View Full Version : Pit Bulls - Smiles and Shattered Hearts

04-05-2007, 08:53 PM
I found these on a website, they sure shattered my heart, and I'm sure they will yours too.


I cannot even explain the pain I suffered when my seven pit bulls were taken away. Harley, Davidson, Dasher, Petunia, Ice, Glacier & Feiffer were their names… I got both Harley and Davidson when they were 3 years old from the local shelter, 30 minutes before euthanasia. Harley was black and Davidson was white. At the shelter, their names were Hoover and David, I immediately changed the names into something that fit the Oreos. I got Dasher a few weeks after getting Harley & Davidson, Dasher was 2 years old when I got him, he came from the local humane society, he had arrived days earlier and nobody wanted him because of his barking. I took him home immediately when I saw him. He was a gorgeous brown with a white streak starting at the tip of his forehead, streaking down his face and chest, and squiggling down his right leg. I named him Dasher and learned that he had no barking problem; he was just lonely at the shelter. Petunia, who was 9 years old when I got her, came three months after Dasher. She came from a neighbor who didn’t want her anymore because she was now scared of the dog, after hearing about all the pit bulls on the news that ‘turned on their owners’. I took her open heartedly and once I had her I couldn’t understand why anyone would even consider being scared of her. The way she sat on the couch like a human, the way she smiled, she was truly a great dog. Ice & Glacier came 2 weeks later, from someone who was moving and couldn’t take them along. Ice was bluish grey and Glacier was white with some faint grey blotches of fur. I got Feiffer nearly one year later. He was 6 years old and at the local shelter, where he had to name ‘Foozle’. Poor guy I thought, and took him home with me that day. I had seven pit bulls in no time, and he no regrets taking them into my life. They all brightened me up whenever I came home from a bad day at work, and enjoyed lying around me in a circle while I lay on a towel in the sun on a beautiful day. It was like they were protecting me with a electric circle, the way they lie around me, alert and cautious. But whenever someone passed by, they wouldn’t bark or growl, they would put on a smile. Petunia often jumped up and tried licking the person through the gate, although she couldn’t reach the person by a long shot. None of them ever barked, growled, snarled, or bit. The only thing they have ever done is attempted to lick someone to death. I fail to laugh when writing this, I cry, because when I think of how it ends, it makes my heart shatter to pieces. Well, five years later, when Petunia was about 14 years old and the other’s ages ranged from 8 to 12, I found something out that made my eyes burst into tears and my heart shatter to pieces. As I hugged and sobbed on my dogs’ fur, I told them how much I loved them. I had learned that pit bulls were getting banned in my state. I thought of it as a nightmare, but never woke up and realized it was no nightmare when the people came and took my babies away. Crying and sobbing, I watched as they were hauled away, and minutes from being killed. I will never have a dog again until I save enough money to move, because I will never; EVER own any dog, besides a pit bull. ---- Broken hearted & shattered soul, Unknown.

I cannot write much, for I will die of a chopped heart if I write the whole story. But I will tell you, that my three muskateers, 7 year old Jesse, 10 year old Mariah, and 2 year old Pono were the most wonderful dogs anyone would have ever met. And if only everyone in my state had taken a few minutes to get a lick across the face by my three muskateers, then maybe they would still be here with me today. On Mariah’s 10th birthday, they were taken away while I sobbed and tears flooded the ground. I can still see Jesse and Pono’s faces when they were taken away, wondering where they were going without me, and I can still see Mariah’s smile when she was taken away, she had known me for so long and knew I had never let her go or left her behind, she knew I would come back for her…only I didn’t. She and my other three must’ve suffered with pain that horrid night, and I did too. If only I were there, too, to comfort them and warm them with my hugs and tears, to see them in their last minutes of life. To hold them and love them before they left me forever: or more like it, before I left them forever, let them down and didn’t rescue them. My heart lies in my chest, shattered into pieces, and it will never be put together again until my babies are back in my arms. I am still waiting for that day, waiting and hoping, I will see them again someday.

04-05-2007, 09:03 PM
:( that breaks my heart. that poor lady and those poor dogs! :( she obviously loved them and they sounded wonderful. :( I just hate BSL! :mad:

04-05-2007, 09:05 PM
:( :( :( omg. I wanna cry! :( This is so sad. I couldn't imagin having my babies ripped from me knowing they were going to die and there was nothing I could do about it. It's such a shame that people look at this breed as a killer. I think every last pittie that has had to go through this breed discrimination is waiting at the Rainbow Bridge for all the horrible pit fighters that plauged this breed to such an end. Just to show them what they have done to not only their own dogs, but the millions of others that have to pay for it.

critter crazy
04-05-2007, 09:09 PM
Oh My Goodness!! I cannot stop the tears from flowing, those were two very heartbreaking stories!! I am so saddened by this!! Those poor dogs, and their poor owners! They were hurting no one, and doing nothing wrong, yet the payed the ultimate price! :( :mad:

04-05-2007, 09:09 PM
I wonder if that happened in Denver? They have one of the worst BSL bans ever. I watched people turning in their pit bulls and the dogs being taken from the owners homes when Denver did the ban. It was on the news I was sobbing. I can not imagine going through that being a pit bull owner myself.

That poor lady and those poor precious dogs. :(

04-06-2007, 11:31 AM
OMG.....How horrible!!!! :eek:

I know this.... if anyone ever came to my door to take my dogs....they would NEVER leave with them! No way!