View Full Version : I think I'm going to snap.

04-02-2007, 11:20 PM
I really don't feel so hot. I can litterly feel my blood boiling.

VISA kept dicking me around. They would say one thing, & I would obey. Then they wouldn't hold up their end & I'd get screwed... Its finally gotten to the point that they have suspended my account randomly. I had no clue it was going to happen... They also suspended my bank account, so my car payment bounced again.

I just opened my Car Insurance Bill & to find out they raised my car insurance again.

Just guess how much?

ok I'll tell you what I paid last month about $450.00 & thats bloody insane (I have a clean record!!!!!)... This month it went up by $400.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

^%&^%#$^@%#$@#$^@%$#%^@ How the heck am I going to afford $857.19!!!!!

I'm balling my eyes out cause I don't understand that the hell is going on. My life it totally ruined. I'm going to loose my car, which means I cannot get into work, which means no more pay cheque & even if I get a pay cheque, I have no way of cashing it. so its totally usless anyways....

I thought everything was going ok too.. then ya... didn't see any of this coming at all...

Starving felt a whole lot better then I feel right now.

04-02-2007, 11:32 PM
This may seem to have nothing to do with any of this - but did you manage to get your benefits sorted out yet?

I am really surprised that Samsung wouldn't do that...

No, it won't change Visa or anything else...but I know you wanted to look at getting benefits so you could get a bit of medical help.

Please pursue that if you can - as I tell people, "Life doesn't get better - but I do." And that makes all the difference.


04-02-2007, 11:35 PM
This may seem to have nothing to do with any of this - but did you manage to get your benefits sorted out yet?

I am really surprised that Samsung wouldn't do that...

No, it won't change Visa or anything else...but I know you wanted to look at getting benefits so you could get a bit of medical help.

Please pursue that if you can - as I tell people, "Life doesn't get better - but I do." And that makes all the difference.


Couldn't afford it... I'm not an employee of Samsung, I work for an angency, thats why I don't get the Samsung benifts, or the pay...

A clerk at McDonalds makes more then I do.

My work load was just increased to impossible... Matt & I got no where today & we were both nearly pulling our hair out...

I'm extreamly stressed out.

04-03-2007, 10:26 AM
A clerk at McDonalds makes more then I do. Well, that's food for thought, isn't it???? (pardon the pun) At least there, you wouldn't go hungry.

My work load was just increased to impossible
If you work for a third party agency, can't you go back to them and have them send you on another job that is not so stressful?

I know this thread isn't about the job, but if you are happy at a job it makes everything else easier to deal with.

04-03-2007, 10:41 AM
Oh Jess, I'm so sorry. It had sounded like things were starting to pick up for you too. I thought you had the insurance stuff all worked out? Can you call the insurance company and work something out? Did you pay last month's bill? I just thought that if you hadn't paid the last bill, maybe the current bill is for last month and this month. ((((hugs))))

04-03-2007, 10:44 AM
Call Visa. Also call a credit agency, ask for help in managing your debt so that you can consolidate and get reduced payments. You need your car to be abe to work. Explain that, talk to the insurance company. Maybe declaring bankrupcy would help at this point? I don't know the Canadian laws around such things, but there's got to be a way around all this.

Don't give up hope!

04-03-2007, 11:26 AM
Stop and take a step back. Credit agencies do not suspend you for "no reason". Even if the reason is a mistake, there is always a reason. Finding out that reason will bring you one step closer to fixing the problem. Are you paying your bills? Are you sending in the money with enough time so that they don't recieve your payments late? Is your account information right on your checks so that Visa and your auto insurance company are actually getting your money? I know that it seems like things are falling apart but the harder you try to be objective the easier you will be able to get things done.

Call VISA. The person on the other end of the phone is working FOR YOU. Their job is to help you figure out what is going on. Ask them specifically why certain things happen. "I'm trying to find out why on this date, this thing happened." "Why are you doing this to me???" Is not going to get the response you need. Tell them that you would like a statement in writing explaining why this this and this happened on this this and this date.

Try the same thing with your auto insurance company. Try your hardest not to get emotional and give them specific dates and events so that they can go look into your history and explain why these things are happening...

I have to go, I'll add more later.
Hang in there :) It will get better!!

04-03-2007, 11:40 AM
Remember that it is nothing personal. The actions that the companies take are based on information that they have received from somewhere. They don't know *you*, they know your account and spending habits based on the best info that they have.

Example: Over the past few months I have received over $4000 in bills from my "insurance" company. At first I was hysterical wondering how on earth I was goingt o come up with that kind of money. After doing some digging we discovered that the entire mixup was due to them having typed in *one* digit of my husband's social security number wrong on the claims. They weren't denying the claims because they didn't like me or because I had done something wrong, they were denying the claims because they were getting bad info. When they tried to look up my eligibility they would draw a blank because they were looking up the WRONG PERSON. Once we figured that out we were able to correct the mistake and made every one of the bills dissapear. This obviosuly isn't going to make any previous credit card debt dissapear, but it could help you figure out why they are suspending your account. Look over every inch of your bill. If anything doesn't add up or if one letter of your name is spelled wrong, let them know.

You can get to the bottom of it :) Like Karen said, you can also try an agency that deals with consolidating debt. You *can* do this.

04-03-2007, 11:50 AM
Example: Over the past few months I have received over $4000 in bills from my "insurance" company. At first I was hysterical wondering how on earth I was goingt o come up with that kind of money. After doing some digging we discovered that the entire mixup was due to them having typed in *one* digit of my husband's social security number wrong on the claims. They weren't denying the claims because they didn't like me or because I had done something wrong, they were denying the claims because they were getting bad info. When they tried to look up my eligibility they would draw a blank because they were looking up the WRONG PERSON. Once we figured that out we were able to correct the mistake and made every one of the bills dissapear. This obviosuly isn't going to make any previous credit card debt dissapear, but it could help you figure out why they are suspending your account. Look over every inch of your bill. If anything doesn't add up or if one letter of your name is spelled wrong, let them know.

That is a good point, and you would be surprised how often things like that happen. When hubby and I were first married we rented a townhouse. One month we got an eviction notice on our door for nonpayment. I knew I had paid the bill, so I called right away. Turns out there was someone a few units down with the same last name, and the landlord had credited our rent checks to that person, so we were showing up as not having paid those months. Sometimes it can be a simple mistake that can be worked out quickly.

Daisy and Delilah
04-03-2007, 12:04 PM
These situations don't happen without a reason. Is this the whole story? It seems that part of the story may be missing from your description of events. Honestly, it makes little or no sense that anyone would treat you like this without reason.

You are the only one that can help get this cleared up. Take the advice that people have given and go with it. :)

04-03-2007, 12:13 PM
Look at this. I am serious. I am sure you would qualify.

Your meds are paid for, you are allowed to work a bit, and you can move forward when you and your health are back on your feet.

Please check it out and give yourself a break!
