View Full Version : Uh oh... new fosters escaped from their room! PICS ADDED!!

04-05-2007, 02:53 PM
Well, I took two fosters in this past weekend from a kill shelter about 3hrs away from here. The one is a black and white tuxie boy who is so handsome and sweet, but oh so shy and timid! He has a nasty bite wound on his tail that abscessed and burst at the vet. I'm doing warm compresses to it, which are helping, although he is NOT happy with me.

The other foster is a this tiny little spitfire of a girl named Blossom who is an Abysinnian mix. She is mostly Aby, except for the torbie look to her fur. Sheis the tiniest thing, with this very dominant personality, and the hugest green eyes I've ever seen on such a small face! She's supposd to be about 1 1/2 yrs old, but is about the size of a 6month old kitten! They said she came in to the shelter pregnant, and was near death after birthing them. She was just a bag of bones, and cried whenever anyone picked her up, because her poor little body hurt so badly.

She has recuperated well, and is gaining weight and is a good eater. She's very fiesty and playful and, I guess I shouldn't be surprised, figured out how to open the door to their foster room!! I was sitting here, reading email, when I see one of my guys hide in the entertainment center, and the others standing on the dining room table staring into the kitchen. Not a normal occurance! I just figured Furbee was being a meanie again, and went back to email. About 10 mins. later I see this tiny little face and huge green eyes staring at me from around the other side of the loveseat! She quickly scampered off and has been investigating the house for the past hour or so.

The tuxie, who is named Marty, but needs to be renamed because it does not fit him, is currently BEHIND the fridge. Ugh. At least I know where he is. I didn't think he'd leave the room, but he did.

I'll have to get some pics of the troublemaker and her roommate! She's such a cutie pie, but what a personality! I've never had Abys, and never was around them, but wow, is she an active little thing!!

Anyone an Aby lover here who needs another one for their home?! She is up for adoption from our shelter!! :D :D

04-05-2007, 03:01 PM
hee hee......escapees ! ! ! :D :D

Now let's see...............who needs an Aby??? **puts on thinking cap**

critter crazy
04-05-2007, 03:03 PM
Now that they have escaped, you have to take some piccies!!:D

04-05-2007, 03:08 PM
that is too funny! Abys are little busy bees, they are into everything and you would think they have little hands the way they can get into everything! Have fun with her, can't wait to see pics!

04-05-2007, 03:17 PM
Yes we difinately need some pictures of the escapees. ;)

04-05-2007, 05:06 PM
Here is Marty, the tuxie. I want to rename him as I don't think Marty fits him. Still undecided on a name however.

Look at this sweet face!


I think I might just have to keep this one, lol.

04-05-2007, 05:10 PM
She is such a little troublemaker! So cute, you just laugh at her antics!






Look at these eyes!

I love her markings too!

04-05-2007, 05:12 PM
Here's my girl, Finae, watching Blossom...



She is so NOT happy with this little girl being out and about :(

critter crazy
04-05-2007, 05:14 PM
They are both such gorgeous kitties!!! Blossom has beautiful eyes!

04-05-2007, 05:28 PM
Those have to be the cutest escapees ever.
Do you want to hear a coincedence Jenn.
I am playing a audio clip of Thin Lizzys Jailbreak as I type!
That little Tuxedo looks like a ....hmmm!
How about Calloway!
And Blossoms purrrsonality just jump from my screen.
Shes like Scrappy 2 who dominates the room.
I think that you are going to have a hard time letting go.!

04-05-2007, 05:34 PM
Those have to be the cutest escapees ever.
Do you want to hear a coincedence Jen.
I am playing a audio clip of Thin Lizzys Jailbreak as I type!

I have a feeling about Cat number 18 being an ABY!!!!

LOL! I like the coincidence of the music! Very appropriate!

Well, I only have 5 cats of my own, and Blossom is a little too
active for my guys. Jen L. is the 17+ owner, lol. She's has that
hot little orangie at her place. I wonder how they are doing???

OH JEN!!! How's Finn?! Is he resting peacefully DOWNSTAIRS?!

04-05-2007, 06:23 PM
She is such a little troublemaker! So cute, you just laugh at her antics!


Just look at the expression on her face. She IS the ruler of the roost, and woe be to anyone who disagrees!! I love it - she is adorable!!

04-05-2007, 09:28 PM
I've read through the whole thread, but I am still laughing and giggling over your description of the escape! And your cat up on the top of . . . something, looking down at the inruder, oh my, I HAVE seen that before. several times over the years, in fact.

Marty Calloway and Blossom are quite the opposites, no wonder he is following her lead - it's a lot more fun that anything a shy fella can think of, he he.

04-05-2007, 10:14 PM
My girl, Finae, is sitting on top of one of the bookshelves in my library room, which is currently the foster room for Blossom and the tuxie.

