View Full Version : salsa mucic recommendations

04-04-2007, 12:50 PM
here i am stuck deep in wonder bread country, and i can't locate someone, here ot give me recommendations about how to learn how to appreciate and learn about salsa music. i went to a party while on vacation and the dj had a salsa dance class at the local bar and i loved it. can anyone help? musically challanged
ps there is a local hispanic station, but i don't speak spanish and can't translate the artists names.

04-04-2007, 01:03 PM
I'm not really up to speed on the latest out there, but I love Elvis Crespo. Marc Anthony also has some good stuff out. I have a lot of Salsa mix CDs at home. I'll try to look at some of the artist names tonight.

04-04-2007, 03:55 PM

(mentions Marc Antony)

http://www.smacdance.com/ This is a group of salsa lovers based in NY.

You can do a google search, just put in
salsa music

Make sure you add MUSIC, or you will recipes for salsa :D

Good luck!

04-04-2007, 07:56 PM
I like listening to radio stations at music.aol.com - I just checked and there is a salsa station under latino music. While each song plays, you can read off to the side to see the title, artist and album. Hope that helps :)

04-05-2007, 05:52 AM
thanks for the advice. when i googled salsa music, there was more then 2 million enteries, and do you know if i can use aol music w/o being a member of aol? i knew i'd get good info from PT :)

04-05-2007, 08:46 AM
You need a user name for aol but it was always free to get the name. I have never subscribed to them but have had my screename for years. It looks to be the same now. You click on the get the free messeneger (AIM) or free aol mail and then register. That user name is what you then use to login and listen to radio, watch videos, etc. Good luck :)

04-05-2007, 09:34 AM
thanks for the advice. when i googled salsa music, there was more then 2 million enteries, and do you know if i can use aol music w/o being a member of aol? i knew i'd get good info from PT :)

launch.com also has a music/radio player. They have a great salsa station.