View Full Version : Grieving couple commits suicide after dog dies

04-03-2007, 12:17 PM
HYDERABAD, India (Reuters) - Unable to come to terms with the death of their pet dog, an elderly couple in southern India committed suicide by hanging themselves, police said on Monday.

The bodies of 67-year-old retired soldier C.N. Madanraj and his wife, Tarabai, 63, were found on Sunday in their home in a suburb of Hyderabad.

Police said the childless couple had held a burial ceremony for their dog of 13 years, called "Puppy," and hosted a feast for friends before hanging themselves in their bedroom.

"The couple described the grief over their pet dog in the suicide note they left on March 29," said police inspector V. Anantaiah.

That's just so sad. :( I know it's sad to lose a pet...but .... :(

04-03-2007, 12:40 PM
Very sad for everyone concerned.

Daisy and Delilah
04-03-2007, 01:04 PM
:( :( :(

04-03-2007, 01:09 PM
That is so sad. But I can kind of understand. Before Maxie died I was afraid to fly to Florida. But after he died, I didn't care whether my plane crashed. Because if it did, it meant that I would be with my Maxie.


04-03-2007, 01:28 PM
I know how incredably upsetting losing an animal is and as elizabethann said, its shocking how badly people can react.

Im thinking maybe it was like a baby to them, seeing as they were older people the dog was probably their baby in a way. I know a lot of old ladies from work keep pets as company because their children have moved on and dont visit as often, so In a way it must be like losing a baby. :(

RIP I hope they are all together again.

04-03-2007, 03:50 PM
They must have been so devastated.

But, they're all now together again: for eternity.

04-03-2007, 03:54 PM
:( :( Oh my my how so horrible & sad..

04-03-2007, 04:17 PM
I'm so sad they made this choice. When I think of all the other lives these 2 could have made better.... If their love and devotion could have been passed on to another pet who just wanted someone to love.

04-03-2007, 04:34 PM
This is very sad. :( I must say that I do understand how grief can
comsume someone to the point where death could mean peace & a release
from pain.

I believe if friends had been close & understood their grief, maybe this
message could be driven home to this couple.Make them think they were
still needed in this world.

I'm so sad they made this choice. When I think of all the other lives these 2 could have made better.... If their love and devotion could have been passed on to another pet who just wanted someone to love.

04-03-2007, 04:50 PM
That is so sad. But I can kind of understand. Before Maxie died I was afraid to fly to Florida. But after he died, I didn't care whether my plane crashed. Because if it did, it meant that I would be with my Maxie.

http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gifThat's sad but I think I can understand where your coming from. I finished the sentence in my head before I finished reading it cause I knew if you said something about dying it would mean being with Maxie.

Those poor people. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/frown.gif

04-03-2007, 06:59 PM
What I think is so sad is the fact that no other humans meant as much to them as the dog. No brothers or sisters. They must have been very alone. I hope they have found happiness and everyone is together at last.

04-03-2007, 07:28 PM
Everything has to die sooner or later, that's stupid taking your life for a dog.

04-03-2007, 07:40 PM
Everything has to die sooner or later, that's stupid taking your life for a dog.
You would do the same if one of your own beloved pets died. It's not at all stupid.

That's horrible :(. After Tink died I really didn't feel like living anymore until I looked at Roxy and saw her smile for me and then soon after we brought Lily home.

04-03-2007, 08:53 PM
:( Very sad that they thought they had nothing left to live for when Puppy died. If only they could have volunteered at their local shelter or done something else to work through their grief. One of the toughest things we have to face is how short our precious pets lives are. :(

04-04-2007, 12:29 AM
I'm so sad they made this choice. When I think of all the other lives these 2 could have made better.... If their love and devotion could have been passed on to another pet who just wanted someone to love.

I agree.

And very sad also that simply having each other was not enough.

I have to wonder if they weren't depressed almost to the point of suicide before the dog died, and perhaps they were just holding on and waiting until the old dog died. Maybe they wanted to commit suicide, but did not want to leave their dog alone.

Who knows.

04-04-2007, 01:23 AM
Everything has to die sooner or later, that's stupid taking your life for a dog.

Would you feel differently if it were an elderly couple and a bird?

It's not stupid. And just because it's supposed to be inevitable doesn't mean it doesn't affect one any less. It's about grief, about sadness, about losing the most important aspect of their life.

Regardless of anyones position on the act of suicide itself.

04-04-2007, 09:30 AM
You would do the same if one of your own beloved pets died. It's not at all stupid.
No I would not do that same, Argranade was my most speacail bird ever, I had him from a little egg, I taught him how to fly and he would follow me around the house, every single time I called his name he would fly right down to me. Sadly a few years later he got a disease, he was fighting for his life for a few days untill one night when he was laying beside me I turned out the light and just as I reached to hold him he took his last breath and died in my arms ... our hole little friendship was gone and I never wanted another pet again.

You may think it was JUST a pigeon and will never match up to a dog but that's bull **** because a pigeon can be just a good of a pet as a dog can, but for me he was better, this little pigeon had such a spirit that I'll never forget no matter what.

Did you see me hang my self? NO because I was told if you kill your self you go to hell, yeah sounds like a bunch of bull LOL but I'm not taken any chances, even if I never heard of that I would NEVER even think of taking my life for a animal.

