View Full Version : Ladies and Gentlemen - get your regular checkups!

04-06-2007, 11:36 AM
You can read some details in the thread below.

http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=124270 POST 25

To sum up - I was feeling fine, no pain or symptoms, and just went for my annual female checkup, one year late.

Was sent for an ultrasound.

I had been packing around a football-size fibroid (the gynecologist's words) that was severely impairing the draining of my left kidney, causing it to become slightly enlarged.

Surgery will fix it. But if I had waited and not gone for the regular check, how more complicated and dangerous might the surgery have become?

Get your checkup while you feel good! Don't wait.

Advice from the Football Player.


04-06-2007, 11:41 AM
Thanks for this reminder, I keep telling myself that I need to go in for a checkup but I never do. I haven't been to a doctor in around 3 years :eek: Next week I'll be good and find a doctor and set up an appointment for a checkup. I need to make use of my insurance!

Scooter's Mom
04-06-2007, 09:04 PM
If you need help finding a doc down in Tucson, I can ask my niece if she's found one down there yet. She lives down in Tucson (just moved a little while back...) and most of her friends and our nephew & his g/f lives there, as well as some of our niece & nephews aunts on their other side of the family. (sounds complicates huh?)

If you're willing to come up to Phoenix, I have the very best one I've ever met. She is totally awesome and I would drive across 3 states and pay out of my own pocket to see her.

Let me know if you need or want help... after all my surgeries, I'm an old pro at the doc thing.

I agree though - always get your checkups. And if you even think something may be "off" get it checked. I waited a few months too long for a checkup, knowing I had endometriosis, and it cost me my entire reproductive system.

Laura's Babies
04-06-2007, 09:35 PM
May I add my 2 cents worth here too? My brother put off having that dreaded colonscopy and it cost him his life. With no history of cancer in our family, I guess he thought he was safe.... He wasn't!

I have had colon problems all my life and always had mine come out clean, not even a polyp. When Eddie had his accident, I cancelled mine and put it off until things settled down with him. It was not 5 years, but 6 when I had mine done.. I learned my lesson. They found 5 that time and all were precancerous.. I will NEVER put off another one!

Never put off what you should do today.... no matter how safe you think you are!