View Full Version : Thoughts For My Ark

04-04-2007, 11:17 PM
I'm really concerned with what's going on around here.

yesterday, I began smelling a few bad, terrible "bombs" from the litter box, until I saw the litterbox this morning - four or five bloody logs. :( we hadn't any of this for months.

plus, with all this news going on about food recalls, I'm afraid it's part of it? I read somewhere that the reaction to tainted food is about two weeks. my friend who watched cats for me got one new foodbag exactly two weeks ago. some people warned me about wet food but now dry food too? I was going to start raw diet again when the bag finishes.

they all seem okay, a half of them are so quiet today...not themselves but react to their names still - shouldn't I not count on that? I've been taking their logsamples for tests tomorrow. all labelled with names, 3 out of 12 to go.

thoughts that it's just something this could go away quickly. the litterbox has been disinfected twice today.
..worried meowmie (who needs to sleep for midterms!)

04-05-2007, 03:06 PM
this morning breakfast was absolutely raw!

everyone, except star with upset tummy are so enegritic and perky today, litterbox looks good so far too.

I took 5 loggy samples to vet - the results should be ready by tomorrow afternoon. I believe everything will be much better since we're back on raw after I was gone.

just thought I'd update you. :)

04-05-2007, 03:09 PM
I hope everything is okay.

04-05-2007, 03:10 PM
Oh no! I hope all your babies are okay. This food recall thing is so scary. You can never be too careful. I'm glad your crew seems to be acting better after their raw breakfast this morning. :D And I will hope for negative results on the stool samples.

04-05-2007, 03:12 PM
Please be careful with raw food. I know there is a big scare with all the foods right now, but check with your vet.

I'm sorry but I don't agree with a raw diet.

WE don't eat raw meats, so why are you feeding it to your animals?! I know there are a lot of people who think this is the way to go, but I have to disagree. The manufactured foods have things in there that raw does not supply. I never give them raw or cooked meat or anything that we eat. They have a special diet, just like we do.

This is MY opinion, so please remember that! ;)

04-05-2007, 03:32 PM
quoted by catsnclay
Please be careful with raw food. I know there is a big scare with all the foods right now, but check with your vet.

I'm sorry but I don't agree with a raw diet.

WE don't eat raw meats, so why are you feeding it to your animals?! I know there are a lot of people who think this is the way to go, but I have to disagree. The manufactured foods have things in there that raw does not supply. I never give them raw or cooked meat or anything that we eat. They have a special diet, just like we do.

This is MY opinion, so please remember that! ;)
not a problem. :)

first of all, we are not them or them, us.

second, I have had fed them raw for almost a year before the last four months (we didn't had home). doing raw at someone's else home were much more complicated and my catsitters don't know how or aren't comfortable to do raw diet.

I cannot tell you how much difference raw diet makes, for us and we, especially my furkids, they ARE in heaven. odorless, shiny and most importantly, healthier. kibbles digest 24 hours, raw only 12 hours. this is why their loggies smell, and the longer the food inside their stomach aren't healthy. I can promise you, you'll see them happier. it's just their nature and it's all natural.

I'm glad I'm back home and can't wait until our rountine comes back on the track. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif

04-05-2007, 06:14 PM
We are praying for your Ark, that all were well.
We certainly will be interested in finding out what the Vets lab says about those logs.
And I too am going to start changing the Found Cat Diet.
Tonight Ground Veal with cheese, a homemade meal.

04-05-2007, 06:42 PM
I cannot tell you how much difference raw diet makes, for us and we, especially my furkids, they ARE in heaven. odorless, shiny and most importantly, healthier. kibbles digest 24 hours, raw only 12 hours. this is why their loggies smell, and the longer the food inside their stomach aren't healthy. I can promise you, you'll see them happier. it's just their nature and it's all natural.

What exactly do you feed them, and how do you do it?? I'm curious about a raw diet. I bought a bag of Innova's EVO, which is supposed to be a raw diet, no wheat gluten or anything like that, but it is in kibble form. So, I guess I'm kinda confused. Would love to know how you actually are supposed to do the raw diet.

04-07-2007, 07:25 PM
I love that guy, BAM!! :)

jenn, I feed them various of raw (chicken, pork, beef, vension, tripe, pig, rabbit, duck, elk,...) whatever they like or we find what's around here, at butcher's markets. I always start with chicken and grounded beef and cut them into chunks they can bite. then later on, we go onto richy raw diet which are organs such as liver, glizzards, hearts, etc. or any type of fish, depends on individuals.

I heard innova is one of few good high-qualiyt kibbles. if it's not on recall, your cats should be okay. you can PM me more questions if any, I hope I helped. :)

thank you everyone.

04-07-2007, 07:29 PM
Best of luck to you that all the fur balls will get a clean bill of health