View Full Version : Competition time.....

Pawsitive Thinking
04-03-2007, 06:04 AM
What's the best thing you have ever won?

I have yet to win a thing but I guess taking part in the odd competition would help - so I'm going have a go at a few. Will let you know when I start raking in the prizes.......

Killearn Kitties
04-03-2007, 06:45 AM
I never do competitions either, or the pools, or the lottery, so I can't report any big monetary wins. Any wins I have had have been raffle prizes - toiletries, notelets, bottles of wine etc.

Probably my most impressive freebie was U2's The Joshua Tree. Kit Kat were running a competition where you filled in that name of a CD that you wanted on the back on a wrapper and they would send out 1000 a month, or something like that. I filled in The Joshua Tree and it dropped through my letterbox a couple of weeks later! I was impressed!

04-03-2007, 06:58 AM
A home security system from ADT. It was just the installation that was free but I think that alone is something like $200 or so...not a bad deal.

I don't win things often...

04-03-2007, 07:27 AM
Hmmmm like a lottery thing, or a prize based on talents?

Lottery type thing, I won a drawing at the local department store for a $500 gift certificate. I was only 16 so it was a HUGE deal to me.

Talent based prizes, my two favorites are DMC's national needlework design competition, where I placed third. and the interior design competition where I placed 3rd my first year and 1st my second year..... that one yeilded $1000 which was my downpayment on my first "real" car! :D

Laura's Babies
04-03-2007, 08:50 AM
I never win anything! My brother won $10,000 one time and didn't even remember entering the contest!Had a aunt that won a brand new car.

My luck is that if it is a raffel, I can buy all but one chance and the person who bought that one chance will win. So I have learned to save my money or if it is for a good cause, I "donate" to that cause.

Maya & Inka's mommy
04-03-2007, 10:09 AM
On my last year in highschool, we had an assignement. We were supposed to explain everything about the European Economic Union (was pretty new then). We wanted to enter our work into a national competition! Guess what....

My group (4 girls) won the first price in the category "groups"! I went with my parents to Brussels , I was called on stage ( :eek: ), and received 10 very good books. I was soooooo proud!!

Later we found out that Bernard was in the same competition and he had won a prize for "single" category!! What a coincidence hey!!

04-03-2007, 10:27 AM
Last year I won an expensive ceramic dish at a bingo bash. I don't usually win stuff, so it was exciting.

Talent-wise I was a majorette in high school and our squad won first place at a state-wide competition. Exciting times! :D