View Full Version : I am sick of these things!

Laura's Babies
04-02-2007, 05:39 PM
Everything you buy come with some sort of secutity stuff to make it harder to steal and those plastic packages are the worlds worst! There HAS to be a better way to package things than in those to make it easier to get into once you get it home. It takes forever to get into them and if you don't have scissors or something sharp, you just as well take it back to the store!

I recently bought a new monitor for my computer and it was wrapped in some sort of black wire all the way around it with some sort of security thing on it. I was shocked that they didn't take it off at the store and asked the girl to take it off... She said she couldn't... I got it home and had to cut it off with wire cutters and this thing started screetching, extreemly loud.. I had to put it outside and that thing screetched for a good 12 hours and the light on it blinked for a good 3 days!! I will not ever buy anything else with that on there unless they WILL cut it off in the store!

Thieves have brought the world to this and I am SICK of it!

Lady's Human
04-02-2007, 05:41 PM
I wouldn't go back to that particular store, and would definitely speak with the manager. Security devices should be removed or deactivated before the item leaves the store.

04-02-2007, 05:45 PM
I bought my middle nephew a video game one Christmas, and the kid at the register didn't remove the plastic "security" package on it. Thankfully, my brother (not Lady's Human - other brother) took it as a personal challenge, and dismantled the hard outer plastic within a couple minutes with the leatherman tool he always has in his pocket.

This was a minute after I said "I do still have the receipt, I can take it back and have them remove the packaging ..."

I also once spent an uncomfortable Easter because the saleswoman had removed just one of the two "security tags" from the dress I had bought - right under my left armpit. (Thankfully the dress had a 'jacket' that covered it.) The darn thing didn't beep when I was LEAVING the store, or I would have known then - but it sure did when I brought it back to have them remove it!

04-02-2007, 05:47 PM

I work at BB&B and we have those kinds of security tags you're talking about. The salesgirl obviously didn't know what she was doing, as there is a device that will unlock the security tag. I'd go back to the store and complain.

I know they can be annoying, but if you only KNEW the lengths thieves go to steal the stuff, you'd understand.

Cinder & Smoke
04-02-2007, 06:07 PM
It was wrapped in some sort of black wire all the way around it
with some sort of security thing on it.

I got it home and had to cut it off with wire cutters and this thing
started screeching, extremely loud.

... that thing screeched for a good 12 hours and
the light on it blinked for a good 3 days!!

Well, now you know what it SHOULD have done as you walked out of the store!

Salesperson really *goofed* up ... that Security Pack she "couldn't remove"
WAS worth a lot of money - and was "supposed" to be re-usable! :eek:
She should have had a mechanical "key" to unlock the wires so the whole thing
could be removed and saved. They also must have had the door trigger system turned off -
it's "supposed" to *trip* the package alarm if you leave the store with it still attached.

So much for High Security!

04-02-2007, 06:36 PM
Sadly I do see why these things are necessary in today's world. I share
your feelings on the hard plastic coverings though. They cannot be removed
by human hands. :rolleyes: The security tag thingy should have been taken
off at the register.

Laura's Babies
04-03-2007, 09:06 AM
Moosmon, I use to work at K-Mart and I was amazed at WHO steals and the ways they have of stealing. People use their babies in strollers to hide things they want to steal and their older kids to hide things, then fight like crazy when you try to stop them. I know what a problem shoplifting is but I am fed up with how the rest of us are inconvienced because of what a few people do! There has to be a better way, #1 a lot stiffer penalty for the crime.

04-03-2007, 09:42 AM
I work in a company that produces products in those plastic packages (referred to as Clamshell Packaging), and it definately done as a theft deterrant, especially on smaller and easy to pocket items. And, as much of a pain in the butt it is, it helps with loss prevention to the retaillers, which in turn keeps them from passing the losses on to the consumer (in theory ;)).

