View Full Version : Such a busy puppy....pics

04-02-2007, 03:04 PM
WOoo PT,

I had another busy weekend. I've started just jumping the truck when Mom opens the door. Almost all the time she says "Oh, Ok, you can come." I've been going all sorts of places! :D

On Saturday I went with Mom to a dog sled race. There were hundreds of dogs there! I had to stay in the truck until the racing was over. Mom didn't want me bugging any working dogs. After I got to wander around and meet some new people. One musher guy told Mom that I am gonna be a lead dog. That sounds like fun! Mom didn't get any pictures of me at the race though.

Saturday nite, I went partying with Mom and Dad! There was a bunch of people there and some other cool stuff! There was one other dog there, but Katie didn't like me very much. She told me off and we agreed to just ignore each other.
I saw my very first bonfire. It was very interesting. It was -17C that night so the fire was good for staying toasty warm. Plus people were eating stuff around it and there was good yummies on the ground!
Mom brought a bag of treats for me. When I was a good puppy and kept my paws on the ground, I got a treat. I even shared them with Katie, cuz I'm nice!

Yesterday we stayed home mostly.
I tried to get Anvik to play with me, but he had an attitude yesterday. He just wouldn't play with me!
Fortunately, I have lots of brothers who will play with me!
Muskwa is fun to play with. He lets me win when we wrestle! He's the boss dog of all of us! Mom says he's always liked pupppies!
He's fun, even though he's kinda old!

Tomorrow, I have to go the vet. I'm getting spayed. I have no idea what that means, but Mom says it's a good thing! She says I'll have to be quiet for awhile afterwards. I don't think so! :p


04-02-2007, 03:10 PM
;) Awee just look at these cute babies & playing.. Adorable

04-02-2007, 03:16 PM
what a nice weekend you had........

glad you can rely on good ol´Muskwa to play when Anvi doesn´t feels good...... you sure have lotsa bros all lovely and you are such a good girl i also have a nice feeling about you and the sled thing......

just listen to mommy and be "quiet" for a while after your spay...... you´ll be back to fun in no time ;)

04-02-2007, 03:17 PM
What cute pictures.Looks like Tehya enjoyed the party. :)

04-02-2007, 03:28 PM
What a busy weekend! You sure are a cute lil puppy! Good luck on your spay! :D

04-02-2007, 03:46 PM
WOOOOO Tehya! It looks like you had fun at the bonfire! I'm glad you have such a heavy, fluffy coat to keep you warm. -17 Celsius is pretty cold! That would be staying-indoors weather in Chicago. I'll be thinking of you for your vet visit. And I hope you can rest after your spaying, although you are quite the busy girl! I love your WOOOOO e-mails! I am definitely a Tehya fan! Good luck at the vet, sweety!

04-02-2007, 03:49 PM
Ohh I just Loooooooove this one!

Tehya sure has a fun filled life!!
It's good to have play buddies all around you!!

04-02-2007, 03:58 PM
What a BEAUTY! I've been MIA and missed her intro....I think I'm in love. :p
Good luck with your sir-jury, sweetie!!
I LOVE the pic Angie posted too.... :)

Ginger's Mom
04-02-2007, 04:03 PM
The pictures of Tehya and Muskwa together are children's storybook perfect (the last one is hilarious :D ). You have got to do something with these, Tamara. :)

Good luck with your spey tomorrow, Tehya. I am sure you will be fine you are in such good condition. Just make sure you listen to Mom and take it easy for a couple of day, alright?

04-02-2007, 05:04 PM
Wow Tehya, you have a busy life! You are such a pretty girl. Good thoughts coming for your spay :)

04-02-2007, 07:00 PM
Wow, you get to do a lot of fun things sweetie. :) I'll bet you love being
mom's driving sidekick. Love these pictures. :)

Cinder & Smoke
04-02-2007, 07:14 PM

Hi God!

Hope You've got da Flannel Skrubbies all pressed anna Fur-Lined Halo Hat wiffa ear flapperz
reddy fur tumorrow ... You're due inna Yukon fur Tehya's spay-job!
Prolly not gonna be all that toasty "warm" ... better ask Tubby & Peanut to
keep da heater on inna Silver Klowd Express!

All us Pet Talkers are gettin kinda "FOND" of lil Tehya ...
so's You'll be gettin a LOTTA Prayer Calls tanite at BigBed tyme askin fur You
to take *speschul care* of the Lil Cutie durrin da Sir Jury.

Do Your Best ta tell her to Mynd da Zippur ... might wann start her off wiffa
Not-Bite thingy so she duzint get any bad habbitz onna way home.
An please tell dat Dummie Anvik not to try "helpin" her wiffa Zippur!

Oh ... maybe You could give Momma Tamara sumpin ta DO tumorrow ...
keep her mynd offa da lil Kid atta Hoppsbittle.
Send her ober to da Shelter ... just to *check* onna inmates. http://petoftheday.com/i/our_smilies/wink.gif


/s/ the Prayer Pups

04-02-2007, 07:38 PM
Tehya what a super fun time it looks like you had this weekend. You are such a special little girl to have been scooped up by such a great Mom. I bet you never thought you would have so many brothers to play with. Good luck with the surgery, all will be well. :)

04-02-2007, 08:01 PM
dont you ever stop with the Tehya pictures! lol I love her, she is so adorable!

04-02-2007, 08:14 PM
Your threads always put a huge smile on my face, Tehya! Looks like you had a great time the other day!! Bon fires are fun! Good look with the spay- it wont feel so good right after, but dont worry, its worth it!!

