View Full Version : Austin Needs Your Prayers ** NEW update 4-10-07**

Toby's my baby
04-07-2007, 10:28 AM
Austin needs your prayers. I found a large lump on his underside yesterday, that I have never seen before. I called the vet, but they were closed so I left a message. They called me back, and said they have no idea what it is, and if I want them to come look at him, to call back next week. :rolleyes: I'm keeping a close eye on him. They said it could be cancer, but that I would have seen it earlier, and it wouldn't have gotten so big, so fast. Please keep Austin in your prayers, I'm so attached to him, I'm scared I'll lose him.


Here are photo's of the lump... kind of gross, so I'll just post the links.

** UPDATE APRIL 10, 2007**

I mentioned earlier that I emailed my riding instructor/ equine teacher at my school. I went and talked to her today, and she said it looks to her like a hernia...which requires surgery. :( She gave me phone numbers to two more GOOD vets, who are about 4 hours away from here, but since the other people just blew me off, I have to try these people too. I called the best vet around, but he can't get here until next week, but he is going to come next week sometime. She also gave me the number of another vet, but I think it's the wrong number and she hasn't gotten back to me with the right one yet.

I'm getting really scared again now. This could be a big problem. If it is a hernia, it means his intestines are dropping into the lump, and if he eats something and it gets stuck, he will cloic..which could take his life if I dont notice it right away.

I'm getting anxious for SOMEONE to come out here and look at him, I hope it is nothing serious. A surgery on a horse can be very very expensive, and I only payed $1200 for my horse, and my parents said they are not going to let me pay more than that for a surgery. :mad: I'm not sure what will happen if he needs surgery.

Your thoughts and prayers are especially needed right now, please keep us in your prayers. Thank you. :)


Today it is starting to get larger on the other side. :( Poor guy, thank goodness it isn't bothering him, as far as I know.

I finally got ahold of our vet, and they said that since it wasn't bothering him that it should be ok. I told them exactly what was going on, and they said it was fine, and they would come out when they got time. :rolleyes: So, I made an appointment to get all their shots, bloodwork, "sheath cleaning" (cleans out...that part ;) ) and to have that lump looked at. The appointment isn't until May 8th.. :mad: I asked if I could just have a short appointment to JUST have the lump looked at, and they said they are so booked that they couldn't get me in..... so...

I called another vet that is farther away. I talked to the receptionist, and she said that they don't come this far to check on animals. She forwarded me to the vet... I told him everything I knew, and he said it sounds exactly like he just got kicked and it is bruising. He said since it isn't bothering him, and he's eatting and urinating fine, that he is ok.

I'm fairly reasured that this is not something serious, and he did just get kicked. The horses have been pretty fistey with each other lately, and it is a very good possiblity that this is the problem. I'll be keeping a close eye on him though to make sure nothing changes. :) Thanks for your prayers everyone!

04-07-2007, 10:35 AM
Poor Austin - I hope it's nothing serious. He'll be in our prayers.

04-07-2007, 10:39 AM
Holy cow!:eek: I have never seen lumps like that on a horse before:eek: Poor Austin, I hope they aren't hurting him. And I hope that it is nothing too serious. I will pray for your big boy that he will be alright and the vet will be able to look after it properly.

04-07-2007, 10:59 AM
Prayers for Austin. Hopefully it isn't too serious Beth. {hugs}

04-07-2007, 02:17 PM
Eek. That dosent look good. I hope its nothing bad:(

Toby's my baby
04-07-2007, 02:22 PM
Thanks everybody. It doesn't seem to be hurting him any, he doesn't care if you touch it. I haven't seen him urinate lately, so I'm a little worried about that. I looked him in the barn for most of the day and I still haven't seen any urine. :(

I emailed my teacher at school (she teaches all the animal classes and equine classes) and she is also my riding instructor in the summer. Hopefully she'll get back to me, and know what it is. If not, guess I'll have to wait until Monday/ Tuesday when the vet sees him.

Miss Z
04-07-2007, 02:34 PM
It looks like a sarcoid to me, although it does appear to be a very big one if that is indeed the diagnosis. Only a very few are cancerous so I really hope Austin will be OK. He's such a beautiful boy.

04-07-2007, 03:02 PM
He's so handsome! I hope it's nothing serious!

04-08-2007, 10:14 AM
Goodness. :( My thoughts are with you and Austin!
My first thought was an abcess, but I know nothing about horses. :o My friend's cow had an abcess once.. so I guess it wouldn't be impossible for a horse to get one.
Either way, I'm hopeing for the best for your boy and that we find out what it is soon. Please keep us updated. =]

04-08-2007, 01:32 PM
Omg, I hope its nothing serious. :(

04-08-2007, 05:00 PM
Oh no! I hope its harmless! At least it doesn't seem to hurt him, right? Keep us updated!


P.S. - I think Austin is gorgeous!

Toby's my baby
04-08-2007, 07:00 PM
Thanks everyone! It looks the same today, no bigger, no smaller. I'll call the vet again tomorrow (if they're open) or Tuesday and have them come out and see what is wrong. Everyone around here whom I've asked for help has no idea what it is. I really hope it is nothing serious. I'll update you all again as soon as I know anything! Thanks!