Theres a whole set of different pieces that go into a retaillers loss prevention/theft prevention program:

- Theres physical deterrents , such as clamshell and theft deterrent packaging, dye and alarm tags that can be removed by the retailler, as well as alarm sticker tags (the two main vendors are Sensormatic and Checkpoint) - ever notice those stickers on the inside of boxes? Those are deactivated when the item is passed over the deactivation pad near the till (the one that normally says 'dont put your credit cards here'). Have you ever gone through the doors to a store and set of the alarm on the way in? Its possible that something you have on you has an active antitheft sticker still on it.

- Theres surveillance equipment and staff - CCTV systems, video recorders, etc. that are monitoring both the customers and the store staff in many locations. This helps to reduce both internal and external theft, works as a deterrent, and can be provided as evidence. Theres often plain clothes security staff patrolling larger stores like walmart, etc. watching the customers to see if anyone is trying anything underhanded.

- Theres transaction monitoring - this is where the transaction data from all registers and all stores that has taken place during the day is taken back to a centralized location, and processed into a database (this is common with larger retaillers). Now, certain trends are monitored, such as multiple returns to the same credit card (customer theft attempts of stolen items), multiple returns using the same receipt numbers, multiple returns by a single cashier for cash with no receipts (internal theft prevention), and the list goes on and on.

These are only a part of the things that retaillers do to help with a loss prevention strategy.

And on a side note, yes i totally agree that those darn clamshell packages are a right pain in the rear to open. One of the tricks is to get a pair of scissors, open them and use one blade to slice down beside the seams on the back of the package (the back of the package is almost always the flat part of the package, where the front is usually bubbled up) - top and sides - which usually allows you to open the entire back flap off the package and get at the goods.

04-03-2007, 09:46 AM
I work at an office supply store on weekends and there are definitely keys to unlock those things before you leave the store. I agree that the salesperson just didn't have a clue. I would find out the name of their regional mgr and speak to them directly as that was a horrible thing to put you thru. If she didn;t know what to do it isn;t all that big of a deal to ask for help from a manager or something....

I hate the plastic packages as well. I have recieved so many cuts from trying to get into that stuff. It's dangerous!

04-03-2007, 11:27 AM
I bought some products at Walmart and got cut bad opening up those heavy duty plastics for protection.And I also cut up the product itself a couple times.Of course I brought them back showing them my cut hand! :rolleyes:

But that must of scared you hearing that noise so loud when you opened it.I'm sorry I chuckled but I can picture you running outside with it while thing is blaring away with loud noises.

04-03-2007, 08:53 PM
I hate those things myself...you need a blowtorch to get into them. But I take it with a grain of salt..and a giggle on occasion.
I got my neice a Barbie last Christmas. Three adults later we finally managed to get it out...only to find the girl was tied down to the inside packaging like she was in a psycho ward !!! :rolleyes: Each leg had two ties each, each arm had one, one around the neck and one around the waist! That had nothing to do with security..I assume to keep it from shifting in shipping.
Another funny thing that happened was we lost something in the car under the seat. Of course the flashlight had dead batteries so we stepped into a hardware place and bought batteries in the "clamshell" packaging. I knew I'd never get it open without any tools so I asked the cashier if she could cut it open with scissors...her response.."Oh no. They don't let us near sharp objects here." ROFL!! :eek:

04-04-2007, 09:44 PM
I agree, much of the new packaging is a pain. It's not only the clamshell stuff, but small things too. Every individual little item is vaccumed packed & sealed for all eternity! My poor mom had to open some pain meds when she was going thru chemo. Her hands were so numb, she couldn't feel anything, so she couldn't use sissors. I walked in and she was trying to pry an aluminum foilpak open with a big screwdriver. It broke my heart, she was so upset. :( I think sometimes the packing is too adult-proof.

04-04-2007, 10:45 PM
I totally understand the security devices. I used to catch shoplifters. These people had a baby in a big stroller. Took a lot of Levi's jeans and hid them in the stroller and under the baby. If they had only taken one more pair, they would have been charged with grand theft.

I would take the dismantled security device back to the store and complain. They are very expensive and reusable.