04-02-2007, 09:42 PM
We can tell from your adventures that you are getting to be one of your mom's favorites, Theya! What fun it must have been to go to the bonfire party! Playing with Muskwa looks like a lot of fun, sweetie. Be good after your spay, listen to mommy, and you'll be back out there with all your siblings quick as a flash!

04-02-2007, 11:02 PM
Ohh I just Loooooooove this one!

Tehya sure has a fun filled life!!
It's good to have play buddies all around you!!

ME TOO! Nuthin' like a puppy heine up in the air!!! SO SO CUTE!

04-02-2007, 11:28 PM
She's such a pretty girl! :) I will pray that everything goes well with her spay! :D

Cinder & Smoke
04-03-2007, 12:00 PM
<begins pacing>
<looks at clock>

Nutz! Only 10:00 am Yukon Time ... too early to hear anything.

Hope the White Coats know to be CAREFUL with "our" Tehya!

{{{Hugs}}} to Mom.

04-03-2007, 12:30 PM
What a doll! I love that play bow pose. :D

finn's mom
04-03-2007, 12:39 PM
She sure has a fun life! I hope she's doing all right today. :)

Killearn Kitties
04-03-2007, 02:07 PM
Woooooo Tehya! You have been having such a great time! Brothers to play with, yummies on the ground, life just doesn't get any better! :D

Hope all is well with you today sweetie.

04-03-2007, 02:20 PM
< looks at clock and frets with Phred >

WOOOOO Tehya ... 2:20 PM in Chicago, 2 hours ahead... how did you do at the vet's?

04-03-2007, 03:08 PM
Tehya, the more I read about you and see your pics, the more I love you! You are just a doll. If you have that much personality in the pics, no telling how much you have in real life. I'm sorry that one dog didn't like you but I'm glad you had fun and treats. Those pics of you playing are just too cute.

04-03-2007, 04:59 PM
Awe, what beautiful dogs.

04-03-2007, 05:10 PM
Oh Tehya, I am still alughing at the first image you described. Truck door opens, flash as you race by and jump in; Mom: what?? OH! well, OK! Ha ha. You sure do know how to get what you want! what a good girl. Love reading your missives.

04-03-2007, 07:53 PM
Tehya is home from her spay. She's very sedate, but otherwise well. She's laying on the couch doing her very best pathetic face!

She did puke up a BUNGY CORD just before the surgery! I have no idea where she got that! The vet was kind enough to save it. I'll see if Stuart knows where it came from when he gets home.

She has no external stitches. All the stitches are internal which should reduce the chances of chewing out. I have a small e-collar for her if she needs it. Our bite-not collar is way too big for her! She's too dopey to chew right now!

04-03-2007, 08:39 PM
She did puke up a BUNGY CORD just before the surgery! I have no idea where she got that! The vet was kind enough to save it. I'll see if Stuart knows where it came from when he gets home. :eek: That's scarey, good thing it came up & out instead of down, it might not have gotten "through". That's an amazing thing to eat, who would have thunk it?

After Sherman's little episode eating his food scoop & the check I left for the petsitter, I worry a good bit about what else he might get into. Thanks Tehya, now we'll add "bungy cords" to our watch-list!

Glad her spay went well, hope she leaves her itchy stichies alone!

04-03-2007, 08:54 PM
Glad to see you home Tehya!! Rest well and heal fast since your my fave dogs Hunny!

Hugs to you and your Mom and big husky belly rubs all round!

Cinder & Smoke
04-03-2007, 09:42 PM
She did puke up a BUNGY CORD just before the surgery! :eek:

She has no external stitches.
All the stitches are internal which should reduce the chances of chewing out.

She's too dopey to chew right now!

A BUNGY Cord??? :confused:
Did it have the metal HOOKS on each end? ~~~ How'd she DO that?

Hate to say it, but there's probably a few more out in the yard ... those things are used
by just about everybody ... and they fall off all the time.
NEVER heard of a Pup swallowing a Bungy Cord! :rolleyes:

And "INternal Stitches"?
Makes one wonder "How'd they DO that?"

God musta been there ... I guess they let Him "close"!

"Too dopey to chew NOW" ... Who's going to take the 4:00 am Puppy Watch?

04-04-2007, 10:25 AM
WOOOOOO Tehya! I am so glad to know you're done with surgery! Take it easy today, sweetheart.

Cinder & Smoke
04-04-2007, 01:39 PM
Well ... How's the lil B&W Cute-Face doing today?
Did anybody get any sleep last night?

Almost noon ...
I'll bet Tehya has already taken her first Fast Lap around the yard already! :eek:

Oh ... How's the Bungy Cord Investigation going?
Any leads on where it might have come from?
And has a "search" been made for any MORE of the things?

Best Wishes for a Speedy Recovery!

04-04-2007, 03:28 PM
Well ... How's the lil B&W Cute-Face doing today?
Did anybody get any sleep last night?

Oh ... How's the Bungy Cord Investigation going?
Any leads on where it might have come from?
And has a "search" been made for any MORE of the things?

She slept like a little log. Didn't want out of her kennel til 7am, which is when she usually gets let out anyway. She's outside right now, lounging in the woodpile. She's still more sedate than usual, but I think the big dogs are enjoying a break from being chewed on! She did walk to the door hanging off Anvik's neck as she always does. She's lucky he's a patient, gentle boy! The vet sent home four days of pain control meds for her.

No clues on the bungy cord yet.

Cinder & Smoke
04-04-2007, 03:38 PM
She's still more sedate than usual ...
She did walk to the door hanging off Anvik's neck as she always does.

She's lucky he's a patient, gentle boy!

Hey Anvik ~

Enjoy the relative Peace & Quiet while you can! ;)

The B&W Terror will be back to 'normal' by tomorrow! :eek:
