View Full Version : Keeping Dog in Kennel

04-04-2007, 08:21 AM
I have a one-year-old Cocker Spaniel who has been raised in a kennel. Although she does not object at all about being kept in the kennel during the day, I would like her to have more accessibility to the house when we are gone during the day. We have tried to leave her out of her kennel for a few hours during the day, but when we return home she seems extremely anxious. Is 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. too long to keep her in her kennel three days a week? When I'm getting ready for work at 8:00, she is already in her kennel. I was hoping that one day she would not need the kennel and find a spot in the house she likes and can get up and move around during the day. She likes to sit in the family room and look out the window during the day when I'm home. I was hoping she would do this when I'm gone also, but it appears she is very anxious and actually likes her kennel.

Any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

04-04-2007, 08:37 AM
All of my dogs are crate trained and they enjoy their crates. They are den animals and in the absence of me, or if their are too many people over they will go to their kennel to relax and get a grip. I would leave the door open and allow her free access to it, she will venture out when she feels comfy, and return when she feels anxious.
Our crate doors are almost never closed, except during feeding (my cocker is food aggressive with my dobes) and when there are children around (the cocker has bitten my sons' friends before)

Good luck,

04-04-2007, 10:23 AM
Yikes... 8 hours in a crate, straight? How about getting her an x-pen instead, and placing it in her favourite room so she has a bit more room to move around? It would get her used to staying out of the crate and perhaps make her more reliable on her own.

04-04-2007, 10:36 AM
Yes, I was going to say leave the crate door open while you are out. Let her decide when she wants to look out that nice window!

04-04-2007, 01:48 PM
I agree with leaving the crate door open. The dog will decide when and where it wants to be. It might eventually spend less and less time in the crate.

04-04-2007, 02:51 PM
My two are in a crate for 8 hours a day while I work. I'm not sure about Chipper, but Kia would surely destroy things.

If your certain your Cocker won't eat or rip up things it shouldn't, then try leaving the crate door open.

My two will willingly go into their crates in the evening when I'm home. Like Dr. Goodnow said, they treat them like dens.

Suki Wingy
04-04-2007, 03:10 PM
whoops, I thought you meant an outdoor kennel at first. But a crate, I agree leaving the door open. My dog will go in and sleep most of the day anyway when we stay home sick (or curl up tight next to me)

04-04-2007, 08:19 PM
Do you mean a crate? Or a fenced kennel?
Whatever it is, if she is used to it, she probably doesn't mind.

04-05-2007, 01:53 AM
Reilly is in a crate for about 8 hrs when both my husband and I are working, he does great in it, when we are home he is always out of it. We can't wait for the day that he is able to not have to go in it unless he just wants to, but it is not safe for him right now, he is only 11wks old and is into everything, and he loves wires!!!!!!

04-05-2007, 07:00 PM
i love crates! i recommend them to all who are unsure of what their pets will do at home alone!
My 3 labs are in their crates sometimes 8 hours aday! Sure it does seem like alot but i'd rather know their safe in their kennel with a bone to keep them occupied other then not knowing what could be happening to my house...or even if they find somethin bad for them and they eat it!
I'd rather be safe then sorry!

04-05-2007, 07:10 PM
I think you should leave the cage door open so later on in the day she can get out and stretch her legs.