Would you feel differently if it were an elderly couple and a bird?
No, why would I feel any different, It would be even more stupid if they took there life over a budgie, ya taking your life is wrong no matter how lovey dovey you put it, those old people must have had problems in there life and when there dog died I geuss all those problems smashed into there brain.

04-04-2007, 09:47 AM
It's not that people have nothing to live for or that people do not have a support system. It's just this overwhelming feeling of grief and sadness. It's hard to explain. I guess for those who don't understand it should feel lucky they've never felt it.

And I think for the elderly, losing something that means so much to them, can be doubly hard.

I would never had committed suicide after Maxie's death. Basically, I'd be dead by now and wouldn't be typing this.

04-04-2007, 11:21 AM
:( :(
How horrible.....

04-04-2007, 11:24 AM
Everything has to die sooner or later, that's stupid taking your life for a dog.

What I think is stupid is the fact that you feel that way.

04-04-2007, 02:08 PM
What I think is stupid is the fact that you feel that way.
I agree.

Nobody ever said a bird wasn't anything like a dog. I sob when my fish die, so are you going to say that's less important than a dog and it's stupid to cry over that?

If you had spent 13 of your last years with a beloved pet, and had only that pet and your husband or wife, and that dog meant the world to you, how do you think you would feel then? You're not going to go to hell for committing suicide, if you believe in God, and if you believe in what he does, then that right there sends you to heaven. Anyways, that's getting completely off topic, and you really had no right to say it's "stupid" about someone committing suicide over their dog.

04-04-2007, 02:28 PM
That's horriable. :(

04-04-2007, 02:38 PM

How sad.

I agree that suicide is wrong, and I think committing it because their dog died is taking it a little bit far. And no, I'm not saying that it was just a dog, it was their baby, but I still think committing suicide was taking it too far.

You would do the same if one of your own beloved pets died. It's not at all stupid.

Not many people would do the same. I've had family members die (and even pets), but I never committed suicide. Yes, it is a devastating time, but suicide is never the answer.

I mean, think of what people do to their family when they commit suicide.

It's just horrible.

04-04-2007, 04:19 PM
Sometimes its not the grief. Sometimes people are just waiting. I've had plenty of suicidal days, but who would take care of Autumn. If she died, it wouldn't be grief that killed me, it'd be the fact that there's nothing depending on me anymore, like I can go now without worrying about anybody who needs me to live. Right now I'd be fine leaving her in the hands of my mother, but not my fish, nobody but me in my family knows how to properly take care of them.

04-05-2007, 12:56 AM
Having almost succeeded at commiting suicide, I can honestly say there are a LOT of things going on inside the mind of a seriously suicidal person, things that are extremely hard to communicate to other people. Most of the time, people close to a suicidal person get confused and frustrated as they just can't understand what is inside their mind.

Maybe the dogs death was just a trigger to a bigger problem, maybe it WAS the problem who knows? Unfortuneatly no one will know :( Suicide is sad, and painful for EVERYONE no matter what the reason behind it is.

04-05-2007, 03:33 AM
That is so very sad. I can certainly understand their grief. I've still got mine after almost five months. Everyone handles it in a different way. Some people can't cope. I'm kind of saddened by some of the callous remarks I've seen here. This, of all places, should be a place where some of those things weren't said.

04-05-2007, 06:56 AM
Look the person who said it was stupid: They were old, they have had this dog for 13 years, maybe they didnt want another dog because they might die when owning this dog and it would have to go to a shelter. People who lose children often go into depression, the dog was like a child to them. They maybe didnt know how to handle their dogs death, maybe they have seen to many friends die (they are old), maybe it wasnt just the dog, maybe the dog was just the last straw.

So it is not stupid. I admit it is not clever but it was their way of handling their grief.

04-05-2007, 05:45 PM
That is very sad.

I can understand their grief and sorrow, however, I too, feel their reaction was not the way to go. Its heartbreaking. Suicide is never right. We're all going to die someday. People lose family members. They lose their spouses, parents, children. There are people in this world who lose entire families at once, due to war or earthquakes, or some other disaster. Still, there is never a reason to commit suicide.

Yes I understand that people do get hopeless. They get depressed. Sometimes depressed people cannot think straight...however, there is no reason strong enough to lose hope to the point that you just kill yourself. Anyone who has a pet knows they will die someday. Everyone who gets married knows their spouse will pass on one day, or they will pass on before the spouse. Everyone knows their parents will pass on one day. Their children, their brothers, sisters, grandparents...everyone. We're all going to die someday, and just because a loved one dies, doesn't mean we have to end our lives too.

Life goes on. If everyone committed suicide just because they lost a loved one, the whole world would be wiped out by now. We've all lost loved ones before...and I strongly believe that the love for a spouse or child/parent is generally much deeper than the love for a pet. It just doesn't compare. Until a person has a wonderful spouse or child, they cannot imagine. Even if someone loses a dear family member, one should not resort to committing suicide.

I know that we can never know how these people felt, but once again, suicide is never an answer. There is always hope in life...always light at the end of a tunnel, even though at the time of grief, we cannot see it. God pulls us out of hard times, if only we are patient.

