View Full Version : Just a few updates. [Gavi, Amber, Concert]

04-05-2007, 09:34 AM
I haven't really been here in a while since life's been kind of busy. x] But I thought I'd update you a little.

First for the pets :
Some of you might remember that horse I posted about... Gavi. He worked out perfectly, we bought him, and it's still going well. -knock wood- :) I might post pictures another day.

It seems like just yesterday we adopted Amber as a little tiny kitten.. but she's going to be a year old this month! She grew up VERY fast. ;)

All the other pets are doing wonderfully! :D

Now for the Concert :
As some of you know, I went to the My Chemical Romance concert in Los Angeles on March 10th. It was reaaally amazing. and so fun. -_-;
After the show, we met the guys, and they were so nice.
Gerard is REALLY shy. He was very sweet and funny and everything, but he really is pretty shy. I already knew that, but I can assume what a shock it'd be for people who had only seen him onstage. xD He introduced himself to everyone. "Hi, I'm Gerard" haha.
Bob was really nice too. He was actually sort of.. hyper. cx He was wrote my name on the table for some reason.
Ray was kind of hyped too. haha.
Mikey was really quiet, but he was still smiling and everything. He was drawing something on the table (he said it was Demon Shark) but everyone thought it was a dolphin. :P
Frank was /probably/ the nicest one. I don't have any favorites out of them, so I'm not making a biased descision, but he was just so fun and talkative. VERY talkative. xD He always has something to say. And he's really tiny in person. :)
We'll be at the Seattle show on May 21st too. haha.

So anyway. Thank you for wasting a few minutes of your time to read that whole post, I appreciate it. ;D

Daisy and Delilah
04-05-2007, 01:44 PM
Sounds like you're having a blast. Thanks for checking in :)

Suki Wingy
04-07-2007, 11:13 PM
awsome, so you won the thingy? Congrats on the horse! Definatley post pics :)

04-07-2007, 11:18 PM
Yay, you're alive Dev :D Post those pics!!! (Or atleast show me on AIM hehe)

04-07-2007, 11:25 PM
awsome, so you won the thingy? Congrats on the horse! Definatley post pics :)

naah, I got the passes from somewhere else :)

and Audrey – I will as soon as I get them all exported and stuff. haha.