View Full Version : What is this, National Neglect Your Pet month?

04-06-2007, 09:16 PM
First Bailey, then I posted on Dog Talk about 2 labs that need homes because their owners are moving and don't want to take the dogs. Now I just posted about a cat who was injured by the family dog and this is the second time!!! I'm really wondering what's going on in the stars up there!

04-06-2007, 09:41 PM
Medusa, I saw your post about the cat with the injured tail; I also read the one about the FIV(+) in RI who is in a shelter managed by someone who's evidently not all that good with geometry (sorry for the sarcasm; it has been a long day). I believe that the people of Pet Talk are more keenly aware of, and more quick to respond to, situations like this than the general public at large. I've seen PT'ers volunteer to take in one another's pets and to go the distance (literally) to get a pet safely rehomed. I'm sorry that I can't help this time, and I promise to do the best I can if such a situation ever comes my way. I feel very helpless. I wish there were more that I could do. Thank you for caring.

04-07-2007, 05:35 AM
Oh boy. I hope my post didn't come across as a guilt trip to PTers. If so, I apologize for that; it certainly wasn't my intent. I figured that PTers understand which is why I said what I said. No, far from it, PTers go the extra mile. I think that people like the ones I was complaining about know that there are people like us who can't turn a blind eye to what's happening w/animals and they take advantage of it. "Oh well, I know a lady/man who will handle it for me if things don't work out." Even someone I've always considered to be a good friend buys pure bred dogs and when the dogs begin to manifest physical problems, she finds homes for them rather than take care of the dogs herself. Well, at least she doesn't abandon them but it irks me to think that the poor dog is wondering "What did I do wrong?" The one that gets me the most is when I hear people say "You paid WHAT on vet care for a CAT???" Then I'm off and running! God/dess has breathed the breath of life into cats and all creatures and they deserve to be here as much as their parents' sorry butts and, in their case, even more than the their parents deserve it. One woman said to me just yesterday "I'm going to have to get rid of this dog. I can't take the shedding any more." And she wasn't joking. :mad: :mad: :mad: I said "Get the vacuum cleaner out and HANDLE IT!" I could tell I made her feel ashamed and she said "You're right." I mean, what do they do when they have human babies? Tell the kids "Hey, you poop your diaper one more time, you're outa here!" I had done a fairly good job of not allowing myself to think about these things, just to help when I could and not stress when I couldn't. But suddenly there seems to be a flood of irresponsibility on the part of pet owners lately and it makes me mad! :mad: :mad:

04-07-2007, 03:28 PM
Good for you, Mary, telling that woman to get the vacuum cleaner and handle it. It sounds as though you got through to her on at least some level, if she admitted you were right. Maybe she'll actually do it. You done well, Mary.

Thank you, and thanks to all you PTers for caring.


04-07-2007, 06:51 PM
I Agree With You 100 % And There Are Far Too Many Fair Weather Guardians Who Love Thier Pets When They Are No Problem , But Not When They Are Ill Or Need Vet Care.
I Know That The Animal Welfare Association Is Frustrated With All The Cats That They Have To Deal With Every Day, All Tne Strays That Noone Wants Anymore.
And I Certainly Agree That Here On Pet Talk The People Here Are Pet Lovers Who Will Go The Extra Mile To Help Our Pet Companions.
There Are So Many Truly Wonderful People Here, Thats Why I Am Proud To Be A Pet Talker.

04-08-2007, 09:00 PM
Lord love and keep you, Medusa and all of the other PTers that stick by their "kids" regardless of how sick/hurt they may become. It's at least heartwarming to know that there are people out there such as yourself. If anyone else is bummed out, there's a great post on Cat behaviour about not spoiling your pets that is both funny and certainly familiar to cat/dog/bear/frog nutz such as ourselves! ;)