects are beautiful as alwas. :D That's wonderful that Duke and Sir Knight get to stay indoors.I bet Queen,SeaKing,Little Guy,and Bob will love haveing the tank to themselfs. :)
Thanks! and yes they definately will. And Sir Knight and Duke are the males too, so this way Queen won't be having anymore eggs, which means a much cleaner tank and less work for me lol. I am 100% sure Queen is a girl of course, 99% sure SeaKing is a girl, Bob is Bob lol, doesn't matter what gender he is, and I don't know what Little Guy is yet, he is still too young to tell.

04-08-2007, 02:24 PM
How are the little ones?

04-08-2007, 02:49 PM
They are doing good,still extremely small. I may be setting them free as well as soon as it gets warm enough. It's so hard for them to grow in a tank without natural stuff to feed on. I had babies before and they stayed extremely small for almost a year, they just wouldn't grow.

04-09-2007, 03:26 PM
Well Sir Knight and Duke are not here anymore.:( Last night I took them to the guy that wanted them and had a nice tank. I know its best for them and Queen so that they all have the proper room to grow. But I cried a little in the car. I know... alot of people probably think I have issues if I would cry over a fish. Its just that I get so attached to them and they are my pride and joy. I hope Queen lives forever, cause I'll ball for days if she goes, but she may not for many many years to come.

Anyway, I went to give him the two fishies, and I ended up coming home with one. He had a little black Moore in his tank that was very very small and he wanted to get rid of him cause he just didn't get along with the other big fish, so I happy took the tiny guy or girl. It's so adorably cute, and he makes a very good friend for little guy, since Little Guy is so tiny. I named him/her Black Beauty. I am going to try and get some pics later. Right now he is extremely shy and won't come out from behind a plant. I guess if I saw a large white whale passing by I would hide too lol.

04-09-2007, 05:16 PM
No problem, I remember I bawled when my snail 'ran way' ((it REALLY did go away by its self because we were on vacation)) when I was little. I also bawled about every week when my gold fish kept dying ((I donno why they died though! I was a good care taker for a 7 year old!! My lil brothers kept living and I took care of it too!!))

04-09-2007, 06:40 PM
I know some people would say it's just a fish but I still think about my betta girl Tugboat and wish she was still here.I have a picture of her on my bookcase.

04-09-2007, 07:57 PM
Thanks! and yes they definately will. And Sir Knight and Duke are the males too, so this way Queen won't be having anymore eggs, which means a much cleaner tank and less work for me lol. I am 100% sure Queen is a girl of course, 99% sure SeaKing is a girl, Bob is Bob lol, doesn't matter what gender he is, and I don't know what Little Guy is yet, he is still too young to tell.

Hoe do you tell if a goldfish is a boy or a girl?? I have one and would like to know :cool:

Your fish look real pretty by the way

04-09-2007, 08:09 PM
Hoe do you tell if a goldfish is a boy or a girl?? I have one and would like to know :cool:

Your fish look real pretty by the way

Thanks so much:D Well its hard on goldfish, but males have things called tubercules on their Gill plate(the big scale that covers their gills). They are just tiny specks and are usually white and protruding like tiny spot warts, but very small. Alot of people have a hard time seeing them. Anyways the males have those tubercules and females don't, females have very smooth gill plates.:)

04-09-2007, 08:16 PM
oooohhhh! ok, thanks ;) I'll check later and see if Marlin is a girl or a boy LOL I named him after Marlin on 'Finding Nemo' :D

04-10-2007, 06:47 AM
I wonder how many people have gotten real-life all characters of finding nemo and named em after the movie?! I want to do that some day!!

04-11-2007, 10:16 AM
I wonder how many people have gotten real-life all characters of finding nemo and named em after the movie?! I want to do that some day!!

Oh my gosh that would be so cool! But it would be hard to do too. Black Beauty has been coming out a big more last night, so today I can get a pic of him/her:)

04-11-2007, 10:27 AM
Originally Posted by sweetpatata6
I wonder how many people have gotten real-life all characters of finding nemo and named em after the movie?! I want to do that some day!!
Actualy someone was selling the hole set up of that LOL.

Kalei, you have beautiful fish and as always great photos lol.

Sorry you had to give away your other fish but It was best I geuss. :)

I'm sure queen will live very long, koi fish are also very nice .. they can live up to 50 years old or more! :eek:

04-11-2007, 04:02 PM
Your goldies are so pretty. =] I love how massive Queen is, she is stunning! :D
Haha, I wish I could figure out if my goldfish were male or female... I've looked for breeding tubercules, never found any. I suppose my three could be females.

Anyway, its great to see your gorgeous fish!

04-14-2007, 09:06 AM
Your goldies are so pretty. =] I love how massive Queen is, she is stunning! :D
Haha, I wish I could figure out if my goldfish were male or female... I've looked for breeding tubercules, never found any. I suppose my three could be females.

Anyway, its great to see your gorgeous fish!

Thanks so much! I"m glad you like seeing them:) Queen is definately massive, its a good word for her lol, she's bigger than alot of pond fish I've seen in ponds (not tanks) which means Queen is huge for being in a tank lol, it didn't help getting her a 55 gallon tank..now sh'es just getting bigger and bigger lol.

Well the tubercules are usually on seeable when the fish is a year old or more, but if they already are and you can't see any, they could all be females:)