04-05-2007, 06:26 PM
Popcornbird, those are good points but just because we know we're going to lose our loved ones, be they humans or pets, does not make it easier. And how can you know how we feel about our lost pets? The loss of Duke has hurt me more than losing my dad. So, what does that make me? Some people will probably think me a horrible person for that statement. Yes, I loved my dad dearly and would have done anything for him. Duke was my furry soulmate. I'm really upset that you think that people like me don't know true grief because I don't have kids or a spouse. I never wanted kids. And no, my animals aren't a replacement for them. I had plenty of opportunities to have a kid if I wanted one. Now, I would never do suicide like this couple did but I can surely understand their despair because I'm living it right now. As a side note, I do know what it's like to lose an almost spouse. He's very ill and doesn't want to talk to anyone. Another reason my heart is breaking. So please, don't question someone else's grief.

04-05-2007, 06:39 PM
What I think is stupid is the fact that you feel that way.
Well if you don't like the word ''stupid'' I'll put it this way,

It was plain ''FOOLISH'' ...

I agree.
Nobody ever said a bird wasn't anything like a dog. I sob when my fish die, so are you going to say that's less important than a dog and it's stupid to cry over that?

If you had spent 13 of your last years with a beloved pet, and had only that pet and your husband or wife, and that dog meant the world to you, how do you think you would feel then? You're not going to go to hell for committing suicide, if you believe in God, and if you believe in what he does, then that right there sends you to heaven. Anyways, that's getting completely off topic, and you really had no right to say it's "stupid" about someone committing suicide over their dog.
I would feel sad and pissed off but I would not go about killing my self.

I honestly don't feel sorry for that couple, I feel MORE sorry for there family having to know there own parents, grandma, cousin ect ... killed them self for a dog. There's nothing wrong with crying over a fish .. as long as you don't stuff your head in the fish tank drowning your self along with it!

People who suffer from being depressed they should seek HELP! or find somthing like a hobby to take your mind off things. If you can't handle an animal dieing the first time and want to think about KILLING YOUR SELF DON'T get another pet because you will get even more depressed when that animal dies & will have a greater chance of deing or killing your self OR just going completly crazy.

Everyone should consider an animals death before they buy one, make sure you know how you will handle it.

For me when a pet dies I get very sad about it but I always move on and start taking pictures or drawing to take my mind off the passing of a bird, I can handle moving on to a new bird very fast which is good if I want to work with them as I get older, I have to deal with many birds deing every single year ... but I can take it. This lady loved her mawcaw but he died at 40 years old from a disease .. she got so deprresed about it BUT she quickly moved on and thought about other things. Sadly not everyone takes things that easy ... I know if you had a pet for over 20 years even 15 it's very hard to take there death BUT it's somthing every pet owner will have to go threw.

04-05-2007, 06:44 PM
Well after reading all this, I will say my 2 cents worth I guess. I agree that sometimes the grief or sadness can be overwhelming and almost untamable as in that you would commit suicide or at least try. I have felt that way myself. But I would never actually do it. Anything that has loved you so much, animal or human, would never want you to end your life just because they passed on.

I am very as for this couple that they did end their life. All I can hope is that they are with their dog now. But I would never commit suicide over a pet or a relative, they would want me to live out my life and be happy.

Sadly suicide is getting more and more popular these days:(

Prairie Purrs
04-05-2007, 06:46 PM
Well if you don't like the word ''stupid'' I'll put it this way,

It was plain ''FOOLISH'' ...

I would feel sad and pissed off but I would not go about killing my self.

I honestly don't feel sorry for that couple, I feel MORE sorry for there family having to know there own parents, grandma, cousin ect ... killed them self for a dog. There's nothing wrong with crying over a fish .. as long as you don't stuff your head in the fish tank drowning your self along with it!

People who suffer from being depressed they should seek HELP! or find somthing like a hobby to take your mind off things. If you can't handle an animal dieing the first time and want to think about KILLING YOUR SELF DON'T get another pet because you will get even more depressed when that animal dies & will have a greater chance of deing or killing your self OR just going completly crazy.

I hope you never are unfortunate enough to have a close friend or family member who suffers from severe depression. As a depression sufferer, I can tell you that people with attitudes like yours make life much more difficult for those of us who have this illness.

Find a hobby to take your mind off things??? Please. Go do some research into what depression is really all about. You obviously haven't a clue.

04-05-2007, 06:50 PM
No I would not do that same, Argranade was my most speacail bird ever, I had him from a little egg, I taught him how to fly and he would follow me around the house, every single time I called his name he would fly right down to me. Sadly a few years later he got a disease, he was fighting for his life for a few days untill one night when he was laying beside me I turned out the light and just as I reached to hold him he took his last breath and died in my arms ... our hole little friendship was gone and I never wanted another pet again.

You may think it was JUST a pigeon and will never match up to a dog but that's bull **** because a pigeon can be just a good of a pet as a dog can, but for me he was better, this little pigeon had such a spirit that I'll never forget no matter what.

Did you see me hang my self? NO because I was told if you kill your self you go to hell, yeah sounds like a bunch of bull LOL but I'm not taken any chances, even if I never heard of that I would NEVER even think of taking my life for a animal.

