View Full Version : Update on Bella the 5 month old feral

04-03-2007, 09:50 AM
If you guys remember a little while ago I mentioned I was trying to gain the trust of a little black feral that we have been feeding. I wanted to gain her trust quickly as I want to get her spayed before she goes into her first heat.

Well......she is coming around very well. I can pet her sometimes as long as it is slowly and gently. She has a play session atleast once a day with one of those great canadian catnip mice that Gary sent to us. She loves it. And also yesterday she allowed me to pick her up which was a huge thing as I was able to get her treated with frontline combo. She was infested.

So...as long as things keep progressing well we are playing on having her spayed sometime early next month. She is now growing. Which she was not doing much before but now she is starting to look about the right size for her age. She still has little tiny footsies though. I think she is going to be a little kitty. And she is filling out nicely. She talks to me now and comes to me almost always when I call her. She stays very close either in our garden or the neighbors and she sleeps in the old dog house here that I put blankets in for her. So she can stay nice and warm at night and is well feed now.

I will post some pics and a video I took of her in a bit. I need to get the batteries charged for my camera and then upload them.

So stay tuned. I will update the thread title when I get them uploaded.

Laura's Babies
04-03-2007, 10:13 AM
Great job! Am waiting for the pictures and video!

04-03-2007, 03:57 PM
;) Hey congrats Michelle.. Good to hear this wittle girl is getting closer to you.. Thanks for caring & working with her..

04-03-2007, 06:12 PM
I Am Still Trying To Gain Felicias Trust So I Can Poof Her.
She Comes She Eats And Then She Leaves.
I Pray That We Can Help These Two Little Girls To Safety.

04-03-2007, 07:17 PM
Aw, Baby Bella, what good news! she is learning that humans can be trusted. Keep up the good work!

As I was reading, I thought, "OF COURSE she is looking her age now. She is getting regular feedings and lots of luvin'!"