I'm still debating names. Marty, DeNiro (love the actor, and he's in a "suit" like a mobster w/the mustache and all, lol), Calloway. Was also pondering Galileo and Sebastian. Just can't decide what he looks like!

04-05-2007, 10:50 PM
It's fortunate that I have a full house or I would be begging you for Blossom. I love the smart, trouble-maker kind of cats and have always wanted an Aby. Someone is going to be very lucky. I'm not sure that Blossom suits her after her escapades, it's a little too soft for her. As for Marty, no it's not a good name. You could call him Grant after Cary Grant, who always looked divine in a tux.

04-05-2007, 11:52 PM
It's fortunate that I have a full house or I would be begging you for Blossom. I love the smart, trouble-maker kind of cats and have always wanted an Aby. Someone is going to be very lucky. I'm not sure that Blossom suits her after her escapades, it's a little too soft for her. As for Marty, no it's not a good name. You could call him Grant after Cary Grant, who always looked divine in a tux.

The problem with names at our shelter is that our administrator changes them if we've had one with that name before. So, even if it suits the cat, she changes it. Sigh.... I just dropped off a guy who was abandoned in his previous owners' apartment a month ago, and I named him Scooter. He was a handsome tabby boy with HUGE green eyes. He just scooted around in the office while I was trying to figure out how to bathe him in the library office at school cause he had been in a Have a Heart trap and then a carrier for so long, and had no bathroom, so he smelled to high heaven! I wasn't the one who did the trapping, the person who owned the apartment did it, and she could have cared less about the cat. She even said if she had to make a donation to have us take it, she'd just let it out of the trap to fend for itself. Gotta love people like that. And I have to work with her, so I had to bite my tongue as well and not give her some really harsh words like I wanted to.

So anyway, she renamed Scooter to Skeeter. NOT what I wanted, and it doesn't suit him either. I'll have to change it again, sigh....

I've been thinking on "marty's" name, and I like Catmandu's suggestion for Calloway, so I put him on PetFinder as "Cab Calloway". He always wore a suit, albeit a "zoot suit", but still it was formal, lol.


04-06-2007, 09:48 PM
LOL! Look at these eyes! http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/jenn_librarian/SquintyBlossom.jpg

04-06-2007, 11:13 PM
Both of your fosters sure are cute:) and Finae is gorgeous.:) My Sunny is also an Aby mix and he's my eternal kitten. He'll be 7 years old in August but still acts no more than 2 years old. I didn't even know what an Aby was when I adopted him. I call them monkey cats.:)

04-07-2007, 02:32 PM
LOL! Look at these eyes! http://i162.photobucket.com/albums/t261/jenn_librarian/SquintyBlossom.jpg

Isn't she just an imp?! You can just tell from her photos how naughty she is!! I've been calling her Chili Pepper, Spark Plug, Fire Cracker... lol. She's just a handful and into everything and wanting to know everything that is going on at all the same time!

Whew! I hope she can get adopted soon! She's wearing me out already! :eek: :D

04-08-2007, 06:11 PM
You are right Jenn , I did get Jen L and you mixed up but I thought that I had erased all the evidence of my senility.
I was thinking of Cab Calloway as hes one of my all time favorites , hes so full of the joy of preforming.
That Kitty looks as though hes going to sing Hi De Ho any second.

04-08-2007, 06:57 PM
Soooo....the inmates are running the asylum, eh? :p What beauties, all of them. Blossom has tons of catitude, you can tell. Love those eyes! And misnamed Marty is so dapper!

04-12-2007, 12:36 PM
;) ;) Such a cutie pie.. Blossom your adorable.. I can just see the "imp" in you for sure.. Just look at those eyes..

04-12-2007, 01:12 PM
Jenn, I can't stop thinking about shy Marty hiding behind the refrigerator. Is he getting less afraid? I love the photo of Finae looking down from above! Perfect alpha kitty! How's Blossom, the imp-girl?

04-13-2007, 01:41 PM
Marty is in my library room, and he hides under the book cases which is not helpful since I almost have to tip them over to get him out :rolleyes: He will relax a bit more and he even chirps and trills and rolls on the floor when he feels comfortable enough. When I stand up, however, his eyes get huge and it's like he thinking "HOLY CRAP, where did she come from?!" and then he bolts, lol.

Blossom, the firecracker of a kitty, is now at PetSmart in the adoption cages. I just had her put there last night. I miss her already :( but she will find a good home. She needs a place with more active kitties.

Monty is also very well settled. He loves to be downstairs and with the other kitties, but they don't love him :rolleyes: . My Honeybun is especially upset with Monty coming in and stealing HIS lap. He sits on the carpet and looks at me so beseechingly with his eyes. It's like he's saying "Why did you forsake me? What did I do?!" So, Monty goes back in the room, and then I have Honey in my lap the rest of the night, lol. He's an older guy, and I just adore him, and I can't bear thinking he's upset. Plus when he gets upset he poops outside the litter box. UGH! The happier Honey is, the happier I am!