No, why would I feel any different, It would be even more stupid if they took there life over a budgie, ya taking your life is wrong no matter how lovey dovey you put it, those old people must have had problems in there life and when there dog died I geuss all those problems smashed into there brain.

Considering the speed in which you dispose of your "pets" you are not qualified to pass judgement.

04-05-2007, 07:01 PM
Have I told you that I love your posts Kym? :)

04-05-2007, 07:04 PM
It's not so easy to take your mind off of things when you lose the love of your life, especially when that life never even had a chance to live. You've obviously never suffered depression after a pet dies.

critter crazy
04-05-2007, 07:05 PM
Have I told you that I love your posts Kym? :)he he he he he! me too Kym!!!:D

04-05-2007, 07:05 PM
Have I told you that I love your posts Kym? :)
Once or twice Cathy! By the way How are those massages? If you aren't taking advantage....I have a massage table here and I will happily be a guinea pig for the cause :p

04-05-2007, 07:10 PM
I hope you never are unfortunate enough to have a close friend or family member who suffers from severe depression. As a depression sufferer, I can tell you that people with attitudes like yours make life much more difficult for those of us who have this illness.

Find a hobby to take your mind off things??? Please. Go do some research into what depression is really all about. You obviously haven't a clue.
Actualy my dad had to leave work from suffering from depresion, he would lay in bed all the time and would not even want to go outdoors, the doctor gave him pills which made things WORSE ... later on he wen't to a better doctor and you know what he told me dad? he told him to get a hobby and start running outside, taking walks ect .. to get his mind off himself and it WORKED!

My dads sister just died a month ago, he took her death VERY well!

I know alot about being depressed ALOT, I have been threw it many times when I was growing up but now that I started art, photography my life is a hole lot better because I took my mind off thinking about my life ect .... my family had and still does have MANY fights but I'm learning to take it, my birds always make me feel better and music. There my hobby.

Considering the speed in which you dispose of your "pets" you are not qualified to pass judgement.
I have helped MORE birds than I can count, so what I buy and sell birds at least I don't abuse them .. I always make sure they go to good homes, you should see all the e-mails I get from happy familys that now have life time pets!

So lay off!

04-05-2007, 07:15 PM
Actualy my dad had to leave work from suffering from depresion, he would lay in bed all the time and would not even want to go outdoors, the doctor gave him pills which made things WORSE ... later on he wen't to a better doctor and you know what he told me dad? he told him to get a hobby and start running outside, taking walks ect .. to get his mind off himself and it WORKED!

My dads sister just died a month ago, he took her death VERY well!

I know alot about being depressed ALOT, I have been threw it many times when I was growing up but now that I started art, photography my life is a hole lot better because I took my mind off thinking about my life ect .... my family had and still does have MANY fights but I'm learning to take it, my birds always make me feel better and music. There my hobby.

I have helped MORE birds than I can count, so what I buy and sell birds at least I don't abuse them .. I always make sure they go to good homes, you should see all the e-mails I get from happy familys that now have life time pets!

So lay off!
Well what a treat dear, what I would like to see is you not disposing of them on the next unsuspecting family, doing research and not posting of so many deaths.

Purchasing at yard auctions only encourages more people to fill the demand so how are you helping?

By the way how is the Ringneck? or Army? or are those we aren't allowed to discuss again?

Abuse is in the eye of those that think they don't, I have never ever met an abusive parent or animal owner that feels they are doing anything wrong.

Prairie Purrs
04-05-2007, 07:27 PM
Actualy my dad had to leave work from suffering from depresion, he would lay in bed all the time and would not even want to go outdoors, the doctor gave him pills which made things WORSE ... later on he wen't to a better doctor and you know what he told me dad? he told him to get a hobby and start running outside, taking walks ect .. to get his mind off himself and it WORKED!

My dads sister just died a month ago, he took her death VERY well!

I know alot about being depressed ALOT, I have been threw it many times when I was growing up but now that I started art, photography my life is a hole lot better because I took my mind off thinking about my life ect .... my family had and still does have MANY fights but I'm learning to take it, my birds always make me feel better and music. There my hobby.

I'm glad that your father found something that worked for him. But I'm even more appalled that with a history of depression in your family that you would show so little sympathy for people who suffer from this illness. Instead, you chose to write something that caused me (and no doubt other Pet Talkers) a great deal of pain.

I have chronic depression, which has required hospitalization in the past. Right now one of my cats is probably dying. I come to Pet Talk for comfort, and I end up reading your callous, nasty posts.

Again, I recommend that you educate yourself before spouting off.

04-05-2007, 07:28 PM
Think this thread is taking a bad turn. This thread was talking about suicide
and depression.
Everyone may have different views on what constitutes depression severe
enough to provoke a sucide response. It might be morally wrong to some
but it is a sad reality in our culture.

04-05-2007, 07:44 PM
Well what a treat dear, what I would like to see is you not disposing of them on the next unsuspecting family, doing research and not posting of so many deaths.

Purchasing at yard auctions only encourages more people to fill the demand so how are you helping?

By the way how is the Ringneck? or Army? or are those we aren't allowed to discuss again?

Abuse is in the eye of those that think they don't, I have never ever met an abusive parent or animal owner that feels they are doing anything wrong.
The auctions I go to are very nice, people from all over Ontario go there.