04-09-2007, 06:37 PM
Did you have the vet out to see Austin? Looks like a sarcoma. Def needs to be looked at asap. PLease let us know how he's doing.

Toby's my baby
04-09-2007, 09:08 PM

Today it is starting to get larger on the other side. :( Poor guy, thank goodness it isn't bothering him, as far as I know.

I finally got ahold of our vet, and they said that since it wasn't bothering him that it should be ok. I told them exactly what was going on, and they said it was fine, and they would come out when they got time. :rolleyes: So, I made an appointment to get all their shots, bloodwork, "sheath cleaning" (cleans out...that part ;) ) and to have that lump looked at. The appointment isn't until May 8th.. :mad: I asked if I could just have a short appointment to JUST have the lump looked at, and they said they are so booked that they couldn't get me in..... so...

I called another vet that is farther away. I talked to the receptionist, and she said that they don't come this far to check on animals. She forwarded me to the vet... I told him everything I knew, and he said it sounds exactly like he just got kicked and it is bruising. He said since it isn't bothering him, and he's eatting and urinating fine, that he is ok.

I'm fairly reasured that this is not something serious, and he did just get kicked. The horses have been pretty fistey with each other lately, and it is a very good possiblity that this is the problem. I'll be keeping a close eye on him though to make sure nothing changes. :) Thanks for your prayers everyone!

04-09-2007, 09:13 PM
Well atleast you know a possiblity that its just nothing serious, and that he was just kicked. Wow May 8th is pretty much a month away :rolleyes: If I was a vet and somebody needed to be sure there horse is OK, i'd be out there right away somehow squeezing it in my schedule.

Hopefully its nothing serious, and it'll start to go away. Or he'll be fine till the vet comes to take care of it. :) I hope he feels better, if it is bothering him and you can't see it is.

04-09-2007, 09:25 PM
I'm glad both vets said they don't think it's something serious. It's a shame no one could come out and check on him. I really hope it's nothing.

Toby's my baby
04-10-2007, 05:19 PM
** UPDATE APRIL 10, 2007**

I mentioned earlier that I emailed my riding instructor/ equine teacher at my school. I went and talked to her today, and she said it looks to her like a hernia...which requires surgery. :( She gave me phone numbers to two more GOOD vets, who are about 4 hours away from here, but since the other people just blew me off, I have to try these people too. I called the best vet around, but he can't get here until next week, but he is going to come next week sometime. She also gave me the number of another vet, but I think it's the wrong number and she hasn't gotten back to me with the right one yet.

I'm getting really scared again now. This could be a big problem. If it is a hernia, it means his intestines are dropping into the lump, and if he eats something and it gets stuck, he will cloic..which could take his life if I dont notice it right away.

I'm getting anxious for SOMEONE to come out here and look at him, I hope it is nothing serious. A surgery on a horse can be very very expensive, and I only payed $1200 for my horse, and my parents said they are not going to let me pay more than that for a surgery. :mad: I'm not sure what will happen if he needs surgery.

Your thoughts and prayers are especially needed right now, please keep us in your prayers. Thank you. :)

04-10-2007, 05:39 PM
Oh my. I'm sorry you're having such a hard time getting someone to look at him. Hopefully it's nothing and you won't have to do sugery. Even if it's expensive how are your parents going to tell you "no" when your horse's life in is jepordy?

04-10-2007, 05:50 PM
Will be sending prayers for him!
Years ago when we lived in Georgia, we had a sorrell Gelding that had the same type of lump, vet checked it said it was nothing, it went away, and came back. This happened a few times over the year, we could not for the life of us figure it out since the vet said it looked as if he had been kicked.
He wasn't with the mares, and the stallion and he were not turned out together either.........found out after keeping vigils for weeks, it was my husbands Saneen goat head butting him! They had done a lousy job of polling him and the horn stubs were causing returning hematomas :eek: . Although they were best friends, needless to say they were no longer allowed to play unsupervised!

Hope it is just as harmless for Austin! Good thoughts heading your way!

04-10-2007, 08:11 PM
Hopefully it is nothing serious. You have been told a few different things it could be, when the vet makes it out you will know for sure. Is it always this hard to get a vet to come see your horse?

Toby's my baby
04-10-2007, 08:40 PM
Is it always this hard to get a vet to come see your horse?

No, it is usually not hard at all. I've never had a problem this early in the spring though, now that the show season is comming up, a lot of people have scheduled coggins tests and their shots so they can go to shows. That is probably the problem. I think they should leave at least ONE time open per day for emergencies though, it is rediculous that you can't get in for a MONTH for an emergency... :rolleyes:

04-10-2007, 08:52 PM
I think they should leave at least ONE time open per day for emergencies though, it is rediculous that you can't get in for a MONTH for an emergency... :rolleyes:

I sure agree with that. Hang on, next week will be here before you know it and hopefully it will not be serious.

04-10-2007, 09:05 PM
Oh no!:( Poor Austin. I can't imagine what worry your going through. I really hope its nothing serious. That is the downfall with owning larger animals their surguries cost so much more, it dosen't help with stubborn parents either. Mine would say the same and it sucks. (Wow you got Austin really cheap btw!:eek: )