There are reasons for postings of deaths, many of the birds I get in like pigeons and doves are already sick so I try to do my best and make them better again for releasing, I got some pigeons from this guy hoping they where healthy and it turned out they where almost ALL sick and I ended up having almost all of them die which was very hard.

Army was given to my friend for a birthday present, I know I said I was going to keep him but she was realy wanting a small parrot for her birthday and her parents agreed it was ok. The ringneck I got was actualy about 11 years old and I wanted to start young so I sold him to a friend breeder for only $50.

It's better to give than recieve & if you remember I buy and sell birds but I'm going to be stopping this after I sell my last batch of baby doves, lovebirds & there's still 1 inured pigeon looking for a home. Later when we move I'm going to take up falconry and hunting with them.

04-05-2007, 07:49 PM
Popcornbird, those are good points but just because we know we're going to lose our loved ones, be they humans or pets, does not make it easier. And how can you know how we feel about our lost pets? The loss of Duke has hurt me more than losing my dad. So, what does that make me? Some people will probably think me a horrible person for that statement. Yes, I loved my dad dearly and would have done anything for him. Duke was my furry soulmate. I'm really upset that you think that people like me don't know true grief because I don't have kids or a spouse. I never wanted kids. And no, my animals aren't a replacement for them. I had plenty of opportunities to have a kid if I wanted one. Now, I would never do suicide like this couple did but I can surely understand their despair because I'm living it right now. As a side note, I do know what it's like to lose an almost spouse. He's very ill and doesn't want to talk to anyone. Another reason my heart is breaking. So please, don't question someone else's grief.

Val, I never said I know, or can imagine how someone who loses a beloved pet would feel. I have had my birds for 7 1/2 years. They've been through so many changes in life with me, and I cannot imagine losing them. That being said, I know that one day, we will all have to part from our loved ones. No, of course that doesn't make it any easier, but the thought that if we're patient, we will one day join them, does.

I would never judge your feelings for Duke, and would never judge you, or anyone negatively for grieving over the loss of their pet. I know that I would be in unbearable pain if I were in that situation, but again, its not a reason to commit suicide. I was only talking about my own personal feelings, because I personally feel a good spouse is like a person's other half. At least I feel that way about my husband. The love just doesn't compare to anything else. I love my pets tremendously, but I do have loving feelings towards all members of my family, and the love for pets, though very deep, is still different.

04-05-2007, 07:56 PM
Miss Argranade,, it is people like you that make sure my rescue cages are never empty, my wallet never full. It is people like myself and many others that deal with the fallout of your "help" the birds that pluck and scream and are mentally impaired from understanding how they went from beloved pet of the week , to breeder. To raise even more unwanted animals with not enough homes. I have heard your song before from older and wiser, it still holds no water.

Try actually researching the problem you are helping. Giving your ringneck away as a breeder only ensures that more people like you (who warned that type of parrot was unsuitable) will purchase them. They will then be bought by people like you who buy with a budget and NO care for the care the animal requires. Sad but true.

Sadder still is that with your allegations of being altruistic you cannot understand the depth that an animal of any species can fill. To the point in this case of their loss not making life worth living.

My advice is you should get a hobby, reading is a good one. READ about your "beloved" birds. Learn and accept that your actions are not HELP they are harming them.

As for falconry, please do them a favor and give that idea up.

04-05-2007, 08:03 PM
OK, my two cents now...and I don't intend this to offend, put down, or "correct" anyone else.
These are just some things I've realized through my own dealings with depression.

Everyone gets depressed over one thing or another. But not everyone has a depressive disorder. A person stuck in a chronic depression, depressive episode, or spiraling deeper into depression is not going to go get help on their own.

You don't even realize that you are depressed - the entire world becomes bleak, unchanging, morbid, and everything becomes overwhelming to deal with....including relationships to people around you & things you used to care about. (been there, done that). each time you lose something you loved, it just gets worse. It really takes the effort of people who care about you, to help you get help.

There are many forms of depression. Some are situational, and after a while they lessen, so maybe hobbies & such to help one refocus will be enough to bring someone out of that kind of depression.

Then there is depression caused by chemical imbalances in the brain. No hobby is ever going to resolve this problem. There are many medications that help your body regain balance. Sometimes it takes a while for doctors to figure out what will work best for that person. It's important not to give up.

My family has a long history of depression, and I personally feel blessed to live in an age when depression is better understood. We've had family institutionalized for decades, suicides & attempted suicides, and a whole parcel of what used to be termed "crazy" behaviors over the generations.

:( It really bothers me when PTers get rude, insulting, abrasive & start posting back & forth biting commentary. This thread is about two people who loved their pet just as much as we love ours. We'll never know what else they were dealing with that would push them into such a sad ending.

RIP, Puppy, and Mr. & Mrs. I pray your families may find a way to come to peace with your decision.

04-05-2007, 08:22 PM
Miss Argranade,, it is people like you that make sure my rescue cages are never empty, my wallet never full. It is people like myself and many others that deal with the fallout of your "help" the birds that pluck and scream and are mentally impaired from understanding how they went from beloved pet of the week , to breeder. To raise even more unwanted animals with not enough homes. I have heard your song before from older and wiser, it still holds no water.

Try actually researching the problem you are helping. Giving your ringneck away as a breeder only ensures that more people like you (who warned that type of parrot was unsuitable) will purchase them. They will then be bought by people like you who buy with a budget and NO care for the care the animal requires. Sad but true.

Sadder still is that with your allegations of being altruistic you cannot understand the depth that an animal of any species can fill. To the point in this case of their loss not making life worth living.

My advice is you should get a hobby, reading is a good one. READ about your "beloved" birds. Learn and accept that your actions are not HELP they are harming them.

As for falconry, please do them a favor and give that idea up.

I already knew about ringnecks before I got another, there was no problem beside the birds age, I was lied too and was told he was 3 years old but it was wrong and I don't want an old bird which will probably die in about 10 years from the condition he was in the first place, there's nothing wrong with breeding ringecks as long as it's done properly and the breeders are thought as pets FIRST.

I do care alot about my birds and you can't say I don't.

As for this thread if you don't like my comments then block me for all I care.

As for falconry, I have already been offered a free training course, I could buy my falcon right now if I wanted but I'm waiting till we move and I get many, many lessons done. I also know a hawk is not a ''pet'', I would use it for hutning when I get my licence, not just for that but falconry has been somthing I wanted to do all my life and some comment of yours is not going to stop me.

04-05-2007, 08:25 PM
I suggest we take this to Pm or start a new thread as you seem to think still that your actions are appropriate.

04-05-2007, 08:43 PM
Everything has to die sooner or later, that's stupid taking your life for a dog.

Did you know the couple at all? Did you know of their lives? I doubt it. They may not have had any family left, they might have been depressed and ill but this dog obviously was everything to them.

You can't tell how much people have a bond with there pets, I know when Sassy leaves me, I will be depressed, very depressed. Some people can't just get a hobby and get over depression. It's a very serious illness and can take time to heal.

There are people in this world who have NOTHING but their pets to hold onto and bring joy to them, and if you aren't one of them then I suggest you don't talk and state such a rude opinion. Maybe it's just a dog to you, but to some, thier pets are their whole world.

04-05-2007, 08:46 PM
As for falconry, I have already been offered a free training course, I could buy my falcon right now if I wanted but I'm waiting till we move and I get many, many lessons done. I also know a hawk is not a ''pet'', I would use it for hutning when I get my licence, not just for that but falconry has been somthing I wanted to do all my life and some comment of yours is not going to stop me.

Don't falcons hunt other small birds? That's odd. Why would you want to use one bird to kill another? You are so proud of your "bird saving" skills, yet you want to hunt and kill them? You got SO mad at everyone when we didn't freak out and want to kill the pelican to save the pigeon it tried to eat, yet you would let loose a falcon or hawk to go kill another bird or pigeon....that's quite a contradiction.

Since I'm into dogs rather than birds, that would be like me taking my dog out to look for smaller dogs to kill.....that's kinda sick.

04-05-2007, 08:48 PM
Miss Argranade,, it is people like you that make sure my rescue cages are never empty, my wallet never full. It is people like myself and many others that deal with the fallout of your "help" the birds that pluck and scream and are mentally impaired from understanding how they went from beloved pet of the week , to breeder. To raise even more unwanted animals with not enough homes. I have heard your song before from older and wiser, it still holds no water.

Try actually researching the problem you are helping. Giving your ringneck away as a breeder only ensures that more people like you (who warned that type of parrot was unsuitable) will purchase them. They will then be bought by people like you who buy with a budget and NO care for the care the animal requires. Sad but true.

Sadder still is that with your allegations of being altruistic you cannot understand the depth that an animal of any species can fill. To the point in this case of their loss not making life worth living.

My advice is you should get a hobby, reading is a good one. READ about your "beloved" birds. Learn and accept that your actions are not HELP they are harming them.

As for falconry, please do them a favor and give that idea up.

Kym, I cannot tell you how much I agree with you. LOL, me and you seem to agree with each other alot. :)

04-05-2007, 09:22 PM
Miss Argranade,, it is people like you that make sure my rescue cages are never empty, my wallet never full. It is people like myself and many others that deal with the fallout of your "help" the birds that pluck and scream and are mentally impaired from understanding how they went from beloved pet of the week , to breeder. To raise even more unwanted animals with not enough homes. I have heard your song before from older and wiser, it still holds no water.

Try actually researching the problem you are helping. Giving your ringneck away as a breeder only ensures that more people like you (who warned that type of parrot was unsuitable) will purchase them. They will then be bought by people like you who buy with a budget and NO care for the care the animal requires. Sad but true.

Sadder still is that with your allegations of being altruistic you cannot understand the depth that an animal of any species can fill. To the point in this case of their loss not making life worth living.

My advice is you should get a hobby, reading is a good one. READ about your "beloved" birds. Learn and accept that your actions are not HELP they are harming them.

As for falconry, please do them a favor and give that idea up.

Kym, I cannot tell you how much I agree with you. LOL, me and you seem to agree with each other alot. :)
Great minds think Alike!

04-05-2007, 09:29 PM
Argranade, if you care about birds so much, then why don't you just keep an amount you can handle and not go off rescuing every bird in need. You can't save all of them, and you shouldn't try.

Edwina's Secretary
04-05-2007, 09:43 PM
I read the story and though..."How wonderful they had the dog for 13 years. The dog must have given them great happiness and a reason to live those 13 years."

04-05-2007, 10:53 PM
Did you know the couple at all? Did you know of their lives? I doubt it. They may not have had any family left, they might have been depressed and ill but this dog obviously was everything to them.

You can't tell how much people have a bond with there pets, I know when Sassy leaves me, I will be depressed, very depressed. Some people can't just get a hobby and get over depression. It's a very serious illness and can take time to heal.

There are people in this world who have NOTHING but their pets to hold onto and bring joy to them, and if you aren't one of them then I suggest you don't talk and state such a rude opinion. Maybe it's just a dog to you, but to some, thier pets are their whole world.
No I did not know them and never said I did, depression can be as long as you make it. It's those people who take the longest that need seriouse help before it's too late. Yes it does take him to heal but if killing your self comes into mind don't get another pet EVER!

Yes I do infact love my birds almost more than anything in the wolrd, there what make me feel happy every single day, I would be a looder in a box if it was not for birds and other animals. I just happen to love my life so much I think it's foolish to take your life for an animal even if your world was around them, everything has to pass one day and I think it's a wounderful thing.

Argranade, if you care about birds so much, then why don't you just keep an amount you can handle and not go off rescuing every bird in need. You can't save all of them, and you shouldn't try.
Why don't you just stop while your at it? or is that too hard for you ....

Do you honestly think if I see a little injured sparrow on the road I won't go and help it?

This is a bunch of bollocks.

Don't falcons hunt other small birds? That's odd. Why would you want to use one bird to kill another? You are so proud of your "bird saving" skills, yet you want to hunt and kill them? You got SO mad at everyone when we didn't freak out and want to kill the pelican to save the pigeon it tried to eat, yet you would let loose a falcon or hawk to go kill another bird or pigeon....that's quite a contradiction.

Since I'm into dogs rather than birds, that would be like me taking my dog out to look for smaller dogs to kill.....that's kinda sick.
Yes I was pissed off about it then but now I honestly don't care,

Yes I like saving birds but I don't mind falconry, I want to handle it and I will.

It's not sick it's nature, learning about falconry will be very hard but I'm up to the chalenge even if it means seeing birds/rabbits being killed, I have watched a few hawk hunting videos and now watching them over and over again it does not bother me. Falconry is a beautiful hobby, it's also a safe way to keep the pest population down instead of using poison which is the worst thing possible. It seems very weird I geuss because I love birds but you don't have to hunt pigeons with a Harris Hawk if you don't want to, hunting can be done from once to every day of the week but the HH has to be weighed before taking flight or it will fly off. I know it's not a pet also, these birds are never to be hugged or kissed.

Most BOP owners choose not to go after pigeons because hawks can actualy get sick from eating them, NOT saying there a dirty bird as pets .. it's hard to explain.

Now if you don't like my comments just don't read them, everyone has there own opinion on life so take or or leave it.

04-05-2007, 11:01 PM
Wait wait.....seriously....you don't mind the idea of falcons killing other birds, but when an article came out about a pelican eating a pigeon you went ballistic?

I also don't appreciate the comment about "depression can be as long as you make it". People who suffer from depression have to deal with the "get over it" attitude from outsiders all the time, and it's one of the most cruel and painful things one could say to another person....to imply that they WANT to feel that way, that they could just "Get over it" if they chose.

I really feel for this couple. I would be lost without Jasper, and I've only had him eight months...

04-05-2007, 11:05 PM
Wait wait.....seriously....you don't mind the idea of falcons killing other birds, but when an article came out about a pelican eating a pigeon you went ballistic?
The pelican seemed weird and not natural to me but I don't care now,

''NOW'' I don't CARE! then I did ... people can change there mind on things.

Sometimes people feel sorry for them selfs also then get depressed,

Anyways I'm no depresed doctor, I'm just stating my opinion.

04-06-2007, 12:03 AM
The pelican seemed weird and not natural to me but I don't care now,

''NOW'' I don't CARE! then I did ... people can change there mind on things.

Sometimes people feel sorry for them selfs also then get depressed,

Anyways I'm no depresed doctor, I'm just stating my opinion.

No but I am a Dr that deals in depression. Along with it's attributes.
Again I reiterate, you are not qualified to make blanket statements.
Seek help.

04-06-2007, 12:56 AM
I suggest we take this to Pm or start a new thread as you seem to think still that your actions are appropriate.I think a thread should be made as I have a couple things to say.

04-06-2007, 01:57 AM
I don't know the background on the couple that hung themselves, but I do know it was a sad loss. It was sad for the friends and family of the couple; a death of any sort is terrible.

One thing that keeps coming back to me as I read the news clip is the term childless couple. I really feel that this could have attributed to the immense sorrow that led to such a tragic end. Perhaps they were unable to have children and they portrayed the role of a child in their life upon their dog in. If they raised their dog for 13 years and treated it as the child that they could not have, I could not imagine the sorrow and hopelessness that his loss would cause. There are so many other factors that seem to point to this: a burial ceremony and a feast with friends. It seems that this "just a dog" was much more than a simple pet to this couple and that the loss was too much for them to handle. I’ve seen the life fade from an elderly woman’s eyes while her husband of many, many years was laid to rest. I almost feel that this dog’s death brought on similar feelings to the couple and that it was too much for them to bear.

Either way I feel that it is a tragic loss to friends and family and we will never know the reason behind their decision.

04-06-2007, 06:55 AM
No I did not know them and never said I did, depression can be as long as you make it. It's those people who take the longest that need seriouse help before it's too late. Yes it does take him to heal but if killing your self comes into mind don't get another pet EVER!

Yes I do infact love my birds almost more than anything in the wolrd, there what make me feel happy every single day, I would be a looder in a box if it was not for birds and other animals. I just happen to love my life so much I think it's foolish to take your life for an animal even if your world was around them, everything has to pass one day and I think it's a wounderful thing.

Depression is not "as long as you make it". Come to think of it, my brother has a form of depression, but I'm not sure what it is. He got it after he went to Iraq because he said he was so shocked by the brutal deaths of his friends and some people in his unit. If depression was as long as you make it, then people could just stop being depressed whenever they wanted and for the most part that isn't true at all for this illness.

I see you love your birds, but they aren't the world to you like some peoples pets.

I just happen to love my life so much I think it's foolish to take your life for an animal even if your world was around them
That might be to you, but people have different opinions, you don't understand someone's postion until you've been in it and I'm sure if you were in it then you wouldn't be spouting such bologna. Some people, although it is sad, don't believe they belong in this world and they have no one except their pets. They have no family or friends and their pets mean EVERYTHING to them, and I'm just assuming this couple was one of those people. I also agree with cmayer13's post. It's beautifully written.

And really, you don't want to even get me started on why you choose to do falconry. :rolleyes:

04-06-2007, 10:02 AM
Why don't you just stop while your at it? or is that too hard for you ....

Do you honestly think if I see a little injured sparrow on the road I won't go and help it?

This is a bunch of bollocks.

I'm not the one that thinks killing other birds is okay. I could stop this anytime I want to, but I think you're the one that needs to stop and you're the one that needs help.

No, but you don't have to go out of your way to auctions to, "rescue" as you call it, birds. :rolleyes:

04-06-2007, 10:49 AM
It really bothers me when PTers get rude, insulting, abrasive & start posting back & forth biting commentary. This thread is about two people who loved their pet just as much as we love ours. We'll never know what else they were dealing with that would push them into such a sad ending.

RIP, Puppy, and Mr. & Mrs. I pray your families may find a way to come to peace with your decision.

I agree. :) Dr Goodnow, In what field was your doctorate earned and
when? Thanks.

04-06-2007, 11:02 AM
I don't know the background on the couple that hung themselves, but I do know it was a sad loss. It was sad for the friends and family of the couple; a death of any sort is terrible.

One thing that keeps coming back to me as I read the news clip is the term childless couple. I really feel that this could have attributed to the immense sorrow that led to such a tragic end. Perhaps they were unable to have children and they portrayed the role of a child in their life upon their dog in. If they raised their dog for 13 years and treated it as the child that they could not have, I could not imagine the sorrow and hopelessness that his loss would cause. There are so many other factors that seem to point to this: a burial ceremony and a feast with friends. It seems that this "just a dog" was much more than a simple pet to this couple and that the loss was too much for them to handle. I’ve seen the life fade from an elderly woman’s eyes while her husband of many, many years was laid to rest. I almost feel that this dog’s death brought on similar feelings to the couple and that it was too much for them to bear.

Either way I feel that it is a tragic loss to friends and family and we will never know the reason behind their decision.

I agree with you. I also find it so very sad. I am not going to pass judgement on these people, who am I to do so? Not may place, I just feel sad for them that they truly seemed to feel this was their only option.

For those who would like to pass judgement on them, you ought to rethink your position as you never know when life might take a horrible turn for you, and you wouldn't want to be shown what kind of sorrow could cause someone to act out that way.

04-06-2007, 11:13 AM
My first PhD. was in 94 and it is as a Social Scientist. I hold several lesser degrees in social work and theology.

Since I am a sucker for punishment, I intend to pursue some post doctorate classes this fall. :)

04-06-2007, 04:21 PM
My first PhD. was in 94 and it is as a Social Scientist. I hold several lesser degrees in social work and theology.

Since I am a sucker for punishment, I intend to pursue some post doctorate classes this fall. :)

I was going to do a PhD in bricklaying once, but the Uni never had such a course....so I figured I must have been too intelligent for them to handle.

04-06-2007, 04:26 PM
I was going to do a PhD in bricklaying once, but the Uni never had such a course....so I figured I must have been too intelligent for them to handle.

Lol the only people that my PhDs or any of the other degrees ever impressed was my Grandma, it gave her bragging rights aher canasta games with the girls...........she would always say My Grandaughter is DOCTOR!!!! then get mad at me because I wasn't THAT kind of Dr. :rolleyes:

04-06-2007, 04:36 PM
This is so sad. I can understand the grief of losing a pet. If a person had no one else in the world I can maybe see how this could happen. They had each other though, and it's just such a shame that they couldn't carry on, and give their love to another animal in need of a home.

04-06-2007, 06:19 PM
So very sad. I hope he and his dog are now reunited. WFLA weatherman committed suicide.
Here's his guest book